Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1705 The Giant Spirit God Was Taken Away

The giant's soul merged into the object of visualization, Li Xiaobai opened his eyes, and escaped from the dream. He suddenly felt that he also had the potential to practice drowsiness meditation, and he could enter the dream anytime, anywhere.

After about a quarter of an hour, the people who existed in the giant's body came out one after another.

The golden rays of light flickered one after another, Wu Dazhuang came out first, then Wu Tianlong, Wu Tianchou, and finally Qin Shuang reappeared outside.

These guys are very smart, and they can understand the usage of the replacement talisman just by looking at it once. After exchanging themselves from the corpse, the light of the talisman dimmed and turned into a wisp of green smoke that dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Everyone's face was filled with intoxication, obviously they had obtained huge benefits from the internal organs of this giant.

Especially Wu Tianlong, for some reason, this person's desire for blood surpassed ordinary people's understanding.

At first Li Xiaobai thought that the other party wanted to absorb the power in the blood to strengthen himself, but at this moment, there was a trace of unrestrained aura on the other people present, only Wu Tianlong was the same as usual, just There was a hint of joy on his face, and he couldn't see that he had absorbed the power of the giant's heart.

Thinking about it this way, when I traded with him, it seemed that the other party also saved his blood, and then arrived in Linyuan City in such a short period of time, so he must have no time to refine and practice.

Could it be that this guy is not collecting blood frantically for his own use?

"How to deal with this corpse, it's full of treasures,"

"Just tried it. The small world in my body can't carry it. This person should be a giant in his lifetime. His strength and cultivation base are far superior to mine. It is difficult to pull him into the small world."

Wu Tianchou said in a low voice, looking annoyed.

"There's no way to take Qin Tian away at once, so naturally it's impossible for me to wait."

Wu Tianlong said lightly, if it is so easy to take away, can it be their turn to pick up the leak?

"This corpse of the giant spirit clan has made great achievements in life. The elders in the clan call it the giant spirit god. Putting it here can be regarded as being buried in the battlefield. For such a strong person, it is also considered the best. home."

"The corpse of a strong man cannot be desecrated."

Qin Shuang was in high spirits. She had collected a drop of blood essence, which could not be refined for the time being. Just the breath of blood essence made her feel reborn and radiant.

This corpse is a huge treasury, the essence and blood inside are inexhaustible, and it is so vast that it is hard to imagine how much improvement Linyuanyu will get if it is mined with all its strength.

"It is indeed the glory of a soldier to die on the battlefield. My younger brother is not talented. There is a battlefield. Let's try to see if it can be used as a tomb for this senior."

Li Xiaobai smiled, and with a thought, he directly called out the extremely evil pure land. This was originally the forty-ninth battlefield, and the restricted area was carried around with him. In an instant, the surrounding environment changed and turned into a blood-colored desert. The city, in a blink of an eye, returned to normal.

It's just that the giant corpse in front of him disappeared without a trace!

"It was taken away!"

"You actually have an ancient battlefield in your body, and you can still keep this corpse in your pocket!"

Not to mention Qin Shuang, Wu Tianlong and the others were also shocked. For the first time, the three patriarchs really looked at the patriarch who had just joined the patriarchal meeting.

Even if they couldn't do this kind of means, the other party did it easily. What is the origin of this foreign clan member, and what kind of plan is he joining the Wu clan?

"A good method, as expected of someone who comprehends the power of the law of space. It can't be judged by common sense. I didn't expect that I would introduce such a master to the clan in a short time. I have to take credit from my clan."

Wu Tianlong said with a gloomy face, Li Xiaobai's performance was tantamount to reminding him that the branch patriarch who helped him collect rare blood is no longer the little patriarch who flattered and obeyed him back then.

"A small test, I didn't expect it to be successful, but the corpse of the giant spirit god is too big, and the energy is overwhelming. Although I put it in a cyst, I can't release it for a while, and I can't enter the battlefield for a while. "

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said with a smile, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

The corpse of the giant spirit god has been swallowed by the lake of resentment spirits, and the conversion process is quite slow, but once the refining is completed, he will obtain a great resentment seed with supernatural power!

This wave, the blood is not lost, and the treasure is picked up!

Everyone's faces were not very good-looking. They didn't believe a word of Li Xiaobai's remarks. Can they accept it or let it go?

It's obvious that this girl wants to swallow it alone, and she still wants to swallow it blatantly.

The eyes of Qin Shuang and the others showed deep horror. They came out of the Qin family, and they naturally knew how difficult it was to get rid of the corpse of this ancient god, but even his father couldn't come up with a good way for a while, and it was so easy for this young man. was taken away.

In just a few seconds, her Qin family had already lost a treasury that was incomparably rich.

She regretted a little, if she didn't recruit casual cultivators, she might still be able to keep the corpse.

The nature of this matter is too serious, she must report to the family in the shortest possible time, and must use all means to stop this monk named Li Xiaobai in the city.

"Good courage, good luck, and good strength."

"The next baby, little friend can't act like this, otherwise it will attract public outrage."

"In addition, if one day the corpse of this giant spirit god can be taken out, I would like to exchange the most precious resource for blood."

The Wu clan is very human, and no one will act recklessly before they can accurately judge Li Xiaobai's strength.

The four reached a consensus on the exchange of interests.

What they didn't notice was that the fingers of Qin Shuang's hands behind his back moved slightly, drawing a small formation pattern behind him, blending into the land.

"Fairy Qin, where are you going next, let's work together, maybe you can take this opportunity to become the number one member of the Qin family's younger generation!"

Li Xiaobai looked at Qin Shuang, looking eager to try.

But before the other party could speak, a pair of huge golden lines suddenly entangled under the feet of several people, forming a large formation with intertwined roots, and the surging light swallowed a hundred miles around.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of my eyes, and I couldn't see anything. I don't know how long it took, but what I saw gradually recovered.

Behind him was the familiar huge warship, which plunged straight into the depths of the desert, with only half of its body exposed.

This is the entrance to the secret realm.


"Why are we back again?"

"Little girl, what's going on?"

Wu Tianchou was furious, and he planned to obtain more benefits. This is not a simple secret realm, it must be filled with a lot of precious resources, and even many monks of his level would try to snatch it.

"Brother, please be safe and don't be impatient. I'm afraid that the removal of the corpse of the giant spirit god has activated some kind of mechanism. Now that it's out, why don't you go to the Qin's house with the little girl and have a cup of tea?"

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