Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1655 God's Hand, Activate!

The formation was withdrawn suddenly, and the monks held up the torches, and the entire cave was as bright as day.

The hamster hiding in the dark was startled and looked around in a panic. The young monks who were doing their own thing and the eldest lady of the Wu family all stayed where they were, staring blankly at the group of monks who suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Bastard, bastard, my Wu clan treats you well on weekdays. Why do you do such a rebellious thing? Is this to make our clan bear the eternal infamy?"

"Guo'er, I'm really disappointed that you actually did such a thing for profit!"

Before the fox demon and Li Xiaobai could open their mouths, the patriarch took the lead in attacking Wu Guo and a few young monks. He even tried to slap Wu Guo and several young monks to death with his cultivation.

Li Xiaobai stretched out his hand, blocking his strength lightly.

"The matter has not been clarified yet, the patriarch is a little too anxious."


"Little princess!"

"Sure enough, being bound by you humans, you dare to treat our princess like this, your Wu clan will die today!"

The snow-capped sky fox rushed forward, swept its tail, and sent several youths who were still lying on the fox-eared girl flying, spitting blood, hitting the wall and passing out.

"elder brother……"

In the cave, another faint voice came, it was the call of the little boy. At this moment, he was exhausted, and only his chapped lips were still slightly wriggling.

"Poor child, if you had listened to me earlier, how could you have fallen to this point?"

Li Xiaobai walked over, shook his head and sighed, he said earlier in the morning that Wu Guo has problems, but it's a pity that the die-hard fans didn't listen to him at all.

"It's the Wu family. They are using fox demons to make money. They cut their flesh and bloodletting every day, and use pills to keep the girl alive. her!"

The little boy said with shortness of breath, his chest heaved violently, and he would die at any moment.

"Who is behind the scenes, who organized and planned all this?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Patriarch... Patriarch of the Wu Zhi Clan, don't let him go, I didn't listen to you... it's my fault, please... save that girl!"

The little boy's eyes were wide open, and he roared in a low voice with the last bit of strength.

After that, there was no life anymore.

"Don't worry, everything will be as you wish."

Li Xiaobai closed his eyes for him, his face was extremely gloomy, even he couldn't bear to act like this, there is a bottom line for cheating and abducting, and the Wu Clan's actions obviously greatly crossed this bottom line.

For the sake of wealth and resources, humanity has been wiped out, and things that should not be touched have been touched.

"I think everything is clear. The eldest lady of the Wu family puts on a show, rescues monks from the outside world and brings them back, and then secretly imprisons them here, bloodletting them all day long, and extracting medicines with special methods. These actions are no different from animals. She is a hypocrite."

"And the patriarch is directing behind the scenes, planning and manipulating everything, which is even more sinful!"

"What can you say?"

Li Xiaobai said coldly with his hands behind his back.

"It's not my intention, it's what the eldest lady instructed us to do!"

"Yes, yes, the eldest lady said that if we don't do it, we will be kicked out of the village, and we are also forced to do nothing!"

Several young people were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy, lying on the ground trembling.

"So what if I did it?"

"It's just a dirty and lowly goblin. Its skin is smoother than mine, and even its hair is smoother than mine. Why? Worthy to appear in front of Miss Ben?"

"I can take these low-class people into the village as guests. It is already a gift from God to them. Why not collect some interest from them? After all, I am the eldest lady of the Wu clan. As the pervasive assassin of the Southern Region Organization, who dares to touch me!"

Wu Guo's sweet face showed a hideous look, and his eyes were full of hatred. The words he said made every monk present unbelievable. This was the kind-hearted and even a little bit of the madonna they knew on weekdays. Missy?

"Then why did you kill this child? He trusted you so much, it shouldn't end like this."

Li Xiaobai asked calmly.

"It's just a follower, following me all day long, I wanted to kill him a long time ago, I wanted to leave him on the battlefield to die, but unexpectedly ran to the warehouse, followed the traces to find this place, and executed him together. It is his honor to have Miss Ben take action in person!"

Wu Guo looked crazy, his eyes were filled with scarlet, and his face was horrifying, no matter what he didn't care, he finally showed his true colors.

"Slander, this is Hong Guoguo's slander, fellow daoist, children's words cannot be trusted, children's judgments are sometimes very arbitrary, mixed with a lot of personal emotions, but what the eldest lady of my clan and these few dressed beasts have done It is an indisputable fact that it is perverse, this old man will clean up the house and give an explanation to everyone in the village and the Yaozu brothers!"

"If you do this kind of thing, you will lose all the face of the old man!"

The patriarch's face was stern, and he appeared in front of Wu Guo in a flash. His strike was like lightning, directly piercing through the opponent's chest, crushing his heart.

"Old thing... how dare you... kill me..."

Wu Guo's expression was vicious and vicious, the light in his eyes was quickly extinguished, and there was no life left.

The old man shot one after another, and the several young people kneeling on the ground received a slap each, and all the internal organs in their bodies burst, and their bodies turned into a puddle of mud before they could even let out a miserable howl.

"Brother Fox Monster, don't worry, my Wu Clan will never tolerate what happened today. This old man will go up the mountain tomorrow and plead guilty in front of the Monster Clan's mountain gate!"

The patriarch clasped his fists together, his face full of annoyance and remorse.

"This seat just said that this village must be slaughtered, and everyone must die!"

Snow Mountain Sky Fox picked up the dying little princess, released cold murderous intent in his eyes, and imprisoned the princesses of the fox demon clan.

"Brother Fox, how about leaving this matter to me? The patriarch's crime is unforgivable, but the villagers are kept in the dark, and the crime is not worthy of death."

"After today, the grievances between us will be cleared up. The fox monster clan doesn't need to owe me anything. It's right to give me a face for Li, how about it?"

Li Xiaobai said leisurely with his hands behind his back.

"Okay, let's take it as a way to save face. After today, we will not owe each other anything!"

"It's just the corpse of this old thing, I have to take it back!"

Snow Mountain Sky Fox said coldly.

"It's natural."

Li Xiaobai turned around and walked towards the old patriarch, strolling in the yard, stretched out a hand and gently put it on the other's shoulder.

The old man's body trembled involuntarily, "Fellow Daoist, this matter is a grievance between our Wu clan and the fox demon. What's more, the old man really doesn't know about this matter. How can it be so based on a child's one-sided words?"

"If you help the Yaozu so much, if other monks know about it, it must be difficult to explain."

There was a stiff smile on the patriarch's face, and the exercises in his body were quietly running, trying to escape from this place.

"Hand of God!"

Li Xiaobai exerted his palm slightly, activated the god-level skill, and the power stored in his arm poured out during this period of time, that old body was twisted inch by inch at a speed visible to the naked eye, like stepping on a soda can, and was smashed into a piece of flesh Cake, embedded in the ground.

"Made, if you tell me to die, you will die, so much nonsense"

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