He has never heard of the names of the Wu family and the Wang family, but this old slave seems to respect the realm of the four gods, and this family is not a top power.

Uncle Wu took the black fire stick and stepped forward to shout.

"Old man Wu's family attendant, I don't know which master is in front of me, and I hope to show my noble hand, let me go for now."

"It turned out to be Senior Wu, and we are descendants of the Wang family. These days, we have resisted many monsters for the Wu family, so that we have suffered unreasonable disasters. Now we come here to collect some interest. Benevolent, if you think about it, you won't let my Wang family be your shield for nothing, right?"

In the distance, several voices came coldly, and they responded in a very bad tone. This was the enmity between the two families, and Li Xiaobai could hear the entanglement between the two.

The Wu family and the Wang family are neighbors, and the relationship has never been harmonious, but there have been no major incidents over the years, but a strange thing happened recently. The Wu family is always inexplicably attacked by monsters, which is unprecedented. I have seen it before, and the monster beasts that came to attack seemed to go crazy, fearless of death, and the scale was getting bigger and bigger.

As the neighbors of the Wu Clan, the Wang family naturally suffered from indiscriminate disasters. From the perspective of geographical location, the Wang family's territory is just in front of the Wu Clan. Whenever the Yao Clan launches a charge, the Wang family will inevitably be implicated, and it will take a long time. Yes, there were a lot of casualties, and the prejudice against the Wu clan was naturally getting deeper and deeper.

"I don't know when, the outside world has been rumored that my Wu family has hidden treasures, which has caused monsters to intrude. Until recently, there have been rumors that the imitation of the family treasures in the hands of several brothers and sisters of my Wu family is to open a certain treasure house. The key, so the Wang family moved after hearing the news and wanted to snatch the resources."

"I, the Wu clan, don't want to quarrel with others. If they want something, just give it to them."

Wu Guo looked at Li Xiaobai and explained briefly, with pure kindness revealed between the lines, and the simple handing over of the fire stick also showed that the so-called treasure house was just groundless, but Li Xiaobai's experience told him that it was absolutely true. Not so simple.

Leaving aside other things for the time being, the character of the eldest lady of the Wu clan has a lot of loopholes. As the eldest daughter of the clan, how could she be so pure, kind and innocent, as if she had never been human, this is definitely not the nature of this woman , how can there be people in the world who believe everything they say and give them whatever they want?

This woman is pretending, but Uncle Wu's reaction is not a problem, it doesn't look fake, it can only be said that the old man has also been deceived, this woman's acting skills are superb, this wave is not that he took the initiative to take the ride of others, on the contrary it is a bit Like falling into someone else's trap on their own initiative.

"Then Fairy Wu, do you know why these monsters are attacking the Wu clan crazily?"

"I'm new here, and I don't know much about external forces. What kind of forces are the Wu family and the Wang family?"

Li Xiaobai asked tentatively.

"The Wang family, like our family, can only be regarded as small and medium-sized forces, living on the edge of the land of the dead."

"As for why the monsters harassed our clan crazily, the clansmen are still puzzled. They can only infer that there is something that the monsters need in the clan. As for what it is, it is still under investigation."

Wu Guo shook her head and said, she looked cute and pitiful, but Li Xiaobai would not be fooled by a few words, this Miss Wu family seemed to say everything, but in fact she didn't say anything, it was all nonsense literature.

It just so happened that he was going to the south too. In order to prevent Buddhist monks from chasing him out, it would be a good idea to settle down in the Wu clan for a short rest.

In the outside world, Uncle Wu and the Wang family negotiated very harmoniously. When the fire stick was handed over, the other party's attitude changed 180 degrees, bowed and saluted, and welcomed the sedan chair in.

Half an hour later, the Wang family rushed back to the clan in a hurry. In the meeting hall, the senior members of the Wang family looked at the black fire stick and nodded frequently, with smiles on their brows. It's time for them to express themselves.

"The rumors are true. It seems that the eldest lady of the Wu family is indeed pure and kind-hearted, and even such a treasure fell into our hands without any effort!"

But before they finished speaking, a silver light flashed on the fire stick and disappeared without a trace in the hands of the two disciples who came to report.

The laughter and laughter stopped abruptly, and the hall fell into a deathly silence.

"You bastard, the fire stick has been tampered with and you don't even know it!"

"It's no wonder that little girl handed over the imitation of the family's treasure so easily. It turns out that she has a backhand!"

"Lead the team, set off immediately, and go to the Wu Clan to prosecute the teacher!"


at the same time.

In the Wu clan's team, in the sedan chair, a silver light flashed in Wu Guo's hand, and a fire stick appeared.

"It seems that this thing is destined for me. Knowing the nature of the Wang family, I spontaneously returned it to the little girl."

Wu Guo smiled, blinked mischievously, and put away the fire stick.

"Fairy is really a good method."

Li Xiaobai cupped his fists and said in admiration.

"I'm afraid this matter will stir up conflicts between the two families. I hope the young master can keep it secret for me."

"It's natural, fairy, don't worry, Li fell asleep today, and didn't hear or see anything."

The two laughed together when they were young, and they knew each other, but Wu Guo didn't know that at this moment, in her space ring, the golden light on the black fire stick flickered, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

There was no words all the way, I don't know how long it took, the sedan chair stopped, landed on the ground, the door curtain was lifted, Uncle Wu dragged Li Xiaobai down, now it's his territory, no matter how strong the other party is, he can only obediently wait in front of his house Lost.

"The road is difficult and dangerous, take Mr. Li to find a good house."


Li Xiaobai was taken away by Uncle Wu, and followed him to an exquisite pavilion.

"Boy, I don't know your origin. My lady is not wary of you, but this does not mean that the Wu clan welcomes you. If you are sensible, leave before my clan knows your existence, otherwise the consequences will be dire." expected."

"Tomorrow, the old man will come to clean the room, and I don't want to see you then."

Wu Bo said coldly.

"This statement is wrong. As the saying goes, the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by the spring. The lady is kind-hearted and escorted me all the way. Naturally, I want to repay her kindness. I heard that your family was attacked by monsters. It is miserable. This matter I'll give you peace!"

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