"Who put it here and took the tablet of my family without authorization. This is disrespectful to the Wu family! If the old man finds out, he will definitely be crushed!"

Seeing the revolving secret door, the patriarch of the Wu clan angrily reprimanded.

"It doesn't matter, what's going on, let's go in and find out."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, and said calmly, this old guy's acting skills are indeed very good, but when it comes to cheating and abducting, he still lacks a bit of talent, he has learned this major!

With him leading the team, everyone entered it one after another, with different thoughts. After finding the secret door, the Snow Mountain Sky Fox was not in a hurry. The young master in front of him could lead them to find out the hidden secrets of the Wu Clan, which meant that the two sides had no collusion , the secret is close at hand, under the watchful eyes of the public, it does not worry about being protected.

The secret door was turned over, and the environment inside was extremely dirty and messy compared with the outside world.

The dirt is muddy and your legs are stuck in it.

"This is blood!"

"The dirt on the surface is the accumulation of plasma deposits. At least nearly a thousand people have died here."

A cultivator at the back was curious, reached out and touched the mud on the ground, and immediately exclaimed, and even many delicate female cultivators immediately covered their mouths and noses and vomited.

"It seems that the patriarch seems to have some special hobbies. Maybe it's not just my fox demon clan that suffers."

Xueshan Tianhu's eyes were full of fierceness, and his mood became restless again, leading a group of fox demons to search in the house.

The inside of the cave was pitch black, and no one lit the torches. Facing this bloody cave, the monks of the Wu clan did not have the courage to light up the darkness.

"Woo woo woo..."

A faint sound of exhalation sounded in the cave, it was the cry of a young girl.

Immediately afterwards, there were a few teasing voices, "The girls of the fox demon family are tender, and the whole thing is silky smooth, just grab a few more!"

"What are you thinking about? This is the little princess of the fox demon clan. There is only one in the entire demon clan. Hurry up and get down to business. Don't be obsessed with lust every day and delay the development of the village. Let me ask you!"

"Hehehe, I understand, I understand, it's fun enough, brothers, work!"

"And this little guy, let's deal with it together."

The voice of conversation came indistinctly, although it was faint, it echoed clearly in the cave.

Snow Mountain Sky Fox's hair stood on end when it heard the sound, and it was about to neigh sharply when it opened its mouth. Li Xiaobai grabbed it's mouth with quick eyes and hands, and suppressed the growl that came to his mouth.

His mind sank into the system mall, and he exchanged for a barrier array disk, which enveloped everyone, airtight, concealed, and silent.

"This is... a space-like formation, and it's only used for concealment and shielding. It's too extravagant!"

But any knowledgeable cultivator can perceive some unique aura of the power of law from it. This young man has a lot of background, and he has such a precious magic weapon at hand, which is not something they can offend.

Snow Mountain Sky Fox calmed down, it understood Li Xiaobai's meaning, sneaked over, perfectly observed what happened in this cave, caught thieves and seized stolen goods, caught rapes and doubles.

"Fellow Daoist, what are you doing? This is a family matter of my Wu family. Don't worry, the old man will handle it clearly. He will never tolerate those who commit crimes. Can you cancel the formation? Go find them and behead them for public display!"

A trace of panic flashed in the patriarch's eyes, which was perfectly concealed by the darkness.

"It's just a few steps away. It's okay to go there together. The patriarch doesn't need to blame himself. I'm also very sad that something like this happened to the Wu clan. It's not your fault. Let's face it together."

The corners of Li Xiaobai's mouth curved, and he walked over in a hurry.

What you see is shocking.

A girl was lying limp on the ground dying.

The girl has a fox tail and fox ears. She is a fox demon. Her hands and feet are bound by thick iron chains, her lute bone is pierced, and her body is exposed with white bones. There is not a piece of intact skin. The wine jar in the cellar is full of wine. blood.

Holding sharp knives, several strange youths were cutting flesh and bleeding from their bodies one by one, and pouring them into the wine jar. The girl howled miserably, but could not make a sound. Her tongue had already been cut off, and her body was dripping with blood. The youths' eyes were greedy, and they licked Licking the blood stains on his skin, his face was full of intoxication.

A young girl in the corner is directing orderly. The wine jars are moved to the wall one by one and piled up. The thick bloody smell that was introduced to the outside world just now flows out from here.

The girl is none other than the eldest lady of the Wu family, Wu Guo.


"These bastards!"

"He's killing people and letting blood!"

"No, that's not a human, that's a fox demon, a little princess of the fox demon clan. No wonder even the Snow Mountain Sky Fox was alarmed. Our clan actually imprisoned the fox clan princess and brutalized her!"

The cultivator at the back saw the scene in front of him clearly, and his face became horrifying. This is an animal act, and there are people in the village who are behind everyone's backs to do this kind of nasty deed.


The sound of iron chains sounded, and a figure beside Li Xiaobai swayed, and after a closer look, he realized that it was the child he met in the attic.

When the two sides were fighting at the entrance of the village, the little boy ran back to look for Wu Guo. Unexpectedly, he was also imprisoned here at this moment. Feel free to pierce.

The aura was exhausted to the extreme, dying, and would disappear at any time.

"This little guy is here too!"

"Just now the eldest lady said to get rid of him, didn't she mean get rid of this little guy?"

"How is this possible? The eldest lady is kind and simple in her life. She often rescues monks from the outside world and returns to the village. Even though she has been betrayed several times, she has never complained. This little guy has been sticking to her recently and respects her so much. How could she end up like this?" What happened?"

"Is there a possibility that the person fighting here is not the eldest lady, but someone else pretending to be?"

The monks were in a commotion, their faces full of disbelief at what they saw.

Miss, this is the most pampered object in their life. It can be said that many people have grown up watching this young lady of the Wu clan, and they know everything about her. How can they do such a thing?

Imprisoning the princess of the fox clan, cutting the flesh and letting blood, cruelly killing the monks of the clan, even the closest children are not spared, this kind of behavior is already different from that of the devil.

"This is definitely not done by my Wu clan, it must have been mixed in by other people, right, patriarch!"

Li Xiaobai lit a torch, threw it out, and then took off the cover of the formation, and said coldly, "People stole the fire"

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