Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1704 Small Follower, Giant Soul

"Do you know the information about other treasures?"

Wu Tianchou glanced at Qin Shuang up and down. This lady's status in the Qin family was not low. Judging from the entourage that the other party brought with him, she seemed to have sneaked out after getting some information.

"Naturally, we know that once we cooperate once, we have a foundation of mutual trust, and the future cooperation will be smoother, how about it?"

Qin Shuang is very confident. She believes that her intelligence value will definitely move the hearts of the four mysterious young people in front of her.

"The Great God of the Giant Spirit Clan is not a petty figure. This corpse is placed here. Why don't your family elders come to pick it up? Don't tell me that the current masters of the Linyuan domain no longer look down on corpses of this level."

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and asked.

He thought more, Qin Tian hadn't even transported the corpse of the ancient great god, how could foreign monks like them take it away easily? Maybe it was because there was some kind of trap on the corpse that forced Qin Tian to stop. Well, at this moment, if this chick wants to reach a cooperation, she probably wants to entrap them.

"My lord doesn't know that the giant spirits are born with supernatural powers and cannot be stored in space containers. If they are moved away, the target in the city is huge, so they are placed here, and the most valuable treasures on their bodies have been taken away. , but our soup is more than enough."

Qin Shuang said softly.

"So that's it. Your proposal is very constructive. Is there any danger on this Giant Spirit Race? Where is the treasure placed?"

Li Xiaobai nodded, and asked the question that several people were most concerned about.

There are usually ominous signs on the corpses of such ancient powerhouses. If they are not careful, they will be unlucky at least, and at worst, they will live in endless haze for the rest of their lives.

"The giant spirit clan itself is a huge treasury. Their bodies are strong and indestructible. Unlike ordinary monks, they don't know how to practice magical powers, but specialize in the body. They practice the internal organs. Therefore, every internal organ in this corpse Weapons are all treasures that bred mysterious power, and they can be used endlessly.”

"The little girl and the few brothers in the family only need its kidney, and the rest will be handled by a few fellow Taoists. How about it?"

Qin Shuang said that a very favorable condition was given.

The kidney is the place where the essence is stored. This disciple of the Qin family probably wants to improve his cultivation and nourish his body by absorbing the essence stored in the kidney.

"The heart was preempted by Tianlong, little friend, you were impulsive just now, and the blood of your heart should be the most precious."

"Since the heart has been preempted by it, I will trouble my little friend to send me to the lungs. I have been coughing a lot lately. Eat a lung tonic."

"I want a spleen, send me there, see that you are interested in all kinds of anecdotes in the world of immortals and gods, this book is for you."

Wu Tianqiu was particular about it, and he threw out a book at random, which also told about various major events in the world of immortals and gods, but it was not a chronicle, but specifically about the history of the fortunes of various sects.

Li Xiaobai readily accepted, he needed these things, and looked for the footprints of his brothers and sisters from these historical books.


Two more talismans were pasted on the backs of Wu Tianchou and Wu Dazhuang, the two golden lights shone, and the figures disappeared.

"Miss Qin Shuang wants a kidney, is there a way to get it?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"I have my own way."

Qin Shuang nodded, he was able to inquire about the information of the Giant Spirit Clan so finely, of course he was prepared to deal with it.


After a while, several golden rays of light flickered again, and Li Xiaobai was the only one left in the field.

The rest of the monks were all sent into the corpses of the giant spirit tribe. It has to be said that the power of space is sometimes really convenient, and it can avoid such things as breaking the defense, and directly enters the body to absorb the power of the viscera.

"But in this way, they all entered the body of the corpse. Doesn't it mean that the initiative now lies with me?"

Li Xiaobai had a thought, if he moved the bones of the giant spirit clan into his extremely evil pure land at this moment, would the disciples of the Qin family and the three chiefs of the Wu clan also become his prisoners?

The evil thought just flashed by, he shook his head, not very safe, the cultivation of the three patriarchs is unfathomable, all of them are above the fairyland, God knows whether his extremely evil pure land can eat such a big cake.

"We are all partners, how can we make trouble, I, Li Xiaobai, am a good person!"

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, and ran towards the head of the corpse, he wanted to see what this ancient god looked like.

The golden chariot turned into a flash of light and galloped on the huge corpse. This corpse was taller than the mountain. Its head was rotten and smelly. There were only dry bones, which were very hard, and even the years had not left traces on its bones.

If he survived, he would stand up to cover the clouds and cover the sun, mighty and unstoppable, and the one who can kill him here is also a powerful character.

The closer it was to the head, the stronger the palpitations. This breath was very familiar, and it belonged to the female Piaozi. Sister Piao had an inexplicable throbbing for the giant's head, and she seemed to be very eager.

Before he could react, a scarlet ghostly figure floated out of his body, his hands passed through the head, and pulled vigorously, a complete giant spirit soul was pulled out inch by inch.

Li Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, this sister Piao dared to think and do it, she actually wanted to swallow the soul of an ancient god in one gulp, and she wasn't afraid of being blown up.

At that moment, he sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and fell into a dream. A familiar dark space appeared in front of him, and he sat on the bed.

Not far away, he saw Sister Piao struggling to drag something from the darkness. The giant's upper body had already been dragged into this dark space, and the rest was pulled over in just a stick of incense.

"Sister Piao is mighty, what's the use of bringing this soul here?"

The hanging woman in red answered him with practical actions. The woman drifted open her mouth, revealing a mouth full of sharp steel teeth. She bit down viciously. The giant's soul was distorted and deformed, and it was pulled into a strange shape, but it just couldn't help it. Torn off by those teeth.

Even though Nu Piaozi tried her best, she couldn't tear off a piece of flesh from the giant. Not only was the body tough, but the giant's soul was also full of resilience.

"Sister Piao, I have a bold idea."

Li Xiaobai thought for a while, and called out his visualization object, "Deluxe Edition Li Xiaobai".

"You can't become a fat man if you eat it in one bite. Why don't you save it for you first, and then you can enjoy it slowly?"

Sister Piao paused, nodded, and pulled the giant's soul behind the "Deluxe Edition Li Xiaobai" with both hands, turning it into a part of the visualization.

It's done!

It should have been an extremely painful process for the soul of the ancient great god to be integrated into one's visualization, but the system automatically blocked all spiritual attacks, perfectly skipping the process of refining.

Nu Piaozi was stunned, as if she didn't expect it to be so smooth. She intended to refine most of Li Xiaobai's visualization, and the rest of the soul would be hers. His face became murderous, and his eyes were full of resentment.

Li Xiaobai grinned, "Thank you sister Piao for everything!"

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