Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1657 The Wu Clan, The Main Family!

Attribute points + 10,000...

Attribute points + 10,000...


The mist is poisonous and very thick. Although the damage is not high, it is better than continuous damage and can continuously output attribute values.

This area went deeper into the southern region, filled with poisonous substances, and occasionally poisonous insects would fly by. The body of the flat boat was corroded a little bit, and the speed gradually slowed down. The dilapidated warship looked even more dilapidated at this moment.

"Uncle Wu, how long will it take to get through this poisonous realm?"

A female voice came from the ear.

Immediately afterwards, an old voice sounded, "It's only halfway through. Use the armor sparingly. If you can use your cultivation base to resist it, use your cultivation base as much as possible. Don't use the armor all the time. This thing consumes a lot of resources."

"Why don't we take a warship to go? The risk factor of crossing with the flesh is too high, and the speed is very slow. I'm afraid it's too late to catch up with the clan meeting."

"Ordinary warships will soon be corroded in this poisonous domain. Mech warships that can resist the poisonous domain are too expensive. Our family can't afford them, so we can only resort to this. The family meeting today is just a method. The pulse is gathering, the real meeting will start tomorrow, there is plenty of time, "

The old man was talking to the girl, and suddenly both of them fell silent.

A moment later, Li Xiaobai's ear reappeared the girl's furtive voice.

"Uncle Wu, didn't you say that no one would break into the drug domain on an ordinary warship? What happened to that ship?


"Never mind, his warship will soon crumble and be devoured."

The old man said, "There are always some opportunistic people who want to try their luck by relying on their cleverness. If the warship collapses, his body will soon be wiped out in the poison domain."

But what happened next left him speechless.

I saw the warship come to a standstill, the entire ship was corroded, a young man was lying on the spot intact, a golden chariot emerged, dragged his body, and drove towards the front.

As they passed each other, they heard the young man muttering to himself, "Why did it get corroded so quickly? The warship of the Wu clan is really rubbish, and I have to run away myself."

Within a few breaths, he disappeared into the mist.

"Uncle Wu, he doesn't seem to be corroded by the fog?"

The girl tilted her head, her eyes full of puzzlement.

The old man looked down at the layer of mechanical armor covering his body, his eyes were full of shock. It was rumored that there was a powerful person whose cultivation base was earth-shattering, but he ignored the poison domain and walked through it with his body. Today they met, but What caught him the most was the words in the other party's mouth, mentioning the Wu Clan and traveling through the poison domain in the same direction as theirs, which meant that the other party was also a member of the Wu Clan and had the qualifications to participate in the meeting!

"The man just now is the patriarch of a certain branch of my Wu clan, and there are such young and talented people in my clan."

"Let's catch up and don't miss this kind of boss!"


After half an hour.

Outside the fog, there are only a few figures.

A young man in white was greeted out of the poison domain by the stars, and the praises of all the young men and women were endless.

"Senior Brother Wang's cultivation is really unfathomable. He was able to stay in the poisonous fog for a whole hundred breaths. I'm afraid his cultivation has already entered another level."

"Brother Wang is worthy of being the leader of the Ten Thousand Poison Cave. He can withstand a full hundred breaths of time in the poisonous fog at a young age. His future achievements are limitless."

The monks showed envy and flattery.

"Hahaha, it's just luck."

The monk surnamed Wang laughed.

But when he smiled and laughed, he realized that something was wrong. The voices of the people around him gradually died down, and their eyes were all looking in a certain direction.

Li Xiaobai walked out of the poison zone following the guidance of the paper, looked at the crowds gathered around, scratched his head, and couldn't help asking, "Why are you all standing here, in a meeting."

"Did you see, that person seems to have walked out of the poisonous mist. I thought Senior Brother Wang was already invincible. Whose general is this?"

"This person doesn't look very old. Could it be that he crossed over from the poison domain?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, there is absolutely no such master among monks of the same level!"

The young man surnamed Wang shouted in his heart, full of inconceivable, walking through the poisonous fog, how high a cultivation level is required.

It is definitely an old monster who walks the world in the form of a young monk, and must not make too many intersections or offend him.

Li Xiaobai has no time to pay attention to these young people. He has been with the top experts for a long time, and he has lost the desire to compete with the younger generation of masters. His goal is the stars and the sea.

The guidance of the paper has not stopped, it has been floating forward.

With the deepening of the journey, he also gradually found that more and more people secretly joined his running team. There are countless monks hiding.

It wasn't for him, but everyone's destinations were different, and they finally stopped in front of a huge wooden door with a big word Wu written on the plaque.

The guiding point of this paper is actually the headquarters of the Wu Clan. This time, the transaction between the two parties was actually carried out at the headquarters. Perhaps this is the so-called darkness under the lights. It is often the safest place to conduct transactions.

Above the open space in front of the door, the space was twisted and torn apart, and monks in gray robes walked out of it. The atmosphere was very silent, faintly exuding the smell of the strong.

"Everyone has come from afar, and I am very pleased. It seems that my Wu clan is also full of people this year, and it is a thriving scene!"

Leaning in front of the door was an old man, his hair was bald, his chubby face was shiny, and he watched the figures appearing in front of the door with a gratified smile on his face.

"Relax, Emperor Wu, don't pretend, pretend to be struck by lightning, hurry down before the old patriarch shows up, or you will be rewarded soon."

"This guy is an old licking dog. Every day he thinks that he is the head of the Wu family. Do you think people recognize you?"

The old man's words offended all the masters below. They were all chiefs from the branches of the Wu clan, and their strength was unpredictable.

This old guy, Emperor Wu, always wanted to pretend to be a master of his family and give advice, causing strong dissatisfaction among the other patriarchs.

Li Xiaobai hid in the crowd, silently looking for the transaction partner. The paper was turned into powder and ashes when it arrived here. The other party was very cautious and did not want to reveal his identity in advance.

The huge wooden door squeaked and opened a gap, and the monks in the open space immediately fell silent, "Hush, the old patriarch has come out."

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