There is nothing to watch in the next few rounds. The older generation of silver coins crushes the younger generation of masters. Even if they suppress their own cultivation base to the same level, their clever methods are unreasonable.

The last round of Qin Ming vs. Wang Changsheng ended with Qin Ming losing. At this juncture in the martial arts competition, they didn't have the heart to fight at all. How can they play the game that they must lose?

There were originally 15 people, but after a round of screening, there are still eight people left, the seven promotions are all old fritters, and Wu Dazhuang, who has a bye, is left, a total of eight people.

Needless to say, the cultivation base is all around the fairyland.

On the high platform.

Qin Tian watched everything below silently, expressionless, Qin Xiufang's face was stiff and pale as paper, she knew none of the remaining monks except Wang Changsheng.

The number one disciple of the Qin family that she admired most was defeated like this, and the whole fight was useless.

"Nephew, your friends are really amazing, they have the appearance of champions."

Qin Tian looked at Li Xiaobai, with a smile on his dull face, looking a little creepy.

Li Xiaobai felt a little flustered, wondering what these old bastards were thinking, it could be seen that they had the idea of ​​deliberately hiding their cultivation, but not much.

"It's all due to luck. I didn't expect Brother Qin Ming to lose. From this point of view, the most promising person to marry Sister Xiufang should be Wang Changsheng, the son of the restricted area."

Li Xiaobai's face was full of regret, Qin Ming who came up just heard these words, his face was full of gloom

"This martial arts contest is a big deal to recruit relatives. I thought it would be an ordinary fight, but I didn't expect it to attract many masters. That's fine, my Qin family's son-in-law, I will choose the strongest one."

Qin Tian's expression was indifferent, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

"To the pole, to the pole."

Li Xiaobai nodded in agreement, always felt that there was something in the words of the Patriarch of the Qin family, and felt inexplicably dangerous, he had to find an opportunity to escape.

On the contrary, Elder Qin, who presided over the arena below, couldn't stand it anymore, and frequently winked at Qin Tian. Now, any normal person can see that something is wrong. Almost all the disciples of the younger generation have been wiped out, and the remaining ones are all the same The old monsters of the various forces actually ran to his Qin family's yard to eat tender grass.

It's a pity that Qin Tian didn't express it, he couldn't make a claim.

There was no one talking in the auditorium, and everyone's expressions were very delicate. Anyone who thinks that the faces of these students are really young disciples at this moment will be living in vain for so many years.

"It's unlucky for the fairies of the Qin family. I don't know which clan these guys belong to. They really are old-hearted."

"That's not necessarily the case. I heard that the construction of the arena was premeditated. On the surface, it was to recruit a son-in-law, but in fact the water behind it was deep."

"No matter how deep the water is, this fairy will be ruined. It's a pity that our family's Tianjiao is not weak. If the Qin family had agreed to marry in the first place, they would not be in such an embarrassing situation at this moment."

The senior officials of the various factions and families whispered to each other and looked at each other. The main reason is that the Qin family is the master of Linyuan City, thinking that no one will take advantage of the loopholes, and even the notices posted are very casual and perfunctory.

There is nothing to blame for the oolong incident for no reason.

In the arena, the elders of the Qin family seemed a little hesitant.

He was thinking about where he should put the son of the restricted area so that he would not lose too badly.

The land of the dead is an existence that must not be offended, and must ensure that Wang Changsheng is sent back intact.

"Are we still going to fight?"

The trio of the Wu family stepped onto the stage and looked around.

Although they all changed their appearances and it was difficult to identify their identities for a while, he knew that the rest of these people definitely had a lot of dealings with each other in the past.

"Why not?"

"If you don't want to fight, just abstain and admit defeat."

"That's right, a beauty deserves a hero, and the fairy of the Qin family is close at hand. I can get it at my fingertips. I won't give up halfway."

The four of the remaining five were unscrupulous, stepped onto the ring and laughed.

Wang Changsheng hesitated for a few seconds, gritted his teeth, and followed. He wanted to find out the origins of these people. They were obviously of the same generation, but why they were so brave and easily possessed the strength to crush him.

"The competition follows the rules, who asked you to come up."

The elders of Qin's family are one head and four elders.

"Old Qintou, you can go down now. There are only eight people on this stage. There are still several rounds of duels. Don't bother you to arrange, we can decide the loser ourselves."

A cultivator raised his hand and waved back the elder of the Qin family, a monstrous killing intent burst out from the eight people in the field, sweeping across the sky.

The dust on the ground was blown away by this terrifying murderous aura, the arena was spotless, and the wind and clouds above the dome were changing, and blood aura could be faintly seen surging.

No one showed their cultivation, as if they were mortals, but the wild aura accumulated on their bodies for many years, collided with each other, making many people feel like a huge rock was pressing on their hearts, and they couldn't breathe.

The first one who couldn't bear this force was Wang Changsheng. Although he also had the cultivation of the supernatural realm, he was still young and inexperienced. In this momentum collision, he flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, coughing up blood , A large piece of the chest was sunken.

"Senior Brother Wang!"

Several entourages from the restricted area immediately stepped forward to check the injuries.

on stage.

Wu Tianchou's face was stern, and he stared at the people in front of him with a cruel smile on his lips, "The last young man has left, and the fight can begin."

Wu Dazhuang lightly put his arms around his shoulders, "Don't worry, I haven't warmed up yet."

"You three, are you sure about us?"

A silver-haired young man stared at Wu Dazhuang and the three of them, and said darkly, anyone with a discerning eye could see that these three were on the same road.

"We have four people here, why don't we send these three brothers out first."

"Okay, I didn't like this guy a long time ago, so this one belongs to me."

Several people conspired loudly and acted unscrupulously in front of Wu Dazhuang and the other three. In their view, everyone was a master of the same level. There were many people on their side, and their advantage was on their side.

The murderous aura on the arena had materialized, and a thick layer of frost had condensed on the surface, which was the coldness that pierced the soul.

Wu Tianchou looked at Wu Dazhuang, "What do you say?"

Wu Tianlong shrugged: "I don't care."

Wu Dazhuang waved his hand, "That's it, let's do them."

According to the mission order issued by the Wu family, it is only a matter of time before the end of Linyuanyu, and they did not take the slightest care of doing things here.


"Send them to hell first."

Three huge skulls formed by condensed gray smoke rose from the ground and shot straight into the sky, surrounding the entire venue.

"Datian Demon Hand, the one who knows this trick should be a master of the Wu clan. It's rare that a hamster hiding in the dark can walk in front of people one day."

"Exactly, three years ago, a master of our clan was assassinated by the Wu clan, and you will be responsible for this!"

"Kill them!"

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