Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1719 Second Senior Sister Living In Ancient Books

As early as above the audience seats on the high stage, Li Xiaobai had already quietly replaced the real Qin Ming. He released the real Qin Yu just to confuse the audience, but he did not expect the effect to be so ideal, and was directly replaced by Qin Tian. Killed.

As a result, everyone's eyes were drawn to him, and no one noticed him at all. This wave of camouflage was perfect, and he was in the atmosphere.

The three of them parted ways in front of the Qin Mansion. With such a big incident, Wang Changsheng needed to get in touch with the forbidden supreme in the land of the dead.

On the way back, Li Xiaobai and Qin Xiufang met another young woman, both of whom were somewhat similar in appearance and beauty to Qin Xiufang.

"Brother Ming, I heard that you went to the main hall, and my father was furious, but what happened?"

When the girl saw Li Xiaobai, her eyes lit up suddenly, she leaned forward and put her arms around his arm, and asked gossipingly.

Feeling a burst of tenderness from his arm, Li Xiaobai felt a little embarrassed, but he didn't dare to pull his arm away. He didn't know Qin Ming's personality very well, and he didn't know how he treated those around him on weekdays. It's better to be adaptable.

"It's nothing, little sister, don't ask too much. If you interfere with father's affairs, be careful and be locked up in a dark room."

Qin Xiufang was so jealous that she pushed the girl's hand away and said coldly.

"My sister's temper is too fierce, and she couldn't find her husband's family. You see, even if there was a martial arts competition this time, the son-in-law also ran away."

The girl covered her face with a coquettish smile, and sneered back.

"What did you say!"

Qin Xiufang raised her eyebrows, showing a murderous look.

"Brother Ming, look, look, my sister is fierce, you have to make the decision for my sister!"

The girl came to Li Xiaobai's side again, sticking out her tongue and talking coquettishly.

Li Xiaobai is the first and the second is the eldest, and Qin Tian was fooled by him, but in the end he got entangled with these two wives. He still has important things to do!

"Stop making trouble. Recently, strange things have happened frequently in the Qin family. As the first member of the younger generation of the Qin family, I must investigate these things to the bottom. I will not dare to damage the reputation of my Qin family." Let go!"

Li Xiaobai scolded in a low voice, with a red glow in his eyes, the girl let go of her hand in fright.

"Brother Ming, Qin Yu was killed, and the Wu family is hiding in my Qin family's mansion. Seeing the dangers in this mansion, my sister is a little scared. Can Brother Ming accompany my sister tonight?"

Qin Xiufang looked at Li Xiaobai and said affectionately.

"Sister, please respect yourself, Big Brother only cares about cultivation, women will only affect the speed of Big Brother's sword drawing!"

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a hint of danger.

Qin Xiufang was stunned, what's going on, in the past, her big brother always wanted to have fun with her and sleep with her, why did she suddenly become so ruthless today?

Could it be because of Qin Yu's death, or something about the Wu clan?

The style of painting is a little different!

"Heck, that's right, Big Brother Ming is tired and needs to rest. He has just finished the ring and has endured the anger of his father. My sister actually wants Brother Ming to watch the night for you and stay up all night. My sister is really cruel. what."

"Big brother, let my younger sister accompany you tonight, my older sister can only manipulate others, unlike me, I only feel sorry for big brother!"

The girl smiled coquettishly, swaying her body and climbing up Li Xiaobai's waist generously.

But the touch was icy cold, it was throbbing from the soul, and she felt the vast and majestic killing intent like the sea from the body in front of her.


Li Xiaobai spat out a word, the girl's face turned pale, and she fell to the ground.

"I still have important things to do. The two of you will return to the mansion earlier to rest. These days, the mansion will not be peaceful."

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaobai walked away, leaving only the two women looking at each other.

In the Qin Ming residence.

Li Xiaobai was alone, lit a Huazi, took a deep breath, and breathed out the fog for a while.

Ma De, Qin Ming is too complicated a person, he is always messing around in the Qin family's mansion, not to mention how many Yingyingyanyans are outside.

This youngest member of the Qin family is far from being as modest and gentleman as he appears on the surface.

"The most worrisome thing is that Qin Tian actually knew about the plans of the Wu Clan in advance. Those three old monsters have the greatest chance of passing on the news secretly."

"But these have nothing to do with me. I am now the number one member of the Qin family. The things recorded in this ancient book finally have a chance to be verified!"

Li Xiaobai took out an ancient book, "Five Hundred Years of the Immortal and God Realm", which was a secret book given by Wu Tianlong. He read it from beginning to end as soon as he got it.

Compared with the two books given by Wu Tianchou and Wu Dazhuang, the research value of this book is very high.

Because only this book mentions several peerless figures from five hundred years ago.

Among them, the second senior sister, Ye Wushuang, was mentioned emphatically.

According to historical records, he can preliminarily conclude that Ye Wushuang is the chief culprit who turned the entire southern region into a poisonous region. To this day, the poisonous gas cannot be completely eliminated, and can only coexist with the monks.

And in the Qin family in Linyuan Realm, there is a tunnel that is closely related to Ye Wushuang. It is rumored that there is a vast star field independent of the fairy and god world. The turbulent flow of the void seen when tearing the void is the star field In the endless zone.

And in this star field, there is an independent boundary sea. Those favored sons of the sky fought fiercely with the unworldly powerhouses in the boundary sea, and each of them went to the boundary sea in a different way. According to ancient records, Ye Wushuang directly pierced through Linyuan Domain and rushed into the Boundary Sea.

And the passage to penetrate is in the Qin family.

After finding that passage, he was one point closer to his brothers and sisters.

"In other words, no one knows about my search for senior brothers and sisters, let alone the relationship between our seniors. Why did Wu Tianlong give me such an ancient book so accurately, which happened to record two things in detail? What about the senior sister?"

Li Xiaobai frowned and burned the ancient book, feeling that this matter went too smoothly.

According to his experience, if you want to sleep, someone will send you a pillow, and there must be something tricky in it.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, they are all expelled at this moment, only I can come and go in and out of Qin's house at will, once I grasp the entrance of the corridor and find out where the second senior sister is, I will run away."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, got up and walked towards the depths of the Qin Mansion swaggeringly.

It doesn't matter even if someone finds out the clues, he still has a backup plan. He is in the enemy's camp, and he is proficient at tricks such as the three caves of the rabbit and the shelling of the golden toad.

"Come on!"

"Order, if anyone asks about my whereabouts, tell me that I went out of the city to track down the whereabouts of the Wu family, and I am not in the mansion."


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