Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1658 Trading Object Wu Tianlong

Behind the huge wooden door of the Wu family, an old white figure appeared, and the atmosphere gradually became dignified.

This figure leaned on a dragon-headed crutch, and his footsteps did not move a bit, but his figure floated into everyone's field of vision.

His face is thin, his bones are protruding, his beard and hair are white, his eye sockets are deep-set, his eyes are as black as ink, only a little white light glows in his pupils, which is breathtaking.

"Is everyone here?"

The old man asked.

"Qi Buqi doesn't know, but the old man let us in first. Leaving the patriarchs of various clans outside and ignoring them is not the way to treat guests."

A middle-aged man said gloomyly.

"Naturally, it's just that a little bug seems to have sneaked into my house today. Dare I ask how this little brother got in?"

The old man stared at Li Xiaobai with eyes like burning flames, and said word by word.

"I've met the patriarch. Li Xiaobai, the patriarch of the branch of the lower Wu clan, will naturally attend the patriarch's meeting today."

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together, Lanxess said.

"Among our clan, is there such a young patriarch?"

"I've never heard of it, and I've never met. Which clan is this? Could it be that you came here for the clan leader?"

The monks around all looked sideways, looking at Li Xiaobai with surprise in their eyes.

Every year at the meeting, the main family will find troubles for all the branches. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, many family patriarchs send their clansmen to come and scold them for themselves, but this kind of behavior usually leads to a miserable death. None of the monks who attended the meeting left alive.


"Which family?"

The old man asked lightly.

"A small family in the borderlands of the southern region is insignificant."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, and took out a token from his bosom, which belonged to the Southern Region.

"Border branch, I don't remember sending an invitation to this small bloodline, and the small branch is not eligible to participate in the patriarchal meeting."

The old man looked indifferent and his tone was gloomy.

Li Xiaobai said, "As the patriarch, why am I not eligible to join the club? Only by listening to the instructions of my superiors can I better implement them accurately in the local area."

"Vulgar words, the ranks and disciplines in our clan are strict, even the patriarchs are divided into ranks, if everyone is like you, the patriarch meeting will be overcrowded, and the efficiency will be greatly reduced."

"What kind of meeting is this old man holding?"

The white light in the old man's eyes was shining brightly, it was extremely hot, as if it wanted to pierce Li Xiaobai.

"Family, this one was brought by me. Although he is only a side bloodline, he has a good cultivation level. After the investigation during this period of time, I think he is qualified to participate in the patriarchal meeting. The family may wish to observe it first, and then go down conclusion."

Among the crowd, a man in black robe spoke in a deep voice.

Although he had never seen him before, Li Xiaobai recognized him at a glance. This person was the patriarch who had been in close contact with the former patriarch. The two parties traded once a month before, so they must know each other's appearance. It was to clarify his identity and speak out to protect him.

"Wu Tianlong, are you serious?"

"Introduce the patriarch to join the patriarchal meeting, do you know the stakes in it, the hair is not all grown, can you guarantee that he will not have any problems?"

"That's right, and you should not forget the rules. To recommend the patriarch to join the meeting, the recommender must accept the challenge of the three patriarchs and succeed. Don't worry about this kid, you will die in the family. "

As soon as the black-robed man said this, many patriarchs immediately went into an uproar, inviting unqualified patriarchs to attend the patriarch meeting. Perhaps only they know what this means.

It is the Wu clan's rule for the referrer to accept the challenge. My family believes that if something goes wrong when introducing the patriarch to the family meeting, it is the referrer's responsibility. Therefore, accepting three rounds of challenges successively is also to limit the referrer from inviting The collateral blood came to the family.

"do you mean this?"

The old man looked at the man named Wu Tianlong and said lightly.

"Yes, that's what it means. Patriarch Li Xiaobai is absolutely qualified in terms of qualifications. I would like to guarantee that I will be his guide."

Wu Tianlong looked at Li Xiaobai and said loudly.

"In that case, let's enter first!"

The old man glanced at Wu Tianlong and Li Xiaobai, then turned around and entered behind the wooden door.

The rest of the patriarchs looked at Li Xiaobai with suspicious expressions. It was the first time they had seen such a young patriarch, and it was really surprising that Wu Tianlong favored him.

Li Xiaobai followed behind everyone and entered the wooden door.

The inside is just a practice field, some young people are practicing boxing, all of which are some kind of ancient fighting techniques, and there is a sense of vicissitudes in every gesture, and there is a certain mystery bred in it.

The patriarchs passed by, and those young people were also looking at this side, but what was contained in their eyes was not awe, but disdain.

"This is the main family, the status is detached, even if it's just a little monk who sweeps the floor, he looks down on the side blood in his bones, they are the orthodox."

A gentle male voice came from beside him, somewhat familiar.

Li Xiaobai turned his head and looked, it was the man in black robe named Wu Tianlong, who was also the transaction object of his trip.

"So that's how it is. I think all the teenagers who come to this family are outstanding people, and their cultivation bases are all good fortune."

Li Xiaobai nodded.

"My family's monks have always valued the status of bloodlines, but neglected their cultivation. For my family, as long as the old patriarchs are still alive, they will always be superior to other branches."

Wu Tianlong said calmly.

"Thank you Brother Tianlong for telling me, just now Brother Tianlong's rhetoric in front of my family made my blood agitate. From now on, as long as Brother Tianlong is not about money, you can come to me, there is no joke!"

Li Xiaobai laughed loudly, patted his chest and said.

"That's right, so, who are you, and how did you get involved in the Wu clan's patriarchal meeting?"

Wu Tian's dragon painting style changed abruptly, his grinning mouth revealed ferocious fangs, and scarlet flashes in his eyes, making him look a bit demonic.

"Brother Tianlong is really a nobleman who forgets things too much. Could it be that you forgot to come here to make a deal?"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Brother, are you joking? The transaction I made with Wu Gou, why is his identity token in your hands?"

Wu Tianlong shouted in a low voice.

"I am not talented, but now it is the patriarch of the offshoot of the Wu clan who came to carry out this transaction on behalf of Wu Gun. Our clan has an inner ghost, so the transaction was made in advance."

"Who is the ghost?"

"Miss Wu Guo."

"Sure enough, I thought this woman was a vicious woman, but I didn't expect that she wanted to meddle in my business."

"But I'm a good talker. I don't care who the trader is, even if your village is dead, as long as you bring something."

Wu Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly.

"Don't worry, it's all right. Brother Tianlong can survive those three rounds of challenges?"

"It's just a bunch of bastards, wait for me to deal with them, and then look for trading opportunities. During this period, don't be caught, you will get extremely rich resources!"

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