Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1651 The Difference Between The True Virgin And The False Virgin

The little boy cleaned up very hard, throwing out large and small bags of sundries, all of which were clothes and bedding used by residents in other rooms.

Li Xiaobai took advantage of the situation and asked, "It seems that there are still people living in these rooms, and it might be inappropriate to throw away their bedding."

"Don't worry, this group of people has long since disappeared, a group of white-eyed wolves crawling around, they can't remember sister Guo'er at all!"

The little boy was filled with righteous indignation, thinking of something, his eyes were full of anger.

"Why is this? I don't feel any sense of gratitude when I see that the eldest lady of the Wu family has a kind heart, a kind heart and a sweet voice, and why all the people she saved have left one after another?"

Li Xiaobai asked in doubt.

"Outside monks are all white-eyed wolves. They squeezed out the remaining value from Sister Guo'er, and then left without looking back."

The little boy said angrily, he would get angry when he mentioned this.

"What about the monks who are receiving relief at the entrance of the village?"

"They? They will bite back soon, and then leave on their own. Every time Sister Guo'er goes out, she is to collect raw materials, refine elixir and porridge water, and just rescue some people who are in distress. The incidents of revenge happen frequently. , but Sister Guoer has never complained, and will still lend a helping hand to those in need."

"I really don't know what those white-eyed wolves think and what thoughts they have. Their conscience will be condemned, and God will punish them!"

The more the little boy talked, the more excited he became, and in the end he yelled at those "white-eyed wolves".

"You saw all of these with your own eyes, may you provide some evidence?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"What else do you need to witness with your own eyes?"

"Sister Guo'er secretly told me about this matter because of my soft-heartedness. In fact, anyone with a discerning eye in the village can see these things. What else do I need to prove?"

"If you are no different from those people, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, and don't make sister Guoer sad!"

The little boy said coldly, the hostility he showed at the beginning came from this.

"Is there a possibility that you were deceived, but Wu Guo is not as kind as you imagined..."

Li Xiaobai looked at the fanatic in front of him, and said unbearably.

"It's a bunch of nonsense, I knew that you are also this kind of person. Sister Guoer treats you wholeheartedly, but you are suspicious of her in every possible way. Do you know how hard my Sister Guoer works? Why do you say that about her!"

"You hate her every day, I am very sad why you want to do this. She has worked very hard, and she has been working hard to get your approval. She is working hard alone, sweating and swaying her youth. She is worth learning from her. To show yourself and keep letting go of your dreams just for the original intention in your heart, what do you know!"

The little boy flew into a rage, pointing at Li Xiaobai's nose was the output of a slap in the face.

Li Xiaobai is speechless, this is a fanatical fan, the kind who trusts Wu Guo to the highest level, and cannot tolerate the slightest doubt. It can only be said that Wu Guo's brainwashing of him is too thorough.

"You go, my sister Guo'er doesn't need you."

The little boy said indifferently, his eyes were full of disappointment, he thought that Li Xiaobai should be a man of insight when he returned to the attic, but he didn't expect to have the same knowledge as those white-eyed wolves, all of them were sister Heiguoer.


"I'm going to go around the village, you should be careful."

Li Xiaobai scratched the back of his head and said in embarrassment.

The Wu family.

In the village, the villagers were more like unpretentious farmers, working hard on the fields. If it wasn't for the monks who noticed the sneaking in the dark, he really thought it was just an ordinary village.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Seeing Li Xiaobai wandering on the street, Wu Bo was so angry that he said viciously, "Leave quickly, the lady has a kind heart, but the village doesn't welcome you!"

"I just drank the porridge and elixir given by the eldest lady at the entrance of the village. The people in the village are very kind, so it's not a problem if I want to come and live for a while."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Eating and drinking enough and still lingering?"

"Miss has no schemes, but this old man knows that you came from the west, and you must be involved in many battlefields. If you have a conscience, you should leave on your own. Don't lead the war into the Wu clan!"

Wu Bo said coldly.

Li Xiaobai was about to say something, when suddenly there was commotion outside, and the villagers rushed towards the entrance of the village.

"It's the fox demon, the fox demon is here again!"

"The Wang family deliberately lured the fox demon here, and withdrew all the defense lines. This fox demon is going straight to Huanglong!"

The yelling reached Uncle Wu and Li Xiaobai's ears. Uncle Wu was shocked, and immediately dropped Li Xiaobai and ran towards the entrance of the village. Li Xiaobai also followed to join in the fun.

I have known for a long time that this village is infested by monsters, but it is absolutely impossible for the monster clan to harass the Wu clan for no reason, especially there is a Wang family outside. It is obvious that there is something in this village that attracts fox demons.

Wu Guo had already retreated to the second line, the pots and pans were smashed to pieces, and a strong stench came over her face.


There were sharp roars that shook people's eardrums, and streaks of yellow lightning rushed towards the crowd, leaving no room for breathing. It was a fox demon, with an aura as sharp as a sword, fierce and fearless. The crowd is fighting in one place.

The monks of the Wu family have exquisite movements, the power of the blood in their bodies surges, and their aura surges several times. They were evenly matched.

"Why are you standing here so stupidly, why don't you rush to help Sister Guoer!"

The little boy behind him also ran over, without saying a word, he rushed to the net with a hoe, trying to stop a fox demon who was very close to Wu Guo.

Wu Guo didn't move, the sharp claw stretched out to the child's face, a cold light pierced the sky, and cut off the claw.

Li Xiaobai picked up a twig and waved it casually. His sword intent pierced the fox demon's chest and sent him flying.

"So reckless, is life and death a trifling matter?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the child, he was definitely a brain fan, and he wanted to block Wu Guo even if he was dying, but this woman turned a blind eye to him, looking dumbfounded.

"Thank you son for helping me out, just repel the fox monsters, don't hurt their lives, these monsters are not easy to cultivate, let's spare their lives, shall we?"

With lingering fears in his heart, Wu Guo said tremblingly, the moment he opened his mouth, it was the Old Virgin.

"Sister Guo'er, you are just too kind. It is because of this that everyone always bullies you."

The child hugged Wu Guo, his face full of happiness and excitement.

Li Xiaobai's eyes narrowed, this woman is very good at putting on a show, the difference between the fake Virgin and the real Virgin is that the fake Virgin will spare her life, but the real Virgin will never.

In the horrified eyes of one big and one small, he brought back the seriously injured fox demon with one hand, and stuffed a lot of pills into his mouth. After a few breaths, not only was his broken arm reborn, but his breath was even stronger. is a substantial increase.

"I didn't expect the eldest lady of the Wu family to be so kind. I will cure the fox demon right now, and ask the lady to let it live."

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