Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1710 Everyone Present Is Rubbish

"It's good to know, you are a man with a family, you spend all day making trouble outside, and now you are even targeting me. You really don't know why you can't write dead words?"

"The water behind martial arts competitions is very deep, don't blame me for not reminding you, don't get involved!"

Qin Xiufang said coldly with an indifferent expression.

"That's wrong. It's the so-called competition in the arena. Everyone depends on their ability. If others can make it, why can't I make it?"

"Nowadays, young talents from all major forces gather together. Such a prosperous age is rare, and my younger brother also wants to meet the heroes of the world and compete in the world!"

Li Xiaobai said proudly with his hands behind his back.

"Presumptuous, are you going to learn from each other?"

"With your rudimentary skills, if you go up, you will die. I'm too embarrassed to point you out!"

"Don't think that you can be lawless because you are the direct blood of the Qin family. No one can help you in the arena. Even if you die, you can't blame others!"

Qin Xiufang's face was frighteningly pale, and the disgust in her eyes could be seen at a glance.

"Brother Yu, listen to my brother's advice, get married honestly, get ready, your marriage is also a big event in the clan."

Qin Ming patted Li Xiaobai's shoulder, then turned around and pulled Qin Xiufang away.

"These two people came to my site to show their superiority?"

Seeing the figures of the two going away, Li Xiaobai scratched his head, his face full of confusion.

What are these two guys doing here, just to inform a marriage?

Labor-management marriage takes care of your business, it's really fucking bad luck.

the other side.

Qin Ming and Qin Xiufang left Qin Yu's mansion and galloped all the way.

"Xiufang, this Qin Yu is really obsessed with sex. He doesn't care about anything. It's a waste of his father's kindness to him."

Qin Ming's complexion gradually darkened.

"My father wanted to repay my uncle's kindness. Since the death of my uncle, no matter how much trouble Qin Yu caused, my father never punished him, but he actually set his plan on me. If he really dared to go to the ring, he might not survive. one day."

Qin Xiufang's pretty face turned cold. She has always looked down on such dudes, and she doesn't bother to deal with them.

"But did you notice that just now Qin Yu was calm and relaxed, and turned a deaf ear to our words. In the past, he was not so calm and calm."

Qin Ming pointed out something.

Qin Xiufang's beautiful eyes sparkled, and she also had a similar feeling. In the past, when Qin Yu saw that her soul was about to be taken away, but today he showed an indifferent attitude towards her, and even looked into her eyes. Not mixed with desire.

Could it be that he was hiding clumsiness on weekdays?

Doesn't exist, a good-for-nothing dandy, eating, drinking and having fun all day long, where does he have time to practice?

"Wait until tomorrow to know the answer."

"Brother Ming, are you sure? I don't want to marry into the land of the dead, which is a place where birds don't shit."

Qin Xiufang restrained the coldness in her eyes, and looked at Qin Ming affectionately.

"Don't worry, in my heart, you are already my wife at this moment. The son of the restricted area is indeed not a cheap lamp, but my father will help me!"


Two days later.

early morning.

Qin Yu's mansion.

Li Xiaobai ordered his servants to prepare the sedan chairs, and headed towards the arena built in the center of Linyuan City.

In the past two days, he tried various methods to get close to the core stockade of the Qin family, all of which ended in failure. He thought that Qin Yu, as a direct bloodline, should have something to fish for in the family, but in fact there is not even a hair.

This guy is a complete mess, his mind is not on cultivation at all, he has no treasures, and the rare earth resources are pitifully small, but the number of women's underwear in his collection is so much that it makes one's scalp tingle.

A rotten person, no wonder he is so unpopular.

"The past two days have been peaceful, and I haven't heard of any major incidents. Those few are very peaceful."

Sitting in the sedan chair, Li Xiaobai looked at the monks walking back and forth, each of them was full of fighting spirit.

The arena in the city was built by Qin Tian himself, and it can withstand the maximum attack without collapsing.

Several key figures sat at the front of the audience seats early.

Sitting in the middle is Qin Tian, ​​beside Qin Xiufang, and on the left and right are many elders of the Qin family. The senior elders of the major clan forces are lined up, watching the younger generation of monks entering the arena one after another, commenting and pointing, Laugh from time to time.

"Little friend, I had a good life."

The three of Wu Dazhuang appeared out of nowhere and joined Li Xiaobai's sedan chair.

"What are the seniors talking about? I was born in a wealthy family, and I can't help myself in many things. The world only sees my glamorous appearance, but they don't know the sorrow in my heart."

Li Xiaobai retreated, and mixed with Wu Dazhuang and the other three into the crowd.

These three didn't wear human leather masks, they still looked like teenagers, and they seemed to be preparing to participate in the competition.

"Don't pretend, boy, you can still act like a good boy when you get cheap."

"This time the arena is difficult. I just saw a few hard stubbles, and I probably haven't noticed me yet."

Wu Dazhuang said in a low voice.

"Hard stubble?"

Li Xiaobai was puzzled, among the monks present, were there any opponents of these three patriarchs?

"Several old monsters came here in disguise to participate in the martial arts contest to recruit relatives. They still want old cows to eat young grass at such a young age. It's really disgusting. Pooh!"

Wu Tianchou spat and cursed loudly, quite upset.

"Ahem, stop scolding, stop scolding."

Wu Tianlong waved his hand, "It's not a big deal, there's a chance of winning, but if you try your best, you won't be able to disguise your face. I hope the Qin family won't cause any trouble."

Suddenly, Li Xiaobai thought that if they could think of this method, other masters would naturally also think of it.

No one really wanted to marry Qin Xiufang away, but they all wanted to use the name of the son-in-law of the Qin family to get close to Qin Tian and make trouble.

The Wu family is like this, and so are other families. Even the son of the restricted area, his purpose is definitely not pure.

"Qin Yu, what are you doing down here? Come up and watch the game with uncle. We may not have seen each other for a long time."

On the high platform, Qin Tian spoke, his voice was very soft, but it was transmitted to Li Xiaobai's ears with precision.

Li Xiaobai trembled all over. He was being watched by the big boss before it even started. Thinking of Qin Ming and Qin Xiufang's warning two days ago, it seemed that the Patriarch was determined not to let him enter the ring.

"Three, I'm being targeted. Come on, I'll cheer for you from above."

Li Xiaobai said in a low voice, the next second, his body soared into the air, and was grabbed back into the auditorium by an invisible force.

"Nephew Qin Yu, it seems that you didn't take my words to heart. The arena is very dangerous, so don't get involved."

Qin Tian is a middle-aged man, with gray temples, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, his face is well-defined, he has a refined aura, and he is upright and awe-inspiring.

"Of course my little nephew would not dare to forget what the head of the family said. I thought it was Xiufang who was joking with me that day."

Li Xiaobai said with a chuckle, Qin Xiufang glared at him.

"It doesn't matter. It seems that you have done a lot of homework for this competition. Let me tell you, who is the most promising number one and will become the son-in-law of my Qin family?"

Qin Tian looked at Li Xiaobai and asked meaningfully.

"With all due respect, I am not targeting anyone. Except for my few friends, everyone below is rubbish!"

"Victory must belong to my four maggot brothers!"

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