No one expected that the Wu clan, who had always been low-key on weekdays, would actually kill one after another today, and they were also servants of the restricted area.

"The dog is disobedient, and the owner needs to discipline it. If the owner doesn't discipline it, an outsider can only discipline it."

Wu Tianlong also said in a gloomy way, the words were full of gunpowder, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring.

In the past, their style of conduct was indeed low-key. After all, it was an organization that made its living from assassination. The less opportunities to show up in public, the better. But now it is different from the past. Lin Yuanyu has already sentenced to death.

If this land of the dead dared to show any support for it, it would be erased from the world by the Supreme Being.

They are naturally not afraid.

"Has the Wu clan become so arrogant and domineering?"

"The old man wants to ask for advice. Is it possible that you are sure to win this martial arts competition?"

"A group of immortals wishing to marry the Qin family fairy, what a shame!"

In the Qin family, an old man stood up, his eyes glared coldly, he stared at Li Xiaobai and the others and asked.

"Who was I at the time? It turned out to be Lord Qin. The announcement made it very clear that martial arts contests were all based on strength, and there was no age limit, and we were all in our prime. Why not? Everyone is just a child."

Wu Dazhuang said with a smile, as soon as he opened his mouth, he was always shameless.

The four monks who heard it had black lines all over their foreheads, you are almost buried in the ground, and you have the nerve to say that you are a mature man and a child, you really don't want Bilian.

Li Xiaobai nodded, deeply agreeing, "Children can have children of any size regardless of their size. The Qin family is dignified. People and things are so casual and superficial. I am ashamed to be with you!"

Wu Tianlong seemed to have thought of something, "Duke Qin doesn't seem to have a good match yet, so it's not bad to fight for this opportunity."

"What the hell am I..."

Qin Gong's old blood was almost spurting out. He has seen shameless people, but he has never seen shameless people in groups.

It is true that there is no age limit stated on the notice, this is Lin Yuanyu's negligence, and he also thinks that there will be no masters of the older generation who surrender their status and come to this martial arts competition to recruit relatives to embarrass themselves.

Moreover, the list of disciples dispatched by each faction has already been greeted, and the rest of the unidentified people are just some individual visitors. It is impossible to imagine that there will be a Wu clan, all patriarchs, and this is a master on the same level as him. , If you really want to go on stage, you won't even punch a child.

"It's okay, everything is subject to the announcement. Martial arts competitions are for the strong. I, Qin Xiufang, admire the strong. Naturally, I also hope to marry the strongest monk in this life. Age is not a problem. The arena is free and there is no limit. I will deal with this matter myself." Please discuss with your father."

Qin Xiufang got up and said softly, the soft voice reached the ears of every monk present.

Li Xiaobai couldn't help admiring in his heart, this woman has a great spirit, she can afford it and let it go, she is generous.

"I'm a little tired today, my little girl will go ahead, and you gentlemen can do whatever you want."

Among the water pavilions and pavilions, the fairy floated away without causing dust.

The four of Li Xiaobai left without further delay and returned to the attic in Linyuan City.

Wu Tianlong didn't say a word, his eyes fixed on Li Xiaobai, as if he wanted to see through him.

Wu Tianqiu sat on the bed, extremely lazy, looking at the other three people from the corner of his eyes.

Wu Dazhuang, on the other hand, walked with trembling steps, serving tea and water to several people enthusiastically, with a smile on his face.

"Either patriarch Wu has a lot of face, the two of us don't even have a place to stay, and the old patriarch Wu can still hang out in a side room when we come here. People are more popular than others!"

Wu Tianchou drank the tea and said with his mouth.

"I didn't expect your speed to be so fast, and some people didn't listen to the advice and came to this muddy water!"

Bloodthirsty light flickered in Wu Tian's dragon eyes, he was the one who didn't want anything to happen to Li Xiaobai, and he needed the other party's continuous supply of monster blood.

Li Xiaobai appeared here at this moment, which meant that no one was helping him collect thin blood, so his face naturally looked ugly.

"No, no, according to the little old man's observation, it's not just our speed, but also a few old guys who slipped into Linyuan City early."

"Everyone realizes that martial arts competition is an excellent opportunity to recruit relatives, but our skin is really criticized, we should be younger, and defeat all masters in a fair manner!"

Wu Dazhuang said slowly.

Among the four, his cultivation was unfathomable. He sensed the arrival of at least five Wu clan chiefs. Go to Linyuan City to look for opportunities.

"It's all easy to say, the key is the attitude of the restricted area. With them around, it's hard to do things."

"It's okay, don't worry about it, Qin Tian found a dangerous place at the junction of Linyuan Domain and Necromancer Land, let's go and take a look, and collect a group of Qin family's heads by the way to accumulate points."

The rules of the Wu Clan are not that only beheading Qin Tian can be rewarded. At the moment when the target is determined to be Qin Tian, ​​the master of the Linyuan domain, the heads of all the monks of the Qin family will automatically be converted into points. You can get the corresponding points.

This is the hunting time, he doesn't have the strength to kill Qin Tian, ​​but it is more than enough to harvest a group of subordinates.

A few people acted resolutely, leaving as soon as they said, Wu Dazhuang put Li Xiaobai on the shoulder, stepped out in one step, and appeared outside a desert in an instant.

Behind him is a city, as small as a black spot, and in front of him is an endless desert. A huge warship is inserted in the desert, with only half of its body exposed, exuding the atmosphere of ancient times.

The soil behind the warship looked no different from the outside world, but when a monk put himself in danger, he walked peacefully.

There are a steady stream of monks arriving from all directions, and they all come here to explore the secrets.

The newly developed danger has a fatal attraction for monks.

The figures of Wu Tianlong and the three quietly changed, their appearance became younger and younger, and their posture became more and more upright. In just a few breaths, they turned into three handsome and beautiful boys. This is them The appearance of youth.

"There are many poisons in the dangerous territory, so we need to be careful, come here with the team!"

"The disciples of the Qin family open the way. If there is a fellow Taoist who is willing to help, come and sign up!"

The monks are recruiting and want to form a team to explore the secret realm.

The four of Li Xiaobai walked towards a disciple of the Qin family, and said with a smile on his face, "Senior brother, can you let the younger brothers follow and explore the dangerous situation together?"

"Cultivation, realm."

"First floor of the Void Spirit Realm."

The disciple raised his eyes slightly, looked at the people in front of him, and said numbly, "Over there, you can get the mecha at your own expense."

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