Discovered too late.

Wu Dazhuang was taken away by the waiter, and the matter of recruiting relatives by martial arts came to an end for the time being.

The crowd dispersed, and the discussion continued for a long time. Needless to say, after a few hours, the legend about Wu Dazhuang would be heard in the streets and alleys. These days, the news spread faster than the virus.

The leader of Miss Qin's martial arts competition to recruit relatives is definitely the talk of the common people after dinner.

In the Qin family mansion.

Qin Tian was sitting in the middle, and the juniors and elders of the Qin family lined up on both sides.

The high-ranking members of the major families sat in the middle of the hall, and the old monsters who had just participated in the ring also showed their real bodies at this moment, representing their own sects.

Several members of the Wu clan were also among them, Wu Tianlong and Wu Tianchou took off their disguises and stood in the crowd on behalf of their respective branches.

Outside the door, Wu Dazhuang followed the waiter into the hall.

All the dignitaries and dignitaries in the hall are the big figures among the various forces in the Linyuan domain.

"I have met my uncle, I have met all my uncles. From now on, we will be our own family members. I hope that in the future, we can get closer and take care of the younger generation."

When Wu Dazhuang entered the hall, he was the first to catch everyone's attention, clasped his hands and said loudly.

This shameless appearance made many monks present frown. This guy is an old monster. He is not honest when he came to the Qin family's mansion. He actually pretended to be tender in front of them. Do you really think they are fools?

Earlier, he was still called Senior Patriarch, but now he just changed his name to Uncle, Uncle Uncle?

Your bloody skin is thicker than a city wall!

"You are very good. You can defeat all the masters in one fell swoop and win the leader of the competition."

"I haven't asked your name yet, where is the head of the family, and what school did you learn from?"

On the high seat, Qin Tian asked indifferently, his eyes were fixed on Wu Dazhuang. At this moment, there were no outsiders present, and there were no crowds of onlookers. Those who can sit in this hall are well aware of today's oolong incident, so he wants to see Look, what kind of medicine is sold in Wu Dazhuang's gourd.

"Reporting to Patriarch, my junior, Wu Xiaozhuang, has no name for grass chickens, no number for wild shoes, and a man in the wild, not worth mentioning."

Wu Dazhuang responded with a smile, ambiguous.

"Grass Chicken Nameless?"

"If all the strong members of the Wu clan can be called Wuming, then the family forces present are probably all local chickens and dogs."

Qin Tian smiled meaningfully, as the master of a domain, how could he fail to recognize the methods of the Wu clan.

The Assassin Clan has always been hiding in the dark and will not surface, but now the head of the Wu Clan is directly exposed to the sun, and even competes with others in the arena, which is very abnormal.

He has received some bad news recently, which coincides with the arrogant and domineering actions of the Wu clan.

"Uncle was joking. At a young age, I just secretly learned the secret books of the Wu family and grew up eating a lot of food."

Wu Dazhuang is not afraid of boiling water, as long as the other party doesn't expose him, he will always pretend to be stupid.

"I called you here today, not because of my daughter's lifelong event, I have other matters to discuss."

Qin Tian looked indifferent, and ignored Wu Dazhuang's pretending to be crazy.

"Dare to ask Patriarch Qin what's the matter?"

A monk asked.

"Actually, recently, I heard some rumors that I am about to encounter a catastrophe in Linyuanyu. To be precise, it is this seat that will encounter a catastrophe."

"I heard that someone wants to kill me!"

Qin Tian took a sip of tea, his tone was calm, as if he was just talking about a trivial matter.

But there was a cold light in his eyes, and as he scanned the crowd, his eyes were like knives ruthlessly slashing at every monk's body.

The atmosphere in the arena was suddenly suppressed, and great pressure permeated every monk's heart.

Several monks of the Wu Clan trembled in their hearts. This clan announced that it was not long before Qin Tian's head was taken. How did he know?

Could it be that the Wu clan has an inner ghost?

The faces of Wu Tianchou and the others were also slightly pale, their fists tucked into their cuffs were clenched slightly, ready to run away at any time.

They first pointed out the identity of Wu Dazhuang's Wu clan, and now they directly broke the news that someone wanted to take his head. The meaning of this is self-evident, and their actions have been discovered by the other party.

Who told the secret?

"The Wu clan is the assassination clan in the Linyuan domain, and it is also the leading assassin. I wonder if you have heard any news, or maybe you have heard some rumors?"

Qin Tian looked at Wu Tianchou and Wu Tianlong, and asked with a pleasant expression.

"I've never heard of it. I don't know where Patriarch Qin learned about such nonsense?"

"You are the master of a domain, and the entire Linyuan domain is headed by you. How dare Xiao Xiao dare to call your attention?"

"I'm afraid that even the most prestigious family will have a hard time shaking this behemoth of Linyuanyu, right?"

Wu Tianlong was very calm, clasping his fists together, and what he said was well-founded.

"What's the matter, today's Linyuan domain is different from the past, and the deterrent power of this seat to the Quartet is not as good as before. Otherwise, how dare your family make troubles in the arena where my daughter competes to recruit relatives."

"Mr. Wu, don't you think so?"

A flash of hostility flashed across Qin Tian's dull face, and he tapped the armrest of the seat with his fingers. In the next second, a gap was torn into the space where Wu Dazhuang was, and half of Wu Dazhuang's body was dragged abruptly by the terrifying suction force.

"Great demon hand!"

Wu Dazhuang's face was startled, he didn't expect the other party to do it right away, leaving no room for excuse.

The delicate body became old little by little, and his hands were as black as ink, grabbing the non-existent void and exerting force suddenly, closing the torn gap in the space abruptly.

"The patriarch of the Wu clan, Wu Dazhuang!"

"It's actually you, running to Linyuan City to put on a show, are you crazy!"

Wu Dazhuang recovered his old face at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the strong people around him recognized him. It is impossible for them not to recognize the existence of this level.

"It looks like you're going to kill me?"

With a half-smile, Qin Tian stretched out five fingers, and shook it towards the space where Wu Dazhuang was. In an instant, Wu Dazhuang's figure burst and turned into a pool of gray mist and dissipated.

"He ran quite fast. The order has been issued to arrest Wu Dazhuang. I will communicate with the Wu clan!"


Qin Tian looked at Wu Tianchou, Wu Tianlong and the others, "What do you mean?"

"Damn it, Mr. Wu actually disguised himself to want an old cow to eat tender grass!"

"Made, I'm so shameless, I can't even do this!"

"Patriarch Qin, don't worry, we will definitely cooperate with you in arresting this scum of the Wu clan!"

"It surprised the young lady. I never thought that there would be such a disrespectful and shameless person in my Wu clan!"

"It must be severely punished!"

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