Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1656 There Is An Insider, Trade Immediately!

There was no sound in the cellar warehouse, and it was the first time they had seen such a violent and terrifying method, twisting a living person into a meat paste like twisting twists, and shooting them into meatloaf.

The power of God's Hand cannot be resisted by a mere cultivator who can see the realm of God with four parts. With the accumulated strength, he can easily twist his body into scrap iron.

"Brother Dabai is satisfied with this result?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Snow Mountain Sky Fox and asked.

"That's the end of the matter. The princess of our family is seriously injured and needs urgent treatment. Let's leave for the time being."

Snow Mountain Sky Fox nodded slightly, picked up the little princess of the Fox Clan, and left with all the fox monsters in a mighty way.

"Anyone complain about me?"

"If anyone refuses to accept it, they can attack me right now."

Li Xiaobai looked around and said calmly.

"No, no, no complaints!"

"This matter is a disgrace to our Wu clan. The patriarch and the eldest lady have done such unconscionable things, and they deserve to die."

The villagers waved their hands again and again, terrified.

The scene just now is still fresh in their memory, and they will never forget it in this life. They don't dare to make a mistake at this moment, and only hope to send this plague god away as soon as possible.

Moreover, the situation in the village was so big that they couldn't stay any longer if the incident happened here. They had to leave the village and go to another place, otherwise they would be found out by their own family, and their fate would also be death.

"Have you and other branches ever participated in a meeting of the Wu Clan?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"No, our village is a small tributary even among the side branches. The rest of the villages are unwilling to communicate with us, and the patriarch has never obtained the qualification to participate in the family meeting."

Some older villagers said.

"In that case, my servant, from today onwards, I will be the patriarch of this village. This old guy just died, and you need a patriarch. I not only solved the fox demon problem for the village, but also discovered the potential disaster of the village. It's what everyone expects, is there any objection?"

Li Xiaobai said slowly, the moment he crushed the village chief to death, he had a brand new idea.

Entering a brand new realm naturally requires an identity. The identity of the collateral blood of the Wu family is just right, it won't be too high to attract attention, but it still has some status in front of ordinary people.

"Don't you dare? It's a great joy for Mr. Li to be our patriarch. To have him as patriarch is exactly what we can only wish for."

"In the future, the village will rely on the adults. Looking at the history of the Wu clan, I am afraid that the adults are the first patriarch with a foreign surname. This matter is worthy of being recorded in the annals of history and passed on to future generations."

The villagers forcefully smiled, the smiles on their stiff faces were uglier than crying.

The god of plague is on them, like a dog's skin plaster, and he can't get rid of it.

"Relax, I will cover you."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

The crowd dispersed, and the wine jars in the cave were carried out one by one. This is the blood of the fox demon princess. The blood is respected and noble. Drinking it can improve the body and cultivation.

At this point, he remembered again that the human race in this world is not pure human blood, but monks with demon blood flowing in their bodies, and it is not unreasonable to eat human blood. general operation.

"Patriarch, do you need to hold a ceremony to announce to the world that the new patriarch of our Wu clan has taken office?"

someone asked.

"It's not necessary, just inform the surrounding forces."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and swept away all the wine jars. These things are too evil, and it is easy for people to fall into the chaotic abyss of desire and cannot extricate themselves.

Back in the wooden house belonging to the patriarch, he saw an envelope on the table without a signature.

"This lineage is very satisfied with the offerings from your offshoot of the Wu Clan. This month's goods will be handed over as soon as possible. Our clan will recommend you to join the Wu Clan Patriarch Conference."

Opening the envelope, there was such a paragraph of text inside. Although there was no signature, the meaning between the lines was obvious. It came from the direct blood of the Wu family, which was hidden in the depths of the Southern Necropolis.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple. I'll just say how a mere side bloodline can have such courage. It seems that behind the patriarch and the eldest lady, there is another invisible hand controlling it."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, eyes sparkling, its decision was indeed right, the matter of the demon fox is not a joke, at this moment, as the patriarch, he just took this opportunity to break into the Wu clan, and then slowly search for the six The "old friend" that the senior brother said.

Thinking for a moment in my heart, I swiped a pen in my hand like ink, and the eloquence was just a few big characters crookedly.

"There is an insider, at noon tomorrow, trade immediately!"

The agreement reached between the former patriarch and the other party is not important. At this moment, the goods are in his hands and the initiative is his.

Only by getting in touch with the main vein as soon as possible can we better penetrate into the interior of the Southern Territory and wander into the land of the dead.

"Come here, bring up the account books of the offshoot of the Wu clan. The head of the clan wants to check the accounts!"

There were monks outside the door who responded and presented the accounts respectfully.

Li Xiaobai looked at ten lines at a glance, only looked at the information he needed, and every month the village would have a large amount of income, which was obtained from buying and selling the blood of monsters and beasts, which would be paid to the village in the name of medical expenses.

It seems that the time has lasted for half a year, and the little princess of the fox clan has only been imprisoned here for more than a month. That is to say, it is not only the little princess of the fox monster clan who was cut and bloodletted by the Wu clan, but also many other monsters. The clan cherishes bloodlines to make money and obtain resource benefits.

As for the participants, far more than the eldest lady and others, there are more villagers involved.

The remaining baby of a direct bloodline of the half-human mammoth clan...

The unhatched eggs of the elephant snake family...

The young son of the Ant King clan...

It's just that this time the luck was not very good, and he showed his feet and was discovered by the fox demon clan.

"This village cannot stay for a long time. There are too many hidden dangers that have not been dealt with. There will be thunderstorms at any time."

Li Xiaobai smacked his tongue in his heart, if one day the monsters accidentally discovered what the village had done in the past, they might hunt him down for the rest of his life, even if he fled to Tianya cape, he would not be able to escape the catastrophe.

"Prepare the warship, tomorrow morning, the patriarch will go out!"


next morning.

Li Xiaobai boarded a dilapidated small boat. Compared with the huge warship in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, it was just a flat boat, the kind that would capsize at any time in the wind and waves of the sea.

But it's better than nothing, it's easier than driving a golden chariot by yourself.

The agreed location was sealed on the envelope. The other party was very cautious and did not give it directly. Instead, the envelope turned into a road guide after he set off, indicating the progress of the warship.

Everything seemed orderly and automated, and Li Xiaobai didn't even need to operate anything. He was too proficient. Obviously, the two parties had gone through countless transactions before and summed up the experience.

In the village, the monks couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that they would be oppressed for a long time, but they didn't expect that the plague god would leave the next day.

"It's okay, the lord is gone, we are free!"

"Yeah yeah……"

But what they didn't know was that the most critical pages of the Wu Clan's accounts had all been torn up, hoping that in the hinterlands of the major monster clans, at this moment, a large wave of monsters was preparing to arrive on the battlefield...

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