Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1718 Guess Where Li Xiaobai Is

Wu Tianlong and Wu Tianchou looked completely ignorant, they looked very surprised, they pretended to be real, and immediately drew a clear line with Wu Dazhuang and cut off the relationship.

Seeing this, the rest of the monks of the Wu clan immediately followed suit, hoping to get rid of the relationship.

Just kidding, they entered this city looking for an opportunity to assassinate. At this moment, whoever leaked the information and the rumors of the leak made Qin Tian aware of it earlier. If the other party is determined to punish the Wu clan at this moment, they will have to do it today. It's over!

"I believe that you are innocent. There are two other masters of the Wu Clan besides Wu Dazhuang on the ring just now. How many of them must be unaware?"

Qin Tian continued to have a pleasant face and smiled.

"Of course, I didn't know it at all. I have always been contemptuous of such lowly behavior. If I know who is doing this for fame, I will be the first to spare him!"

Wu Tianchou said sharply, with a look of jealousy.

"Very well, pass on the order to search for these two people throughout the process."

"In addition, nephew Xian, what do you want to say about this matter?"

Qin Tian looked at "Qin Yu", his voice became gloomy and hoarse, and the killing intent was self-evident.

He can be 100% sure that there are two people with problems, one is the talented Wu Dazhuang, who shot himself at the gun, and the other is his nephew, Qin Yu. The real Qin Yu is probably dead at this moment, and this fake Qin Yu must have ulterior motives by following him.

Hearing this, Wu Dazhuang and Wu Tianlong became nervous again, and they managed to sneak in, but they were all discovered.

Not only them, but the entire Qin family elders, as well as many high-level officials from various factions stared at "Qin Yu", but they didn't notice anything unusual about the junior next to the head of the Qin family.

"Qin... Uncle Qin, what do you mean?"

"By the way, my nephew was knocked out earlier, and it's at that bitch's house!"

"Patriarch, you have to make the decision for me!"

"Qin Yu" had a bitter face, and his eyes were still a little dull. He was just released, and he still didn't understand the situation.

"Pretending to be a show, just above the audience seats, father has already tested your real body, stop acting!"

"You are not Qin Yu at all, who are you, and what is the purpose of Yi Rongcheng Yudi!"

Qin Ming and Qin Xiufang looked fiercely at "Qin Yu" and said coldly.

Qin Ming's words tricked them and they heard clearly that dude disciples like Qin Yu never practiced well on weekdays, but this fake Qin Yu said that he had suffered a lot in front of Roshan, and one sentence directly exposed his true self .

"The real brother Yu, I'm afraid that at this moment, there is more danger than good luck."

"I... I really don't understand what you are talking about. I was knocked out, and when I woke up, I found myself here!"

"Qin Yu" trembled like chaff.

"No need to say much, let me see your soul, and I will know the truth."

Qin Tian stretched out a hand to rest on Qin Yu's head, and a purple-black evil aura surged and enveloped him.

"Forgive...forgive me!"

"Qin Yu" scratched his arms and legs, struggling desperately, and the pupils in his eyes gradually became dilated.

This is the secret technique of searching for souls, directly watching the memory in the opponent's soul, once this secret method is used, the opponent will become an idiot even if he does not die.

Qin Tian narrowed his eyes, carefully feeling the memory of his own nephew, it was normal, normal and scary.

This is not a counterfeit!

That counterfeit exchanged the real Qin Yu back at some point! Qin Yu's body didn't move, there was no vitality, his face didn't change, and there was no disguise technique. The monks of the Qin family panicked, and the patriarch seemed to have killed the wrong person.

"Master Qin Yu, it's Master Qin Yu!"

"Heavenly murderous thief, why did you exchange the real young master again!"

"The thief must have sensed the murderous intent of the Patriarch, so the civet cat got away with the prince!"

The elders of Qin's family were noisy and a little chaotic.

A direct descendant died for no reason, and it was in front of the powerful people of various clans, which made them feel shameless.

Qin Tian's face was also dull for a second, and then he flew into a rage.

"Do it, kill all the monks of the Wu family!"

He originally intended to deter many forces by finding out two people with bad intentions, but he didn't expect to kill his own disciple by mistake.

However, through Qin Yu's memory, he also learned that it was the three chiefs of the Wu clan who knocked him out, and then one of them took his place. His intuition was correct, and the Wu clan was behind the scenes.

"Patriarch Qin doesn't talk about martial arts, we are all innocent, you actually sit down, I will definitely report this matter to my family, and ask you Linyuanyu for an explanation!"

"That's right, even killing your own bloodline, you really are a wolf in sheep's clothing. Starting today, my family's business will withdraw from Linyuan City!"

"Everyone can see clearly that this guy killed his own heir and spread his grievances on my Wu clan. Such a person must not trust cooperation!"

Wu Tianlong and Wu Tianchou said a few harsh words, then turned around and ran away in a flash.

I thought they retreated in time, but Wu Dazhuang was the only one who was tricked, but now he realized that it was the three of them who were tricked, and only Li Xiaobai, the old bastard, really got away.

Ma De, it's too insidious. They actually exchanged the decent Qin Yu before coming to the main hall of the Qin Mansion, which made them worry for nothing.

The two showed their cultivation, and their powerful aura scattered the monks around them, and then they tore apart the void with their hands, preparing to escape.


Two golden rays of light shot out from Qin Tian's eyes, piercing the bodies of Wu Tianlong and Wu Tianchou, but it was a step too late, the two bodies fell into the endless void and disappeared, the space crack closed, and the hall returned to calm and silence .

"I'd like to see who instructed me to hit me on the head!"

"Pass down the order to seal the city. Just now, those two people were seriously injured. All the monks of the Wu clan in this city today, don't let a single one go, shoot and kill!"

Qin Tian scolded angrily.


Many elders of the Qin family scattered and left, masters of various sects also left one after another, some people broke ground on the head of Tai Sui, a big event was about to happen in Linyuan City.

Qin Ming, Qin Xiufang and other juniors followed the crowd out of the hall.

"Brother Changsheng, I don't know what to do next, do you want to go to my house to have a rest?"

Qin Ming looked at Wang Changsheng and asked with a smile.

"Now the situation is a bit chaotic. I never thought that someone would dare to attack the Qin family. I will stay in the Qin family for a while. If Fairy Qin doesn't dislike it, you can sleep with me."

Wang Changsheng stared at Qin Xiufang with scorching eyes. He came here for this woman, to facilitate the marriage between the Mythical Forbidden Zone and Linyuan Yuzhu, a strong alliance.

Qin Xiufang turned her head away and looked at Qin Ming affectionately. Seeing that there was no response from the other party, she couldn't help feeling sullen.

The three of them walked side by side like this, no matter whether it was Qin Xiufang, Wang Changsheng, or that Qin Tian, ​​none of them noticed that this Qin Ming at this moment had become a little different.

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