Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1711 Why Are There So Many Masters In The Supernatural Realm?

"Short-sighted, sitting in a well and watching the sky."

Qin Xiufang was aloof, and said neither salty nor bland.

"Brother Yu, my father is protecting you. With your strength and cultivation, if you enter the ring, you will not survive today."

"Don't hurry up and thank your father!"

"If I make a move, everyone below will definitely lose. The owner is trying to maintain the balance of the game. Big sister can't even see this?"

Li Xiaobai remained calm and retorted.

"Bastard, who do you call a big sister!"

Qin Xiufang raised her eyebrows, and flames burned in her eyes.

Among the younger generation of the family, Qin Yu was the first one who dared to talk to her like this.

"Concentrate on watching the arena, Qin Yu. It's been a long time since I've seen you. Your energy level has improved a lot. You're not as decadent as before. After the arena is over, come to our other garden and I'll test your cultivation in person!"

Qin Tian looked at Li Xiaobai and said with a smile.

This former playboy can't say what he said just now, and he can't pretend that pride. The son of his elder brother in front of him has matured a lot.

"Thank you, Patriarch."

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists.

"Seven days later, how will your marriage with Shuang'er be, have you made any preparations?"

"Go home, Shuang'er and I hit it off right away, we hit it off, and we can get married at any time."

"That's good……"


Qin Tian said very little, after a few simple greetings, he stopped talking.

On the ring below, several elders of the Qin family floated down and faced the crowd.

"Thank you all for coming to my Linyuan City to support me. Today, the old man and others in the ring arena don't talk nonsense. Each person can receive a token. After passing three rounds of tests, they can compete for the real strong!"

A certain Qin family elder said loudly.

"Three rounds of quizzes, what's that?"

"Isn't recruiting relatives in a martial arts competition going directly to the ring?"

Some people questioned and asked, the content of this competition is not quite the same as they imagined.

"The most important thing is to recruit relatives in the martial arts competition. If you want to become the son-in-law of my Qin family, it is naturally impossible to just be the best in the world. Wentao, martial arts, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, all aspects have to be arranged."

The elder said, "Although this place is a arena, it is not a place for bravery and ruthlessness."


"I thought it was just a martial arts competition. I have drawn my sword. Tell me this?"

"Fuck, I practiced boxing all morning and adjusted my body to the best condition, but in the end I was asked to write, draw, and do something for girls?"

"Since ancient times, beauties match heroes, and cultivation is everything in the world of immortals and gods. What's the use of playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting? No matter how deep you study, it's nothing more than embroidered pillows. It's better to directly compete for the strongest!"

The monks were chattering, discussing and expressing their dissatisfaction.

Wu Dazhuang and the others were also a little confused. They came here to prepare for a fight. They had just studied the ways of the other old monsters. Now telling them not to fight is a bit unacceptable.

"I remember that Brother Tianlong has dabbled in the art of Qin."

Wu Dazhuang looked at Wu Tianlong and said.

"Know a thing or two."

Wu Tianlong said.

"Coincidentally, the old man has a lot of ideas, and he just happens to have some experience with calligraphy. Maybe we can communicate today."

Wu Dazhuang said cheerfully.

"A boring trick, a boring gimmick."

Wu Tianchou said coldly, only him, he can do nothing, he can only kill, and he only studies how to get rid of a person in the shortest time all day long.

"But it seems that this assessment is not the same as imagined, it seems to be an answer on paper?"

Wu Tianlong looked in one direction, where several waiters appeared, dragging tall test papers in their hands, like the ones given by teachers in private schools when they were young.

The elders of the Qin family distributed tokens, and everyone received their own numbers. At the same time, light curtains appeared on the ring, criss-crossing, dividing areas, and listing the serial numbers in them.

The numbers in Wu Dazhuang's three hands are connected together, nine seven, nine eight, nine nine.

"Please come in, everyone, and take your seats."

The elder Qin's family said loudly.

Everyone followed the other party's instructions, walked to their own digital area, and waited for the exam questions.

This feeling has not been felt for a long time, as if students from the mortal world went to Beijing to rush for the exam, but what they are looking for is not fame and wealth, but beauties and fairies.

The waiter was not in a hurry to distribute the test questions, but sent crystal balls into the hands of the monks one by one.

"This is a spirit bead, which can effectively detect your strength and cultivation base, and those whose cultivation base is below the Void Spirit Realm will be eliminated by themselves."

