In the arena.

All the monks turned into examinees and began to answer the questions according to their abilities.

Wu Zhi's trio were eloquent, brushing their brushes like ink, and they were a complete answer sheet.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, many monks were honestly still scratching their heads, and were politely invited off the ring.

The waiters took the exam questions away and sent them to the elders of Qin's family to read them one by one. The more they looked at him, the more furrowed his brows became.

The candidates here answered fluently, appearing to be very professional, and the questions in many fields are very insightful. Even he has something to learn, but the only problem is that he doesn't know the exam questions, and he doesn't seem to have written these questions?

How to kill gracefully?

The cultivation experience of the four parts of peeping into the realm of the gods?

Experience in cultivating in the realm of the gods?

Qianqian predicts how to cultivate a wave of powerhouses in the fairyland?

How to control the sound waves during double cultivation?

Each of these articles is written from the shallower to the deeper, with many details that even he has never thought of at once. He is experienced and experienced, and it is impossible to tell that it was written by a young person.

Especially predicting how monks in the Immortal God Realm should cultivate, what they said is completely correct. Without the cultivation base of the Immortal God Realm, it is absolutely impossible to write such a true feeling.

The examinee's name is Yang Hua, he doesn't know him, it's outrageous that there are masters in the second level of the divine realm among the examinees, it should be impossible, absolutely impossible.

Naihe couldn't grasp the clues, all of these guys who tampered with the title had just shown their supernatural powers, and the changes were so perfect that even he couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

Ma De, this is the first time he encountered such a situation after being an elder for so many years. After careful thought and rational analysis, he came to a terrifying conclusion. These guys who maliciously modified the title His cultivation base is not weaker than him.

So, in the examination room, a group of old monsters mixed in?

He said how he felt that the atmosphere in the arena was not quite right. There was no such thing as the aggressive and aggressive spirit of the young people, but it was so terrifying that everyone was silent.

"Let's move on to the third round, the xinxing test. I believe you are all familiar with this. This is a routine test. The old man knows that those who can cultivate to this stage are those with excellent xinxing. This time is just a routine, please trouble everyone Don't be impatient, young master."

The elder Qin's family said with a smile, looking very kind, and the words also indicated that this test is not difficult, and it is easy for everyone to pass.

But only a fool would believe these words. This Qin family old bastard wanted to use this to dispel their vigilance and relax their inner defenses. When they realized it, they must have already fallen into the quagmire.

The test has already begun from now on.

The slightly weaker monks didn't notice anything, and the scene in front of them didn't change. They were sure that they were still in reality, but the elder of the Qin family didn't move for a long time and froze in place.

"what happened?"

"Elder Qin, why haven't you started the test yet?"

A young man asked, looking puzzled.

"The big thing is not good, the monsters are invading massively, and they are coming!"

It was also at this moment that a ray of light descended, and several disciples walked out in a panic, their faces full of panic.

"What, hurry up and prepare for the battle, and report to the Patriarch!"

Elder Qin shouted angrily, "Let's put aside the ring competition for now, please don't go out of the city, and wait inside the city!"

But as soon as the words fell, several huge roars came, shaking the ring so much.


Countless ancient beasts poured into the city, massacring monks wantonly.

"Purple Lightning Dragon King!"


"The sky snow eagle!"

"They are all ancient beast species, how could they appear in Linyuan City at the same time?"

"We are here to compete in martial arts to recruit relatives, not to help Linyuan City fend off monsters, undo the city's restrictions, and let me go!"

"That's right, those present are all the leaders of the major families, Tianjiao figures, if the loss is here, it will be difficult for you to do business in Yuancheng!"

Seeing the end-of-the-world scene in the sky, the monks panicked and didn't bother to find out the reason. There was only one thought in their minds, run!

It is the best policy to leave this city as soon as possible, otherwise your life will be lost!

"This group of new and new humans really have never seen anything before, and they have no knowledge at all. How dare they claim to be the leaders of the power of the major families?"

Wu Tianchou looked at those young monks who were bewildered and running around with their heads in their hands, with a look of disdain on their faces.

He didn't even know that he was in an illusion, so he was ashamed to say that he was a genius.

"We can't blame them all. After all, they are all young and inexperienced. In addition, the development of this environment is indeed quite sinister. It is almost seamlessly connected with reality. It is normal to be confused for a while."

Wu Dazhuang said.

"There are still guys with good minds."

Wu Tianlong glanced around, and there were only a handful of people who could keep calm. Except for a few top talents such as Qin Ming and the Son of the Forbidden Zone, the rest were all old bastards who mixed in the crowd like them.

"If you don't move, this battle will naturally break down without attack."


On the high platform, in the audience seats.

What everyone saw seemed to be a different scene. At some point, the ring was surrounded by a large pile of fuzzy, festering and corrupt flesh, surrounded by bloody mist, covering the monks on the ring.

The young monks were dancing and gesticulating in the air indiscriminately. From time to time, they would accidentally injure the monks beside them, which made the senior officials of the sect they belonged to blush. This wave can be said to be embarrassing.

Li Xiaobai frowned, staring at the huge chunks of flesh surrounding the ring, he was very familiar with this flesh and blood, meat mountain!

The thing that has been dealing with since the Fairy Continent, the disgusting, smelly and disgusting smell, is unforgettable in this life!

There are actually some in the world of immortals and gods, and they are raised by the Qin family in large numbers. Speaking of which, this thing is indeed a good thing for tempering the will of monks. Many big forces will capture some for their disciples to use in their cultivation.

It's just that I didn't expect to see this disgusting thing in this world.

"Nephew, do you have some understanding of this environment?"

Qin Tian noticed Li Xiaobai's strangeness, and said with a smile.

"I didn't see anything, I just thought the chunks were disgusting, disgusting."

Li Xiaobai said honestly.

"Hahaha, this mountain of meat has existed since the beginning of the world, and it's not the first time you've seen it. You suffered a lot in front of it back then!"

There was an inexplicable meaning in Qin Tian's eyes, he laughed.

"Yes, yes, no one wants to face this thing, it's too special and disgusting, but it is indeed a treasure for the will of the monks."

Li Xiaobai nodded, took the bait and continued without showing any signs.

It's just that what he didn't know was that the real Qin Yu had never suffered in front of Roshan, because of his playboy behavior and lack of discipline, he had never experienced Roshan's experience at all.

There was a deep meaning in Qin Tian's eyes, and he stopped talking.

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