Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1697 If You Dare To Go To The Ring, I Will Dare To Kill You

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

All of a sudden, four people who revealed the list appeared, and all of them were branch chiefs of the Wu clan. Could it be that the young man just said that it was right, and that the Wu clan is bound to win this trip?

Li Xiaobai looked at Wu Tianlong and Wu Tianqiu, these two people came faster than him, it was obvious that they were very interested in the mission of their family and wanted to try to assassinate Qin Tian.

And the opportunity has already appeared, the young miss of the Qin family has a martial arts competition to recruit relatives, as long as she can win the position of son-in-law, she can get close to Qin Tian without any effort, this is the best opportunity.

In the eyes of the world, old cows eat tender grass, and they don't pay attention to martial arts and so on. Anyway, this Linyuan domain will be finished sooner or later. The moment the family gave the order, they lost their respect for this domain. Awe.

"The Wu clan is so arrogant and domineering. They were originally hamsters walking in the dark, but now they actually stepped up on the stage, even beheading the monks in front of the fairies of the Qin family. It's really awe-inspiring!"

From the corner of the attic, a joking voice came.

The charming young man in a brocade hat and sable fur was surrounded by stars, and walked toward the crowd surrounded by stars.

"This is the land of the dead, the son of the restricted area, Wang Changsheng!"

Some monks exclaimed and recognized this face, the most popular young talent in the Linyuan domain today, the strong man who walked out of the restricted area!

Wang Changsheng passed all the young disciples, and went straight to the pavilion and waterside pavilion.

The pavilion where Qin Xiufang was located was surrounded by water on all sides, the river separated the monks, and the elegant gentlemen also sat on the side of the river bank wisely, not daring to jump in the slightest.

But as soon as the son of the forbidden area appeared, he let the river clear the way, lined up on both sides, revealing the wide avenue in the middle, and led a group of servants to the waterside pavilion, and sat beside Qin Xiufang.

The meaning of infringement is clear at a glance.

"Fairy Qin is really a stunning beauty, and the fragrance on her body is intoxicating."

Wang Changsheng said with a smile, showing a wicked smile, his eyes full of possessive desire.

"Prince Wang is serious. I heard that you have succeeded in practicing the formula of longevity. You are a talented person in the forbidden zone. I think you will be valued in the forbidden zone in the future."

Qin Xiufang distanced herself from the other party indiscriminately, and said with a faint smile.

"Longevity Jue is just my basic technique in the Necromancer Land. It does have some magical effects, but the real unique skills are beyond the reach of Longevity Jue."

"It will take dozens of years to practice to the level of transformation."

Wang Changsheng laughed out loud, "It's the fairies of the Qin family who are suddenly in such a hurry to choose the person they like. It must not be their original wish. I heard that the master of the Qin family has found a kung fu method, which can be controlled properly and can directly reach the realm of immortals and gods. Fairy must have heard about it a thing or two."

The two of them talked, you said something to me, the four monks all shut up and listened silently.

This conversation is full of all kinds of secrets, and the amount of information is huge. They feel that they have heard something extraordinary.

"It sounds like the fairies of the Qin family have a purpose of recruiting relatives in this martial arts competition. It's not simple."

Li Xiaobai touched his chin and muttered softly.

"To put it bluntly, it is the seed of injustice. Whoever can embrace the beauty in the end will be the biggest seed of injustice in the world. The little old man heard some rumors earlier, but he didn't expect it to be confirmed by the mouth of this forbidden son."

"If what he said is true, I'm afraid that all your cultivation will turn into a river and pour into this girl's body during the festive night in the bridal chamber."

Wu Dazhuang said lightly.

"Senior, you are too worried. Although Fairy Qin looks like a fairy, she is still a thousand miles away from the female Bodhisattva in my heart."

"What is the origin of this Wang Changsheng, the longevity formula is very powerful?"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and asked.

He knew that the abyssal region under his feet could not be regarded as the real core hinterland of the south, and the most fertile soil was all within the mythical forbidden zone called the land of the dead.

Linyuan City is just a springboard, if you want to see the old person that the sixth senior brother said, you have to go deep into this restricted area.

"Wang Changsheng is the son of the restricted area, the strongest combat power among the young generation in the Necromancer Land today. The Longevity Art is a profound skill of nourishing Qi. Its power is not very powerful, but it has miraculous effects in nourishing the body and dissolving toxins. .”

Wu Dazhuang said in a low voice.

"To put it simply, as long as you don't kill him, no matter how serious the injury is, he can recover within an hour."

Behind him, Wu Tianlong and Wu Tianchou did not know when they would appear, and they said calmly.

The exercises in the restricted area are always enviable.

"Do you think that Linyuan Yu is competing to recruit relatives at this time, attracting various forces to come, is it because he has noticed something and wants me to wait for the mouse?"

Wu Tianchou asked in a low voice, there are quite a few young masters of top forces gathered here, with them, it is indeed difficult for the Wu clan to ignite the flames of war, and it is inevitable that their hands and feet will be restrained.

"No, he doesn't have such a great ability. How he could know the instructions from above should be just a coincidence."

The four conspired in low voices, incompatible with the flattering voices around them.

The son of the forbidden zone showed up, the male disciple wanted to flatter him, and the female disciple wanted to back him down. After all, as long as this kind of existence can be tainted with a trace of karma, the rest of his life will be endlessly rich and prosperous.

"Patriarch Qin recently excavated a secret place at the foot of the Land of the Dead. If Brother Wang is interested, why not join us?"

Qin Ming got up, straightened his clothes, and said in a graceful manner.

"Who are you, my son wants a secret realm is just a matter of one sentence, how can it be your turn to point fingers!"

"Back off!"

Wang Changsheng said nothing, and the servants behind him yelled sharply, making Qin Ming's face turn red and turn white, and his fists clenched. He didn't pay attention to him, the son of the Qin family, at all.

"By the way, when I came out, my family asked me to bring a message that the Wu clan should be more honest this year, and don't do anything out of the ordinary."

Wang Changsheng, who had been flirting with Qin Xiufang all this time, seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly looked at Li Xiaobai and the others, said casually, and then threw himself into a new round of offensive, trying his best to eat Qin Xiufang's tofu in public. All the young talents were furious.

"Tell your family members to come and talk to me. When will even a brat be able to dictate to the Wu clan!"

Wu Tianchou said coldly, the words were filled with endless coldness, the scar on his face seemed to come alive, twisting and wriggling.

"Presumptuous, inferior people dare to humiliate my son!"

"Cutting off an arm, let you go!"

The servant behind Wang Changsheng was furious, and asked sharply, they came to Linyuan City for a private visit in disguise, and there are still ants who contradict him, this is despising the power of the restricted area.


As soon as the words fell, the row of servants in the pavilion instantly exploded, turning into a pool of blood mist, dyeing the river red.

Wu Tianqiu was the most restless, "Ants, the restricted area is nothing, dare to show off in front of me, if you dare to go to the ring, I will kill you!"

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