Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1713 The Man Who Dare To Provoke Wu Tian's Enmity

The environment lasted for half an hour, and the people with weak minds were full of ugly behaviors. In the end, there were less than twenty monks left in the ring.

"Except for those young people, there are about nine masters."

"There is a familiar aura. It seems that the other patriarchs of the Wu clan have also come. The speed is fast enough. I thought they would not be able to catch up with this grand ceremony."

"Over there is Old Demon Lei. The old man has known him since he was young, and we have explored many dangerous places together. This guy thought that no one would recognize him if he changed himself into his youthful appearance."

The three of Wu Dazhuang looked around the remaining monks in the field, and the remaining monks were still looking at each other.

Wu Dazhuang recognized his old man, so naturally the old man surnamed Lei also recognized him.

"What kind of illusion is this? I refuse to accept it. The Qin family, you are plotting against me!"

"That's right, we are not ready yet, you secretly opened the environment, and even used words to make us relax our vigilance, it is really insidious!"

"Don't accept it, let's compete again. The environmental test is a monk who has made sufficient preparations, then opens it, and faces it with the best posture. What is this kind of competition?"

Under the arena, many young monks felt that they had been insulted. They were all leaders in the major families. If it was a real competition, they were confident that they would not lose to anyone.

"Qu Jing, you have already been eliminated. If you lose, you lose. Will the enemy wait until you are ready before attacking?"

"Would it be dangerous to wait until you are ready to release the crisis?"

"You can't even notice the coming of the illusion. You are ashamed to be the geniuses of the big families. I thought there would be a battle between dragons and tigers. It's a pity that your performance today disappointed the old man!"

The elder Qin's family said coldly, these juniors are all flowers growing in the greenhouse, and they actually asked such low-level questions in front of the masters of the various sects, which lowered the level of the arena held by the Qin family.

"Not much gossip, three rounds of tests have passed. There were originally 215 people who participated in the competition, but in the end there were actually 15 people left."

Elder Qin reported the number aloud, three rounds of inconspicuous small tests, and directly wiped out the contestants to only a fraction.

The faces of the elders of the major families were dull.

"Get ready. After three minutes, we will compete in groups of two and two. Those who have a bye will automatically advance to the next round."

Elder Qin said lightly, the rhythm is very fast, just after eliminating a wave of monks, he will immediately enter the next round.

But this is on the stage, but it is really speaking by strength.

The only fifteen people left on the stage got a new number plate again. Wu Dazhuang got number 15, Wu Tianchou and Wu Tianlong got numbers 1 and 2 respectively.

On the high platform, in the auditorium, many monks have been waiting impatiently for a long time.

The illusion test was not aimed at them, just now they could only see the flesh surrounded by them, and then a large number of monks in the arena ran around like crazy, it was boring to watch, now there are only fifteen people left, all of them are among the elite The elite, the main event is finally coming.

"Nephew, none of your friends have been eliminated. Where did they come from?"

Qin Tian asked with a smile.

"They are all Taoist friends that my nephew met in the mountains. They must have been lucky, so they escaped a catastrophe. It is dangerous to be in the ring. My nephew is really worried about them."

Li Xiaobai looked worried.

"Brother Ming will definitely defeat them."

Qin Xiufang's voice was very cold, and her expression was even colder, staring at Li Xiaobai.

"Naturally, my elder brother is invincible in the world. Looking at the entire Linyuan domain, there is no one in the younger generation who can surpass him. In today's battle, he will definitely be invincible!"

Li Xiaobai nodded and smiled back.

He was obviously full of sincerity, but Qin Xiufang was half-dead with anger. Even she didn't believe what she said. Most of the audience were masters of the realm of psychic powers, and the rest were all four monks of the realm of peeping the gods. Under such circumstances , How can Qin Ming win?

It would be nice to be able to survive intact.

"No. 15 has a bye. From now on, the first place in the battle will correspond to a group. No. 1 will face No. 14, No. 2 will face No. 13, and so on!"

The three-minute buffer time is fleeting, Elder Qin said.

"The old man is really lucky."

Wu Dazhuang happily put away his number plate and had a bye, so he didn't have to fight those old monsters tragically.

"I'm also lucky to be able to ravage this new bunch without waiting."

A wicked look flashed across Wu Tianchou's face, and the corner of his mouth curved into a cruel arc. He had already decided that no matter who his opponent was this round, he would at least keep one arm from the opponent.

"Then... who is my opponent, come up and lead to death!"

Wu Tian said bitterly, his voice hoarse, and his poisonous snake-like eyes scanned every remaining monk back and forth.

Looking at Qin Ming, Wang Changsheng and others, their scalps felt numb.

"it's me."

A burly man with a scarred face stepped onto the ring, without any exaggerated movements, just walked up step by step, like a mortal.

"No need to announce your name, in my eyes, you are already a dead person."

The smile on Scar's face was more vicious than Wu Tianchou's, and he could understand from this strong aura that this person was also a big monk who was hiding his identity.

"You are so brave. You are the first one to be so arrogant in front of me. Tell me, how do you want to die?"

Wu Tianqiu had bruised veins on his forehead, so many years since his debut, he was insulted like this by his senior brother during the qi training period, and no one dared to insult him since then, because all those who dared to speak rudely were dead.

"It's useless to talk more, let you do two tricks."

Scarface said.


Wu Tianchou punched out, stuck in the peak state of the first stage of the Tongshen Realm, and smashed hard.


Scar's face remained motionless, letting the iron fist hit his abdomen without frowning.

"Young man, I might as well tell you that this old man, an elder of the Vajra Sect, is in the realm of the great consummation of the gods, and specializes in cultivating the physical body. When the old man seriously tightens his abdominal muscles, you will be unstoppable!"

"Furthermore, if you can't even see through the old man's disguise, how can you beat the old man?"

When the two came into contact, the scarred face leaned into Wu Tianchou's ear and whispered softly, with a strong playful look in his eyes.

"The elders of the Vajra Sect, no wonder the body is strong enough."

Wu Tianchou's eyes narrowed, and he punched again, the power pierced through his body, the ring was covered with cobwebs behind his scarred face, and a huge gap was opened, but he remained motionless and unharmed.

"Hehehe, little guy, I practiced under the waterfall when I started as a monk of the Diamond Gate, and then I beat my body with a giant hammer to make steel, and then stabbed with an axe, ax and fork, and finally used myself as a sandbag to constantly let my brothers and sisters perform kung fu attacks. Fighting, both internal and external, the old man is not only physically as strong as a rock, but his internal organs have already been refined to a certain level, your fists are weak, give up as soon as possible."

"How about this, I stand here and let you attack with all your strength, if you can shake me by an inch, you will be considered the winner!"

Scarface laughed loudly, patted Wu Tianchou on the shoulder and said.

Wu Tianchou laughed, put one hand on the scarred face, and said with a grinning smile, "Okay, thank you, senior!"

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