Uncle Wu left, he didn't want to have too much communication with Li Xiaobai. In his opinion, this young man approached the Wu family too aggressively. It was obvious that he had ulterior motives. His own lady had no defense, but he could see clearly. Chu, this matter has to be reported to the patriarch and asked him to make a decision.

Li Xiaobai wandered around this exquisite attic briefly, and found several suspicious points. There are many rooms in the attic where clothes and bedding are piled up in a mess, which are obviously traces of people's habitation, but the whole attic has been wandering around. Not a single figure was noticed.

There is even a layer of water left in the teacup in some rooms, indicating that the other party left in a hurry. This is very abnormal. Where did everyone go?

"Brother, do you know where the other people in this attic have gone?"

Li Xiaobai found the guard under the attic and asked.

"I left as soon as I left. I never asked about these things. They are all homeless people picked up on the way of the lady's kindness. Maybe I feel embarrassed because I have been living under the fence for too long, so I left secretly?"

"They are not monks from my Wu family. Their life and death have nothing to do with me. They can stay wherever they want."

The guards' eyes flickered when they heard this, but they still spoke impatiently, obviously they knew something, and Li Xiaobai was able to notice this problem just after he arrived, which surprised them a little.

"By the way, you were also picked up by the lady. The lady will give away congee water pills at the entrance of the village every day. You can go and have a look."

A guard said.

Li Xiaobai thanked him and walked towards the entrance of the village.

The Wu family is not the style of a famous family, nor is it the majestic construction of the sect. It is just a force hidden among the villages. The shape of the monk.

This Wu clan should be attacking the assassination forces, their words and deeds are too much like assassins.

At the entrance of the village, as the guard had said, Wu Guo was standing behind a cauldron, filling porridge and pills for many ragged monks with a smile on his face.

Some of these people were monks wandering from the outside world, and some were monks from the village who lost their hands and feet fighting monsters. At this moment, they were gratefully drinking the porridge and water in their hands, and everyone had a look of intoxication on their faces. ,

What's more, he started to snatch the porridge water from Wu Guo's hand, and poured it into his stomach.

The left and right guards took action, suppressed these troublemakers, and threw them out, and the rioting team became orderly again.

Li Xiaobai squinted his eyes, all the people present were men of cultivation, how could they fight over a bowl of porridge water, there is something wrong with it, these people seem to be addicted to porridge water and elixir.

Mixed into the begging team, Li Xiaobai leaned close to Wu Guo, staring longingly at the white porridge in the cauldron.

"Mr. Li also wants to taste white porridge?"

With a sweet smile on Wu Guo's face, the hand holding the porridge paused for a moment, but she still brought the porridge to Li Xiaobai.

"I watched fellow Taoists drinking to their heart's content, and I was curious, so I came here to taste Missy's craft."

"Miss is really kind-hearted, kind-hearted, and sweet-sounding. She helped many monks living on the streets with her own efforts. I am deeply moved."

Li Xiaobai took the porridge and water and drank it all in one gulp.

In my mind, the system prompt sounded.

It is detected that the host suffers from Lixin San poison, attribute points +6 million...,

...attribute points +6 million...

The jumping values ​​on the system panel are enough to explain everything. For some reason, this sweet and kind-looking lady of the Wu family who even has a hint of the Virgin is actually far less innocent than she looks. The other party is giving these beggars Drugged, a toxin that makes people obsessed.

"My little girl is nothing more than a little effort. These porridges are for the monks who retreated from the nearby battlefield to drink. They are made from spirit-eating grass. It is not so much porridge as it is a medicinal diet to strengthen their cultivation and nourish their injuries. .”

Wu Guo laughed.

Li Xiaobai nodded, "So that's the case, then I might as well try this elixir."

"Young master doesn't seem to be someone who needs relief. He has just drank the porridge. At this moment, let's leave the pill to more people who really need it?"

Wu Guo showed embarrassment and seemed a little hesitant.

"That's right, boy, do you have the nerve to lick your face and eat and drink with your well-dressed appearance?"

"Hurry up and get out, don't occupy the latrine and don't shit, Wu Xianzi's medicinal diet is not for people like you to enjoy!"

The crowd in the queue at the back immediately became emotional when they heard the sound. There are too many monks and few meats. There are only so many pills every day, and it is not easy to grab them, but they are still occupied by a little boy. Thinking about it makes me angry.

"What's the point of eating, I was also picked up by the eldest lady, but I have always been decent in my life, not weaker than others, even if I beg for food, I have to beg for him with integrity!"

Li Xiaobai patted his chest, full of pride, a elixir fell into his throat, and there was another burst of numerical values ​​on the system panel. Needless to say, this elixir is also a tool used to poison monks and make these people addicted. As for the purpose, it is not clear yet .

"It doesn't matter, the big deal is that the little girl should do more today, everyone has a share."

"Mr. Li, please go back to the attic to rest. My daughter will visit later. I hope you will not blame me."

Wu Guo covered her face and smiled lightly, she exuded a sincere girlish aura all over her body, which caused many monks to look sideways at her. This kind of girlish freshness was an ecstasy they couldn't refuse.

Li Xiaobai watched these monks scrambling for porridge and elixir one after another, and couldn't help shaking his head. There was no master in this group of people, and they were drugged easily, and their strength was very poor.

Wandering around the village, I didn’t find any other valuable things. On the contrary, it was quite different from what Uncle Wu said. Almost all the villagers I met along the way greeted enthusiastically, with kind smiles on their faces, and even Received a grandma's eggs.

The whole village is filled with a simple and kind atmosphere.

"This is very strange. There is no village that is so defenseless against outsiders. In contrast, Uncle Wu's behavior is the most normal. These villagers seem to be not afraid of damage from outside monks at all, and have something to rely on."

Li Xiaobai thought to himself, and when he returned to the attic, this time there was a little boy in the room, about twelve or thirteen years old, who was throwing things out of the window with a disgusted expression on his face.

"You were also brought back by Sister Guoer?"

"Look at your stupid look, follow me!"

The child looked at the young man who was looking up, down, left, and right at the door, cursed angrily, and began to direct the other party to tidy up the sundries with him.

"What are we doing here?"

Li Xiaobai didn't mean to be fussy with the child, but the behavior of the other party was a bit strange. This should also be a child who was taken in, and maybe he knew something about the inside story of the attic.

"Sister Guo'er is so kind to us. She doesn't have to worry about food and drink and has a big house to live in. Naturally, we want to repay her kindly."

"Clean up all the rubbish, and Sister Guo'er will feel comfortable when she comes!"

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