
"What is the meaning of this, son?"

A flash of fear flashed in the eyes of Wu Guo and the child. This kind of kung fu of killing as much as you want, and restoring the monster to its original state with a flick of your fingers makes people feel terrified for no reason. What kind of cultivation is this?

Wu Guo was a little dazed, what kind of boss did she pick up?

"I think what the eldest lady said is very reasonable. It is indeed not appropriate to do more killings. The eldest lady has a kind heart and will definitely influence this beast!"

Li Xiaobai put his hands behind his back, took a step back, looked at her with a smile and said.


The fox demon was furious, raised his head to the sky and screamed, and rushed towards Wu Guo. The strength of this fox demon was only at the Void Spirit Realm, and he was considered a leader among the younger generation. Seeing the little boy turn around and run away, but her posture was ready to go, as long as the situation was critical, she would immediately throw the child out of her hands.

Li Xiaobai watched from the side, his eyes flickering coldly, just waiting for you to reveal your secrets.

"Bold, Hugh is going to attack my young lady!"

Wu Bo didn't know where he came from, and he knocked the fox demon to the ground with one palm.

Wu Guo and the two breathed a sigh of relief, but Li Xiaobai secretly thought it was a pity that the woman was only a short distance away from revealing her true colors.

"The old man noticed that you were acting suspiciously early in the morning, and you dared to take advantage of the chaos to murder my young lady. You deserve death!"

Uncle Wu's expression was stern, and a large number of monks poured out all around him. His whole body was covered with a dark and deep aura, hidden in the mist, making it difficult to see his real body clearly.

"My Wu Clan specializes in assassination. Wherever there is a struggle, our shadow exists. Although this place is only a branch of the Wu Clan, not everyone can step on it!"

"Take this person down and bring him to the patriarch for punishment!"

Uncle Wu said viciously.

Countless gray shadows gathered around, their auras were obscure, and most of them were around the first level of the Void Spirit Realm.

Li Xiaobai pointed to the front, "I have little knowledge, I don't know what kind of existence is that white fox demon?"

The crowd stopped and looked towards the outside in unison. In an instant, everyone's expressions changed.

"Snow Mountain Sky Fox!"

"How can my Wu clan disturb this existence?"

The yellow fox monster is the most common fox monster, and its strength and cultivation base are equivalent to the Void Spirit Realm of a monk. The powerful ones are only the third level of the Void Spirit, but the white fox monster is different. For the village, the cultivation base of the four parts to see the realm of the gods is a lot of pressure.

"I'm just a collateral bloodline of the Wu clan. Why did I provoke this kind of existence? Could it be that the main bloodline provoked the fox demon clan, so the fox demon launched revenge on all the Wu clan?"

Uncle Wu couldn't understand the appearance of the Snow Mountain Sky Fox. This kind of existence is naturally arrogant, and normally would not regard them as opponents at all.

"Defend against foreign enemies first, the old man will invite the patriarch!"

Uncle Wu's head was as big as a bucket, but he still didn't forget to grab Wu Guo, and then disappeared from everyone's sight.

The rest of the people didn't care about Li Xiaobai any more, and stepped forward to stop the monster. If the fox monster enters the village, it will be a bloody storm.

"Hey, your cultivation base is so advanced, why don't you do your part for the village, and just now you want to put Sister Guo'er to death, revenge for your kindness, you really are a white-eyed wolf!"

The child pointed at Li Xiaobai and accused him out of righteous indignation.

"Miss is kind-hearted and does not want to kill. I actively responded to the call and cured that fox demon. This is what Miss wants."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

The little boy was so angry that he didn't know what to say. He was at a loss for words, so he could only say angrily, "It's good that you know!"


Outside the entrance of the village, the snow-capped sky fox roared, and a figure of a nine-tailed fox appeared behind it.

Countless huge tails swelled against the wind, cut through the sky, and swept towards the village. The monks were defeated, and all of them were swept away. He fell to one side, screaming one after another, stumps and broken arms flew across the scene, and blood spattered on the spot.

"The combat power of this village is not strong. It seems that even in the collateral lineage, it is weak and insignificant."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, this is just a novice village, he misunderstood the judgment of the village, not all forces can have the size of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and most of the family sects in the outside world can only be regarded as mediocre in strength and cultivation .

"So what about being weak, being weak can better reflect the true feelings in the world!"

"You white-eyed wolf not only doesn't protect the village, but also makes sarcastic remarks here. I don't bother to be with you. I'm going to find Sister Guoer, she must have been terrified just now!"

The little boy said angrily, turned and ran away.

"The false Virgin is the real jackal, she's still too young to grasp it."

Looking at the thin back, Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed. It takes time to get familiar with the southern border and a place to stay. This kind of novice village is perfect. If you want to stay longer, you have to figure out why the fox demon attacked the village. Inadvertently provoke this group.

"Recently, there have been waves of sending away and coming again. Brother Fox, my Wu clan and the Fox Monster clan have never had any enemies. Why do you act like this?"

"If it's true that my family has offended me, but it's okay to say it, and I will definitely make an apology!"

Uncle Wu went back and forth, and helped an old man step out of the sky. The old man had sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and looked at the snow-capped sky fox without anger. He clasped his fists and said politely.

He didn't even look at the dead bodies crawling on the ground, and he didn't feel bad no matter how many of his own died, as long as the fox demon was willing to negotiate.

"Wu's clan, treacherous villains, pretending to be, should be punished!"

The snow-capped sky fox raised its head to the sky and howled, its body cracked, and it turned into countless tiny miniature white foxes that poured into the village like a flood.

"Naughty animal! It's just coveting our family's treasure. As long as you have your life to take it away, why not give it to you?"

The old man's eyes dimmed, and he threw out a pitch-black fire stick, but before the fire stick could burst into power, it disappeared abruptly. Immediately afterwards, all the cultivators and fox monsters in the field disappeared , the body ran towards one direction uncontrollably, his knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground, raising his hands above his head, in a state of worship.

They looked at the young man in front of them in horror, holding up a branch and scratching it casually.

Li Xiaobai said calmly, "If you come here for the treasure, you can just take it away. I will stay in this village for a while, so no accidents will happen for the time being. The rivers and lakes are not about fighting and killing, the rivers and lakes are about the ways of the world."

A fire stick was thrown out and rolled down at the fox demon's feet. It was a fake stolen from Wu Guo.

The Snow Mountain Sky Fox reunited, with scarlet eyes shining, and a ferocious face. "Outsiders, don't know the whole picture, how to make a decision, stop my race, why not go and see what is going on in the darkest corners of this village!"

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