The Qin family elder said.

This is the simplest test, and it is also the first watershed. If you are not good enough, you are not eligible to participate in the competition to recruit relatives.

Otherwise, going to the ring forcibly will only lead to life-threatening.

"The eldest son of the Qin family, Qin Ming, is the first in the cultivation realm of the four parts to see the gods!"

"The eldest son of the Lei family, Lei Dong, with a cultivation base, is the first in the realm of the four gods!"

"Disciple of the Zhang family, arrogant, cultivated, the Void Spirit Realm is perfect!"


The crystal balls lit up one after another, and the light beams soared into the sky, which represented the passing of the cultivation base.

The method of using the crystal ball is very simple, you only need to inject a little cultivation into it, but this is just the simplest little test, no one is stupid enough to use all his strength, and expose his true level to others before he starts the fight.

"Fortunately, it's just a test of cultivation. If it's a test of age, the three of us will have to stop eating."

Holding the spirit bead in Wu Tianchou's hand, he breathed a sigh of relief, and carefully injected a trace of his cultivation into it. In an instant, the crystal ball was covered with cobwebs, emitting an unprecedented destructive light.

"First stage of the divine realm!"

This time, it instantly attracted the attention of the audience, everyone's eyes showed horror, and the masters of the supernatural realm joined the battle!

Among the younger generation, have monks already reached this field first?

I thought that the four god-peeping realms were invincible in the world, but whose subordinate is this god-penetrating realm that appeared out of nowhere?

"What kind of hammer are you doing? I promised you to keep a low profile. You've exposed yourself before you even started. Look at the younger generation present who has the cultivation of the supernatural realm. How can you play this?"

Wu Dazhuang blew his beard and stared, swearing, Wu Tianqiu's actions had already filled up the hatred.

"I have to make a cut with you. From now on, we don't know each other."

Wu Tianlong said lightly.

"You can't blame me for this. Who told this crystal ball to be so fragile? I only injected a little power, and it almost shattered!"

Wu Tianqiu wants to cry, but this Qin family is really, can't they get some good products to test him, take some broken copper and rotten iron, is it because they are afraid that they won't break fast enough?

"You are the one who is stupid about this matter. To test how high the quality of the spirit beads of the junior cultivation base can be, I am afraid that the detection of the psychic state is already its limit."

Wu Dazhuang and Wu Tianlong carefully injected a faint trace of cultivation, so weak that no one could detect it, and the spirit beads suddenly lit up.

"Four Parts Peer into the God Realm Double!"


The two breathed a sigh of relief, it was already the limit, the power in their bodies was too pure, and there was no way to suppress the power too low.

On the high platform, Qin Tian's eyes fell into deep thought, and he only stared at Wu Tianchou, a disciple of the divine realm, which he had never heard of.


After only a few breaths, the spirit orb in the hands of a monk in the field exploded directly, and the radiant light that burst out before it shattered showed the user's cultivation level.

"The second level of the divine realm!"

There was no sound in the arena, and all the monks fell into chaos. What's going on, just now a master of the first level of the supernatural power appeared, and now a second level appeared?

And this is even more exaggerated, it actually exploded the Lingzhu directly!

"Bang bang bang!"

There were a few more cracking sounds, and the faces of several strange monks appeared in front of everyone.

"Second level of divine power!"

"Second level of divine power!"

"Second level of divine power!"

"What's going on, why do so many powerhouses suddenly appear?"

"It's really the younger generation, why have I never heard of it?"

"At this age, at this stage, can you really enter the realm of the gods?"

"My elder's cultivation is only at the first level of the supernatural realm. Where did these people come from? I've never seen them before!"

The brains of the monks fell into a state of sluggishness, and their faces were full of bewilderment. This is nothing more than a fart. They can just surrender and go back home.

Qin Ming, the eldest son of the Qin family, also became stiff, and his expression was extremely ugly. His real cultivation base was perfect in the realm of watching the gods in the four parts. All magic weapons are useless.

There are several of them coming out at once, and they are all on the second floor. How can we fight?

"Go back and check, where are these people coming from?"

In the land of the dead, Wang Changsheng, the son of the restricted area, said to a servant beside him.

His real cultivation base is also in the psychic realm, and he just shattered the Lingzhu with all his strength just now, showing only the strength and cultivation of the first level of the psychic realm.

The field is full of monsters, monsters even more monstrous than him!

