Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1696 Occupied By The Wu Clan

above the attic.

Li Xiaobai and Wu Dazhuang went to a wing room at the end of the second floor. The identities of the two chiefs of the Wu clan were still very scary. Although they were not in the upper room, the layout of the room and the beautiful scenery outside the window were not inferior to the upper room.

"Miss Qiu has a heart."

Wu Dazhuang was very satisfied, and dismissed the waiter with a wave of his hand.

"The old man will enjoy it, this place is pleasing to the eye."

Li Xiaobai praised.

"Hahaha, it's really pleasing to the eye, but it's a pity that it's not the upper room. The upper room has its own courtyard. Every time the old man comes to live in the room with pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, it's so uncomfortable."

"I don't know which lucky one lived in the little old man's house first."

Wu Dazhuang's face was very bitter. When he thought of his special suite being occupied by someone else, he felt uncomfortable. He hoped that the one who lived in it was a fairy, not a big guy who slapped his feet.

"This time the son of the restricted area of ​​the Necromancer came to the Linyuan domain, I'm afraid it's not easy to do it?"

Li Xiaobai said straight to the point, he didn't believe that the old man really came to visit the mountains and rivers, and he must have a plan.

"Where is the matter, the little old man is so incompetent, how can he interfere with Qin Tian's affairs, he is the master of a domain, and it is very satisfying to be able to admire the demeanor of some masters from all walks of life."

Wu Dazhuang laughed.

"Bang bang bang."

Both of their buttocks were not sitting warmly, there was a knock on the door outside the house, and the voice of a maid came in.

"My lords, my lady has an invitation, please move to the top floor of Linyuan Pavilion!"

"Who is your lady?"

Li Xiaobai opened the door, and an elegant fragrance wafted into the room. The maid in front of her was picturesque, with pink lips, almond eyes and curved eyebrows.

"My son, my young lady's name is Qin Xiufang, and she is the eldest miss of the Qin family."

"I heard that the patriarch of the Wu clan came here and specially invited them. There are many young talents gathered in the pavilions, and there are also many masters of the older generation. I must be very happy to see the masters of the Wu clan."

The maid bowed slightly and said very politely.

"Miss Qin's invitation, then go and have a look, maybe you can see a marriage!"

Wu Dazhuang patted Li Xiaobai on the shoulder, and the old and the young walked upstairs with their shoulders crossed.

"Senior is really old-hearted..."


Top floor, upper class wing.

Li Xiaobai saw the yard that Wu Dazhuang had mentioned earlier, it was so big that it had no boundaries, and it was hard to imagine that this was the layout that an attic could have.

Pavilions, terraces and waterside pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, a woman in a white skirt sits in an ancient pavilion and caresses the strings of a piano, the lingering sound lingers in your ears.

The banks of the surrounding rivers are full of monks, almost all of them are young monks, the proud sons of heaven from all forces.

He also saw a few familiar faces here, the chiefs of other branches of the Wu clan.

"The patriarch of the branch of the Wu clan is here. It is a long way to welcome you. Xiufang heard that two patriarchs of the Wu clan have come to Yuan Pavilion, and I specially invite you to meet and pay tribute to the demeanor of the two seniors!"

Among the pavilions, the young woman in the white dress covered her face and smiled lightly, the stamens around her were overshadowed.

This girl has a graceful figure, and her eyes are full of affection, which makes everyone who sees her fall in love with her.

The faces of the young talents on the bank of the river were dull. This woman was beyond beautiful.

"It turned out to be a senior from the Wu family. No wonder the Miss Qin family invited me so kindly. I have met two seniors from the Qin family, Qin Ming."

A young monk closest to the shore stood up, cupped his fists and said loudly.

This is the young master of the Qin family and one of Qin Xiufang's strong suitors. The disciples from the aristocratic family whom he met on the stairs just now are the minions of this young master of the Qin family.

"Xiao Qin is not bad. When I saw you a few years ago, it was only up to the chest of the old man, but now it is higher than the head of the old man!"

Wu Dazhuang nodded, his face full of kindness and kindness.

"It's an honor for the juniors to be remembered by the seniors."

Qin Ming was terrified, and his eyes swept over Li Xiaobai unconsciously. The young man who can follow the Wu patriarch must not be a simple character.

"Xiao Qin, sit down."

Sensing the other party's gaze, Li Xiaobai waved his hand, and said in an old-fashioned way, with the same kind and kind gaze, the pure appearance is that the elders look at the younger.

For a moment, Qin Ming froze in place. Among his peers, how dare anyone talk to him like that?

"Today I sincerely invite all of you to come here is also an abrupt move by my little girl. I hope that with my meager talents and learning, I will be appreciated by all the gentlemen."

"I can give my little girl this thin noodles, and my little girl is grateful."

Qin Xiufang's vermilion lips parted slightly, and she breathed out Lan Fang.

"Fairy Qin is too modest, and it is our great honor to be able to admire her demeanor today."

The monks said with a smile that they would have no regrets in this life to see Fairy Qin's smile.

"I heard that someone in the city took down the notice for Fairy Qin to recruit relatives in a martial arts competition, so it must be this fellow Daoist from the Wu clan?"

A monk beside Qin Ming stood up, looked at Li Xiaobai and asked.

This person's appearance is quite similar to Qin Ming's, so he should be a descendant of the clan.

"it's me."

Li Xiaobai nodded.

"Removing the notice is tantamount to declaring war on the young talents in the city. Even the sons of the restricted area have never acted like this. Your Excellency must be proud of being invincible at the same level of cultivation. Why don't you take this opportunity to exchange ideas with us."

The man said coldly, two cold lights shot out from his eyes, and he stared at Li Xiaobai closely.

"I don't fight with juniors."

"Let your master come and talk to me."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, and with a shake of his hand, the identity token of the chief of the Wu clan fell off.

Just kidding, who wouldn't be able to pretend, now that he is the head of the clan, how can he lower himself to be as knowledgeable as this junior?

The arena was silent.

The young talented man's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

This young man is actually the patriarch of the Wu clan!

How is this possible, how did he become the patriarch at such a young age? Could it be that some expert disguised himself as a young man?

"Cough cough, I'm Qin Hao, the elder of the Qin family, the disciples of the sect have offended me and contradicted my brother, please don't take offense."

A middle-aged man in the crowd stood up, clasped his hands together, and said politely, as a peer.

"All the disciples of the Qin family are gentlemen, I appreciate it very much."

Li Xiaobai nodded, and said something indifferent, still giving advice as an elder, which made the disciples of the Qin family present very uncomfortable.

"Even if you are the patriarch of the Wu clan, you can't take off the notice at will. What will the world think of this behavior? They will think that your Wu clan has coveted the Linyuan domain!"

Some people say that the voice is hidden in the crowd, and the body cannot be found.

But just in the next second, the body of a beautiful young man in a red dress exploded directly, splashing blood on the spot.

"That thing, the old man also revealed it, it is really a fairy demeanor, the old man can't hold back his hands."

Wu Dazhuang had a kind face, but seeing his hands dripping with blood was hard to make people feel close.

"Isn't it just a notice, what can't be revealed?"

"I have one."

"What's wrong with Wu and Qin's marriage?"

A man in black robe not far away said in a hoarse voice, and Li Xiaobai recognized him at a glance, Wu Tianqiu, the patriarch who invited him to gather in Linyuanyu.

At the corner, another black-robed man also spoke, and said lightly, "I also tore it up, which hero doesn't want to embrace a beauty?"

"Or, I, Wu Tianlong, the patriarch of the branch of the Wu clan, do you think I am unworthy?"

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