There was a scuffle between the parties on the ring, and seven masters from the Immortal Realm fought. You can imagine what kind of scene it is.

Even if everyone's cultivation is suppressed to the first level of the supernatural realm, the exercises and powerful fighting skills they display are all honed in the blood and fire of many battles.

The texture of gestures is quite different from that of ordinary monks.

Wu Dazhuang monopolized the two, Wu Tianlong and Wu Tianchou each looked for an opponent, and the fight was fierce, the ring was deliberately covered by colorful exercises, and the majestic killing intent made ordinary people unable to open their eyes.

On the high platform, only Li Xiaobai and the high-ranking monks of the major families were not affected, and they were very imposing, but it only took a few breaths between the moves to distinguish the superior ones.

After a short trial, the three of Wu Dazhuang made a powerful move, pressing down on the other four to fight, especially Wu Tianchou, who didn't care about his image at all. He grabbed one person's hair with his left hand, and punched a fist with his right hand.

Those four monks retreated steadily, and they couldn't tell what they were suffering. They were both in the Immortal Realm, and their combat experience was like a world of difference. What is the origin of these three people? Even the strong of the Wu clan should definitely not It's just that there is such a big gap with them.

"Are you going to kill them?"

Wu Tianlong asked.

"You don't need to ask, just kill him directly, use martial arts to recruit relatives, and if you die, it will be the Qin family's fault!"

"That's right, anyway, these families will become our resistance in the future, so let's kill one of them now!"

Wu Tianchou said viciously, he has already killed red eyes, and wants to kill all the people in front of him.

"Three, do you really want to kill them all like this? You are indeed stronger than me, but if you really make it clear, no one will feel better under the watchful eyes of everyone!"

"If you are not weak, let's stop here. How about the two sides save each other's face, and everyone is happy?"

Among the four people, one of them said that he couldn't stand it anymore, he was the weakest among them, he was already covered in blood, and his arm showed signs of breaking, if this continues, he will be crippled .

"Then go down by yourself, the old man won't kill you."

Wu Dazhuang said with a smile.

Seeing that he was still hesitating, Wu Tianchou punched him silently.

A big mouthful of blood spewed out of that mouth, turned around and jumped off the ring without saying a word.

"Three, what do you say?"

With one person missing, Wu Dazhuang and the others had a more significant advantage. They pushed all the way across, hitting the three opposite people directly from one side of the ring to the other, with half of their bodies hanging outside.


"Wu Clan, count you as ruthless!"

"This account, I will get it back!"

The three glared at each other. They already knew the other party's heels and details. When this happened, they must report it to the family and punish it.

Four of them were eliminated at once, leaving only Wu Zhi's trio on the stage.

"Who stays and who goes?"

Wu Tianlong: "Among the three of us, I am the youngest. I will definitely take this seat."

Wu Tianchou: "No, no, I am the most manly among us. I will be the son-in-law of the Qin family, as it should be!"

Wu Dazhuang: "You are all wrong. To marry Miss Qin's family, you need a person of weight. This is a technical job. Who else is better than an old man?"

The three of them were fighting with red faces, and they all wanted to stay on stage, not because they wanted to marry Miss Qin's family, but because they were the visiting son-in-law of the Qin family, so that they could have close contact with Qin Tian, ​​regardless of whether he wanted to assassinate or not. It is always necessary to get in touch with some information.

"They are all brothers of my own family. If the old man can take off that Qin Tian's head, I will not forget the benefits of the two brothers."

There was a gray glow in Wu Dazhuang's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Tianlong and Wu Tianchou felt that their feet were empty, and they fell to the ground. The ring moved forward for more than ten meters. This was Wu Dazhuang's supernatural power. gone!

"Shrink the ground into an inch, a great supernatural power that touches the power of the law!"

In the auditorium on the high platform, everyone looked at the situation below, and their pupils shrank for a while. This supernatural power could faintly touch a trace of space, and not everyone could display it.

In addition to the cultivation base must be advanced, the understanding must also be first-class.

"Elder Qin, it's time to announce the result. At this moment, there is only this old man in the arena. The height is so cold, it's so lonely to be invincible!"

Wu Dazhuang said with a smile, even if he wanted to beat Wu Tianlong and Wu Tianchou at the same time, it would be a bit difficult, but after living for so many years, he has never lost when playing tricks.

"Winner, number fifteen!"

Elder Qin felt his scalp go numb, the final melee was too pure, he was confident that even if he went up, he would have to be slapped twice before coming down.

Especially for the last move of the arena, he couldn't even move the arena more than ten meters horizontally out of thin air without a trace.

"Hahaha, to be the son-in-law of the Qin family and to win the competition to recruit relatives is an honor for this junior!"

"Fairy Qin, when are we going to bridal chamber?"

Wu Dazhuang laughed loudly and bowed to the stage.

"Very good. It's not easy to stand out in this cruel arena. I didn't expect that there are such talents in Linyuan Domain!"

"What's your name?"

Qin Tian nodded slightly, looked at Wu Dazhuang and asked.

"Go back to Patriarch Qin, junior Wu Xiaozhuang."

Wu Dazhuang said.

"You are very good. Follow me into Qin's house and prepare for the next thing."

"As the winner of the martial arts competition to recruit relatives, this exercise will be rewarded to you!"

Qin Tian's attitude was unruffled, he couldn't see what was going on in his heart, he threw an ancient book casually, and then disappeared into the ring with the juniors of the Qin family in a flash.

"It's rubbish."

Wu Dazhuang casually flipped through it twice, and threw it into the interspatial ring.

A waiter on the side stepped forward and bowed in salute, "Master Wu, please move to the Qin family's mansion, the master has something to say."

Qin Tian left the stage, and everyone in the audience became restless.

"Ma De, there are all kinds of birds in the forest. This is a ring for young people. Why do there appear older masters, who are shameless as senior masters, pretending to be young and want old cows to eat tender grass!"

"If the fairy of the Qin family marries an old man like you, I'll be the first to refuse!"

The monks yelled at Wu Dazhuang and other old monsters. If their eyes could kill, they would have died thousands of times.

"The patriarch of the Qin family has eyes like pearls, does fellow daoist think that he can't see your disguise?"

"Going to the Qin Mansion this time, I'm afraid it will be more ominous than good."

"Hey hey, it doesn't look like it's a good thing to win the first place in the competition."

A few old guys said sarcastic remarks and laughed.

Wu Dazhuang's expression was very delicate. Looking to the stage, Li Xiaobai had disappeared without a trace, and looking behind him, Wu Tianlong and Wu Tianchou also disappeared without a trace.

"Made, I seem to have been tricked!"

"I'll just say what's wrong. It's just a method of shrinking the ground to an inch. How could these two people not keep up with the old man's footsteps? They deliberately lagged behind just now, so that the old man can bear the anger of the Qin family alone!"

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