Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1720 The Current Situation Is Tense

Li Xiaobai walked through Qin's house, looking for the past from house to house.

Although Qin Ming is a junior, his status is quite high in the Qin family's mansion. No matter where he goes, there are people bowing and saluting, and there is no one to stop him from going in and out at will.

"If the passageway can really lead to the boundary sea, it will definitely not be hidden in such an ordinary house, either in the mansion of Qin Tian, ​​the head of the Qin family, or in a certain important place of the family as a cover, so that idlers cannot enter .”

Li Xiaobai searched around, but found nothing. He ran around like a chicken without a head, but he couldn't find any clues.

He judged that there are only these two places in total. It is not easy to enter the mansion of Qin Tian, ​​the head of the Qin family, and the chance of being exposed is very high. Among the important places of the family, if it is said to be the most powerful and has expert guards, only the Tibetan scriptures are left. This is the place.

The world's exercises are collected for reference by the disciples in the clan, and the monk who is in charge of the Sutra Pavilion is the great elder of the Qin family, and his cultivation is unfathomable.

"Turn around the advanced scripture library!"

Li Xiaobai thought for a moment, then immediately set off and walked towards the location of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

After a quarter of an hour.

He stepped into the door of the Sutra Pavilion. The inside was overcrowded, which was quite different from the solemnity he imagined. Countless family disciples browsed the exercises here to find what they liked.

There are also many disciples with foreign surnames looking for exercises in the Sutra Pavilion.

But as far as the eye can see, there are no elders present, Li Xiaobai stepped into it, wandering around layers of exercises.

"I've seen Mr. Qin!"

"I've seen Senior Brother Qin!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai coming, the disciples in the Sutra Pavilion got up and bowed one after another.

"Everyone is safe, choose the exercises well, don't make mistakes, don't worry about me."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said calmly.

The Sutra Pavilion is also divided into several floors, the current location is only the first floor, and there are two more floors to go up, but he thinks that things like corridors should not be built on it, and should be buried deep in the ground.

Walking to the end of the first floor, he began to look around. He had never seen a Buddhist scripture pavilion built in the basement.

But if there is a tunnel to hide, there must be a secret door leading to the bottom.

"Master Qin Ming, what are you doing here, but you want to go upstairs?"

An old man appeared next to him at some point, and said with a pleasant face.

"Uncle ordered me to come here, go to the lower corridor, and find something."

Li Xiaobai looked calm, with his hands behind his back, and said quietly, "Please ask the elder to lead the way."

"The lower corridor?"

"How did you know why the Patriarch sent you here, and what did the Patriarch want to take away?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, apparently he did not expect that the eldest son of the Qin family would say the word "Yongdao".

This is a secret among the secrets of the entire Qin family. There are very few people who can accurately know the location of this tunnel, even among the high-level people. This eldest son actually knows it so accurately.

"This matter is a confidential matter. If the Great Elder wants to know, he can ask the Patriarch himself later. At this moment, please take the trouble to lead the way."

"You also know that there is not peace in the family recently. A monk from the Wu family has sneaked in to murder the patriarch, and even the patriarch killed my younger brother Qin Yu by mistake because of this. Now everyone in the family is in danger, and the patriarch must have his own. plan."

Li Xiaobai looked solemn, staring at the Great Elder in front of him with burning eyes.

He needs to appear serious enough to gain the other party's trust.

"Is there a Patriarch token?"

The Great Elder frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"You must be very clear about the matter of the Great Hall. Now, in the Qin family, it is difficult to identify the identity of the monk. The identity token must be firmly in your hands, otherwise the disaster will be endless."

Li Xiaobai took out Qin Ming's identity token and said seriously.

Hearing the words, the Great Elder hastily took out his identity token, on which was written the character Qin in big letters, carved with dragons and painted in style, it was the token with the highest rank in the Qin family.

Even though he was not present in the hall, he had heard about Qin Yu's disguise. Even Qin Tian couldn't see through it, and even killed the genuine Qin Yu by mistake. From this, it can be seen that the pretender's strength and cultivation base, I'm afraid it has reached a rather powerful level.

At least the Patriarch couldn't see it, and it was difficult for him to see it. Qin Ming's words reminded him that he also needed to prove his identity.

"This will prove that both of us are deities, and there is no possibility of being swapped."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said, "This is the first time I've heard about the tunnel. The Great Elder should know. I know these things. I must have been told by the head of the house. This is an urgent situation. I don't have time to explain it. Let's go down."

"Alright, let's go down!"

"There is something wrong here, and the old man still has to ask the Patriarch for some advice. I never thought that the Qin family would be facing such a crisis. They are guarding in this dark scripture pavilion all day long, with no news, and almost missed a big deal."

The Great Elder's eyes gradually became sharper. He didn't expect the situation to be so obvious. There might be spies in the Qin family, and some core monks of the Qin family were replaced by counterfeit ones, but they hadn't noticed it yet.

It's a matter now, he wants to talk to Qin Tian carefully, such a big matter must be resolved as soon as possible.

The old man made seals with his hands, and the stairs leading upstairs suddenly split open, revealing a staircase leading to the underground world.

Li Xiaobai followed behind and walked down. The road was long and dark, but he didn't feel the cold, but rather warm.

"Master Qin Ming, do you know where this tunnel leads to?"

The Great Elder asked in front.

"The patriarch never said it, but only mentioned it sporadically. Be careful not to stray into the corridor, otherwise you will never come back."

Li Xiaobai made up nonsense.

"What the Patriarch said is not wrong. Neither I nor the Patriarch dared to set foot in that tunnel lightly. It is another world different from the Immortal God Realm. Some people say it is the universe starry sky, while others say it is the real place of death. The land where the soul returns to the west after death."

"It's dangerous, young master, don't run around."

The Great Elder explained.

Light gradually appeared around, and the torches illuminated the ground floor as bright as day.

A huge vortex appeared in front of Li Xiaobai, colorful and magical, making people want to walk in it.

But this is ineffective for him, the system automatically isolates all spiritual power.

"This is the corridor?"

"Yes, the most charming is the most dangerous, but don't be fooled by its appearance."

"What did the Patriarch ask you to find?"

The Great Elder pointed to a row of shelves on the wall, and motioned Li Xiaobai to look for it by himself.

Li Xiaobai stepped forward to examine them one by one carefully, and found that they were all things that had never been seen before. There were no magic weapons here, but only strangely shaped stones in various colors, which contained majestic energy.

One of the purple stones stands out in particular.

Li Xiaobai grabbed it, "That's all, pack it up and take it away."

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