After Wu Tianlong finished speaking, his figure disappeared among the crowd.

Li Xiaobai's complexion didn't change, but Xiao Jiujiu appeared in his heart. This guy has a big tone, seems like a big boss?

Those who came were all the patriarchs of the major branches, even the patriarchs of the weak branches, who can get the qualifications of the patriarch meeting, must have no weak opponents, Wu Tianlong dared to pick three, he must have something to rely on, this trip needs more Be careful.

The crowd arrived at a large hall, with seven or forty-nine futons in total, and the patriarchs sat scattered, leaving only Li Xiaobai standing alone in front of the door, with no place for him.

"Come and sit."

Wu Tianlong's deep voice sounded in the hall, attracting many people's attention.

"Thank you!"

Li Xiaobai thanked him and sat down beside him.

Looking around, every patriarch is covered in robes, covering his figure and appearance tightly, and he is the only one who shows his true face.

"It seems that everyone has arrived. That being the case, the old man will not procrastinate. We will start the meeting today, and we will settle everything here. However, we still have things to deal with before the official start."

"Wu Tianlong, it's up to you to show that you trust this patriarch with a foreign surname so much, I hope your performance will not disappoint this old man!"

The old man crossed his legs and said lightly.

"It's natural."

Wu Tianlong appeared on the ring in a flash, clasped his fists to the surroundings, and said loudly, "Which brother can give me advice."

"I come."

A glamorous young woman beside Li Xiaobai got up, twisted her body and walked up, and she did not forget to wink at Li Xiaobai before leaving.

"My family, challenge Wu Tianlong, my family has the qualifications, right?"

The glamorous young woman smiled coquettishly.

"They are all cultivations above the Immortal God Realm, so naturally there are."

The old man nodded, his crutches were still on the side, and he closed his eyes, as if the old monk had settled down, no longer caring about the situation on the stage, and leaving everything to the clan leaders themselves.

"Brother Tianlong, let's make a move."

The young woman said with a smile.

"Hmph, everyone who is on stage today is my sworn enemy, Wu Tianlong, you really want to be my enemy!"

Wu Tianlong squinted his eyes, and took off his robe, exuding a dangerous aura.

"It's useless to talk more, let's see the real chapter under my hands."

"it is good!"

Wu Tianlong stepped over and appeared in front of the delicate beauty in an instant, pushing his palms horizontally, and the woman was weak and boneless and flew upside down, hitting the wall of the hall.

"You... have such deep skills..."

The beautiful young woman stared at her beautiful eyes, her face full of disbelief.

Not only her, but everyone present looked as if they had seen a ghost, but it wasn't Wu Tianlong's strength that shocked them, but... the performance of this special lady was too fake!

Can the two of you act a little more fake?

Anyway, we are all patriarchs. How can anyone say that you will fly upside down with a light push? Is this reasonable? Is it plausible?

"It turns out that they know each other. No wonder this person is so confident. It is really effortless to play three fake matches in a row."

Li Xiaobai nodded secretly, it would be unwise to go shopping for an outsider, and it would be the same for him.

"First match, win!"

The old man of the family said lightly, still did not open his eyes, the meaning is obvious, the world of adults does not care about the process but only the result.

"Second game, please enlighten me."

Wu Tianlong clasped his fists and said loudly to a certain part of the crowd, where a man in black robe stood up as well, but before he could make a move, a figure galloped out first and appeared in the field.

"Let me do this round. Your acting skills are too fake. The patriarchs will not enjoy watching it."

This is a pale young man. Although he looks young, his cloudy eyes reveal his age. This is an old monster.

"My family, Wu Xie, is he qualified to challenge Brother Tianlong?"

"Naturally enough."

The old man nodded slightly.

Wu Xie is a master in his own family, no matter in terms of strength, cultivation or status, he is absolutely top-notch.

"In that case, you can die."

Wu Tianlong's eyes were round and round, and two gray lights shot out from them, piercing Wu Xie's eyes.

"Brother Tianlong, what kind of qualities does this kid have that can be worth your shot!"

"Try your best to introduce an outsider into the family meeting, what is your purpose!"

Wu Xie shook his palms and crushed the two divine lights.

But in the next second, his chest suddenly sank, and his body flew upside down uncontrollably, like a kite with a broken string, blood gushing from his mouth.

There was silence in the arena, this is not acting, this is really being seriously injured by one move.

Not only that, everyone found that there were two Wu Tianlongs in the hall, one was on the sidelines and the other was in the middle. After taking a full breath, the Wu Tianlong in the middle slowly faded away.


"It's not a body technique, it's just pure speed, which can keep the afterimage for a full breath!"

"This Wu Tianlong is usually gloomy and gloomy. He doesn't show the mountains or the water. He didn't expect his cultivation to reach such a level. Even Wu Xie is not a match for him."

"But in this way, even if it's a slap in the face of my family, I'm afraid that after today, my family won't let him off easily!"

The patriarchs whispered to each other. Although Wu Xie was hit by a single move, they were not too shocked. Everyone knew that the monks in the current family were low-level, and they were defeated by the branch patriarchs thanks to the old patriarch's prestige. , nothing.

"The Great Heavenly Demon Kung Fu was only passed on to you last year. It's really an eye-opener for me to be able to practice it to such a level in just one year!"

"With such a branch patriarch, my Wu clan is still at its peak!"

The old man pointedly said that it is absolutely impossible to reach such a state of perfection in just one year. There is only one truth. It was not until he passed it to the other party that he began to use it openly.

"My family is absurd, it's all my Wu clan's mysterious skills, and I can benefit from it!"

Wu Tianlong cupped his fists and cupped his hands, and said leisurely.

"Brother Tianlong is invincible!"

"Brother Wu Xie is seriously injured and has already lost the qualification to participate in the meeting. I will take over his seat!"

Li Xiaobai said happily, and trotted to Wu Xie's seat, ignoring the surprised eyes of the monks around him, and sat down directly.

If you don't arrange a futon for him, then he will grab one by himself.

Seeing this situation, Wu Xie, who was molesting and meditating, was furious, and with a wow, a large amount of blood spewed out again, and his eyes were full of resentment.

"This last round, let the little old man do it."

On a futon in the corner, stood a trembling old man. The old man was staggering and weak, as if he would fall down in the next second, and walked to the middle of the hall with three steps.

"Little old man Wu Dazhuang, if you want to try, let's try the young man's method."

"Let's see if the masters of our family are still in style after so many years."

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