After such a fuss, Wu Tianchou was the one who received the least attention.

"It doesn't look very smart."

"Yeah, we will investigate this group of people in a short while, it is best to let them reveal their true colors, and we can directly win the championship."

Wu Dazhuang looked at the broken crystal balls one by one, shook his head and sighed, a little speechless.

They are all strong men from major families, and there are even one or two experts who are the patriarchs of the Wu clan. They are so careless, directly exposing the strength and cultivation level that does not meet the requirements of young monks. Isn't this waiting to be investigated?

However, the Qin family didn't say anything about it, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, and the monks whose cultivation base was not in the realm of imaginary spirits automatically exited.

This test has eliminated nearly two-thirds of the younger generation of masters. After all, if they can enter the Void Spirit Realm, they will be regarded as the pride of the heavens in the big forces.

"Don't tell the old man that strength is not equal to cultivation, you can leapfrog challenges and other nonsense. There is only one reason for insufficient cultivation, and that is lack of talent. My Qin family does not need a son-in-law with poor talent."

The elder Qin's family said lightly that many young people expressed their unwillingness and resentment when they left the stage, thinking that they could leapfrog the challenge and be qualified to enter the ring.

As everyone knows, if you can leapfrog, why can't others, and in the presence, which one has exposed his true strength?

Hidden strength can hang you, you can't even see it, so you don't deserve to enter the Qin family's gate.

"Let's hand out the test papers. I must be impatient. It was just a small episode. I didn't expect that among the younger generation in my fairy world, there are so many masters. Even the old man feels a little pressure. This round, let's take a look at your accomplishments." .”

A blank sheet of paper is handed out.

All the monks couldn't help frowning the moment they saw the words on it, and they frowned even more when they instinctively looked at the test questions in the hands of the person beside them.

"I would like to remind you that everyone has different test questions, so don't take chances!"

The elder Qin's family spoke up.

"Everyone's exam questions are different, so that's easy!"

Wu Tian Qiu Jie Jie laughed strangely, an invisible force gently brushed across the paper, the words on it dissipated, and a new paragraph of words was formed again.

"Discussion, how to kill people gracefully!"

Wu Dazhuang did the same thing, changing the above questions into the categories he is good at.

Wu Tianlong stared at the words on his examination paper for a long time, "Postpartum Care of Sows", this is a question between being able to write and not being able to write, he thought for a moment, sighed, and erased the words with a thought , Eloquently, it is a four-part review of the experience of practicing in the realm of gods.

On the high platform.

In front of the auditorium, Qin Xiufang clenched her red lips, feeling extremely nervous. What if the first monk of the younger generation was Wang Changsheng, the son of the restricted area?

The agreed strongest cultivation base is only the first level of the Divine Ability Realm?

Brother Ming who agreed to take away his father's treasure will increase his chances of winning by leapfrogging the ranks?

How did the reality become different? What happened to those strange monks?

Why are all of them in the realm of the gods, and they are still the second level!

"Nephew, you have made an amazing friend. You can actually have the power to reach the god level at a young age, which is not much better than the son of the restricted area."

Qin Tian pointed, looked at Li Xiaobai and smiled.

"Reporting to the Patriarch, everyone came here for their fame, just admiring the Qin family's reputation, and if this matter can be accomplished, I believe it will be a rare good thing for me in Linyuan City in the future. In time, I will become another fairy god The power of the environment was born out of nowhere."

Li Xiaobai smiled back and said calmly.

"Qin Yu, what the hell are you doing, did you find these people!"

"Could it be that the Qin family didn't let you go on stage, so you sabotage like this!"

Qin Xiufang's face was full of anger, and she no longer had the calmness and dignity she had earlier.

Just now, there were at least seven or eight cultivators in the psychic realm, how could Qin Ming win the top spot? Could it be that she really wanted to marry someone she didn't know?

"In any case, these are all big sister's admirers. To be admired by so many powerful people, in order to bow down under your pomegranate skirt, be a minister under your skirt, and even fight and kill each other, big sister should feel honored. .”

"My Qin family has honor!"

Li Xiaobai is full of pride, as if I take the Qin family as the head and put the Qin family first.

"Hahaha, it's okay, I seem to perceive a familiar atmosphere in the crowd, I'm not sure, let's look more."

"With so many young heroes competing, it's good to observe their behavior and behavior. It can't be said that they can confirm each other with themselves, and they can break through one or two..."

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