"This is the ghost stone."

"The Patriarch shouldn't need this. Why do you need this kind of thing to catch thieves? Master Qin Ming really heard that the Patriarch wants this with his own ears?"

There was a tinge of suspicion in the eyes of the Great Elder. This golden stone was born at the other end of the tunnel, and it can only be used in the depths of the endless cosmic starry sky. At this moment, it is just the inner ghost of the Qingcha clan. , why is this thing needed?

"All the stones on this shelf are used on the other side of the corridor?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the other stones and asked.

"Yeah, what are you asking for?"

The Great Elder blurted out, not understanding why the other party asked this.

But what happened next made him understand instantly.

I saw that Mr. Qin Ming suddenly waved his hands, and all the stones on the entire shelf disappeared and were collected by him.

Then his figure flickered, and he rushed out towards the way he came.


"You are not Young Master Qin Ming!"

"Who are you? What have you done to Young Master Qin Ming!"

The Great Elder's expression was shocked, until now he realized the clue, the talisman that appeared in the hands of "Qin Ming" he had never seen before, it was not belonging to the Qin family at all, this person was not Qin Ming, but a counterfeit!

Just now, this guy talked so much with him, and confirmed his identity with each other, just to let him relax his vigilance, and he can't wait to expose his true nature by mixing in this underground world!

"Replacement character!"

A talisman appeared in Li Xiaobai's hand, activated and pasted on his body, golden light shone, and his figure began to replace a certain stone outside, but only at the moment of replacement.

A pair of skinny hands pierced his chest, and the scarlet heart burst out, easily crushed by that hand.

"You're so daring, not to mention sneaking into my Qin family's mansion, but even cheating on this old man, die!"

The Great Elder's face was distorted, full of hostility, and he said sullenly.

Compared with the amiable appearance just now, he is a completely different person.

But the imaginary blood did not flow. After the counterfeit "Qin Ming" was pierced in the chest, instead of turning into a corpse, it turned into a cloud of green smoke and dissipated between heaven and earth.

"This is... the incarnation outside the body!"

"It's unimaginable how advanced this person's body must be to pretend to be Mr. Qin Ming's appearance with an incarnation outside his body, and even deceive the old man!"

"This matter needs to be reported to the Patriarch as soon as possible, and ask him to make a decision."

The great elder's eyes showed shock. The avatar outside his body was killed, and the things he took just now did not fall out. He guessed that there should be a space similar to a small world in the opponent's body, and the main body and the avatar shared it.

He checked around on the basement floor and left after making sure there was nothing wrong.

What he didn't know was that as early as the moment the counterfeit appeared in the underground world, a figure had already slipped into the colorful vortex without making a sound.

The outside world, somewhere.

Li Xiaobai hid early on, how could he return to the danger himself, that's what the system avatar is for.

This wave broke two clones and consumed two million rare earth resources, but the benefits obtained were huge, not only sweeping away the unknown minerals, but also invading the space vortex with another clone.

In this way, he can easily obtain information about another world.

The only fly in the ointment is that time is tight, he only has time to release one clone, if he puts in a few more clones, the survival rate of the clones at the other end of the corridor will be greatly increased.

With a thought, the authentic Qin Ming who was imprisoned in the extremely evil pure land was released.

"who I am?"

"where am I?"

"What am I going to do?"

Qin Ming was in a daze, completely unaware of what was going on in the outside world, he only remembered that he was on the top of the ring watching the martial arts competition below, and then there was nothing else.

At this moment, discerning the surrounding environment, he soon found that he was in the Qin family's mansion, and it was still close to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

There was nothing behind him, not even a shadow of a monk.

Who kidnapped him?

And why he was put here is simply puzzling.

"Let's go back to the mansion and take a rest for a while. The competition in the arena should be over now. I'll ask the Patriarch later."

Qin Ming was still in shock, and staggered towards his house.

But in the next second, he heard a roar, "Everyone, arrest Qin Ming, and if anyone resists, he will be killed!"

"This is... the voice of the Patriarch!"

"What happened, what did I do wrong, why should I be arrested!"

Qin Ming was stunned, turned around and ran away without saying a word. Although he didn't know what happened, he already sensed the aura of several strong men in the Qin family rising to the sky, which was directed at him.

At this moment, in a certain corner.

Li Xiaobai hid in the bushes, cleared his throat, transformed into a young woman, that person was none other than Qin Xiufang's younger sister whom he had met earlier, the woman who was flirting with him and jealous.

This woman is called Qin Yi. She has typical big breasts and no brains.

"For the rest of the day, just hide in the boudoir."

Li Xiaobai put on the woman's clothes, squeezed his throat, and said in a high-pitched voice.

It's not the first time he's been a bigwig in women's clothing, and he's quite skilled in the business.

Moving his feet, pouted his buttocks, and returned to his own house.

I have to say that this woman's clothes are troublesome. From the outside, they look quite see-through, but when I put them on, I realize that they are not as easy as they look on the surface. There are three layers inside and three layers outside, fully wrapping myself It's not easy for a zongzi to show off her perfect figure.

His mind sank into the system, and he asked his avatar Li Xiaobai for the first time.

I'm not Li Xiaobai who landed safely on an asteroid with no signs of life and is trying to find a way to go to the next star.

The avatar sent back a picture.

It was a gray and white world, the vast expanse of white, with pits and pits on the surface, no vegetation, no water source, no food, no life, and what you saw when you looked up was not blue sky and white clouds, but an endless black deep space.

That is the cosmic starry sky. This star is so small that it can fly into the universe with a single vertical leap.

But he knew he couldn't do that, no one could endure the endless loneliness and darkness, and he needed to find other ways to contact the living body.

"The tunnel is real, but I don't have the slightest understanding of the world at the end of the tunnel."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, he always felt that the real world is where the avatar resides, the fairy world where he is, and even this star, in the vast and boundless universe, is just dust and dust of the past.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the door, and a man's voice came from outside, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Yi'er, it's hard to wait till dusk, can I come in?"

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly, pinched his nose and made a sharp sound, "Come in, Yi'er has been waiting for you for a long time."

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