
The door was opened.

A handsome man walked in, with delicate features and long flowing hair, staring at Li Xiaobai mischievously, with a malicious expression on his face.

"Yi'er, let me wait for you. It's the impostor who sneaked into the Qin family recently. I was almost grounded by my father. Fortunately, the big brother was clever and ran out early."

The handsome man was full of malicious intentions, and approached Li Xiaobai step by step.

Li Xiaobai's hairs stand on end, what does this Qin Yi do? Didn't she still seduce Qin Ming earlier, why did she hook up with another man in a blink of an eye?

This woman looks quite pure, but she didn't expect that she was actually a slut in her bones, so she wanted to cause trouble for him at this juncture.

He was just changing into Qin Yi, but he didn't really turn into a girl. This man could tell something was wrong just by touching him. She had to stabilize him first.


Li Xiaobai scolded in a deep voice.

"How do you prove that you are the real one? Recently, the Qin family has been in turmoil, and there is no peace. I thought the big brother would be sensible and stay in his own house, but I didn't expect to come to my sister's room. If something happens, Who will take responsibility for this?"


"Yi'er, didn't you call me for brother?"

"You said that you were a little scared to stay in the house alone, and I hope Brother Wei can come to accompany you at night."

The man froze for a moment, and quickly explained.

"You and I know the situation in the clan, first prove your identity."

Qin Yi raised the identity token in Yang's hand and said calmly.

Seeing that the beauty was displeased, the man immediately took out his token from his waist. He is the son of the second elder of the Qin family, Qin De, who also belongs to the direct bloodline.

"It turned out to be really a big brother. It was my sister who was nervous just now. What an offense. I hope the big brother will forgive me."

A smile appeared on Li Xiaobai's face, he bowed slightly, and said while pinching his throat.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's really rare for Yi'er to be so vigilant, but I'm offended by my brother."

Qin De laughed loudly, and carefully closed the door, his eyes kept wandering on Li Xiaobai's body, the intention of aggression was self-evident.

"Will the servant know when the big brother comes?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes sparkled, it was obviously not the first time he saw Qin De's unscrupulous appearance, this couple was hiding deep enough, if he hadn't been disguised as a woman, he really wouldn't have noticed it.

I'm afraid it's impossible to muddle through, and I'm afraid I'll have to do it in a while.

"Of course not, Brother Wei ran out secretly, let alone a servant, even my father doesn't know my whereabouts."

Qin De said with a smile, took a step forward, dodged to come behind Li Xiaobai, and stretched out his arms to embrace him, he couldn't wait any longer.

It's just that the stiff touch from his arms made him frown slightly.

"Yi'er, why is your body so hard?"

"Also, I remember you are d, why don't you even have a pair now?"

"What's going on, your waist has grown a lot thicker, and your icy-clean skin, how did it turn darker!"

Qin De was shocked, he fumbled a couple of times and hastily let go of his hands. His original enthusiasm was poured with cold water, his whole body trembled, and traces of murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"Who are you and why are you pretending to be Yi'er?"

"Where is the real Yi'er at the moment?"

"Could it be that you are that counterfeit who sneaked into my Qin family, what is your purpose!"

Qin De's face was full of vigilance, his footsteps moved quietly, and he walked towards the door.

"Since you found out, you will be my next substitute."

Li Xiaobai said in a soft voice, there was a feminine smell between his brows, Qin De wanted to gag.

"Made, you have been exposed by me, so don't speak in this tone and tone!"

Qin De's forehead was full of black lines, his figure flickered, and he was about to rush out of this room door.

With a thought in Li Xiaobai's mind, the extremely evil pure land unfolded, and in an instant, the scene inside the house changed drastically. Qin De just rushed out of the door, and disappeared in the next second.

"This...that was Mr. Qin De just now!"

"The one in the house is Miss, she killed Mr. Qin De!"


Seeing this scene, the nearby maids fled in a hurry, and their own lady actually killed Master Qin De.

"If you are discovered, there is nothing you can do. It seems that you have to change your body."

Li Xiaobai closed the door and deliberately let the escaped maids go. He needed someone to pass false information on his behalf to confuse the public.

Putting on underwear, he changed into Qin De's appearance once again.

After sorting out his thoughts a little, he put on a terrified expression, and followed the maids to escape.

"What's going on, why are you so panicked?"

Seeing the commotion in Qin Yi's mansion, some elders in the clan couldn't help frowning and asked.

"Elder Qin Xian, Miss Qin Yi was killed in the mansion!"

"No, the murderer was Miss Qin Yi, Mr. Qin De was killed in Miss's boudoir!"

The maids spoke incoherently, and the sight just now made them tremble with fear. Although it was only for a short moment, they were all in that vast and boundless terrifying area.

I saw countless white bones and dead souls.

"Qin De, what's going on?"

The elder named Qin Xian stared at Li Xiaobai and asked.

This is the female elder in the clan, her beautiful eyes are flowing and her almond eyes are wide open.

"Reporting to the elder, this disciple doesn't know what's going on. Just now Miss Qin Yi became so beastly that she sacrificed a small world to imprison this disciple. Fortunately, this disciple was alert and prepared in advance to escape."

"She didn't use my Qin family's method. Recently, someone from the family sneaked in. It must be that fake person who hijacked Yi'er."

Li Xiaobai was full of panic, and said with a mournful face.

The surrounding maids nodded frequently, what Mr. Qin De said was consistent with what they saw.

"The head of the family just issued a hunting order today to capture the cultivator pretending to be Qin Ming. Now something strange happened to Qin Yi. Could it be that the guy hiding in the dark pretended to be three geniuses of our clan one after another within a day?"

Qin Xianliu frowned slightly, she was also instructed by the street Qin Tian to start searching for suspicious people in the Qin family, just now she saw the first elder rushing to report about the eldest son Qin Ming.

Why did Qin Yi become a fake in the blink of an eye?

"Where is she now, control it, follow me to the clan hall to meet the Patriarch!"

Qin Xian stretched out his slender hands, picked up Li Xiaobai, and disappeared in front of the maids in a few leaps.

At the same time, the elders in the Qin family received the news and rushed to Qin Yi's mansion in unison.

A counterfeit has disturbed the peace of the Qin family. It is Lin Yuanyu's shame to spread this matter.


A stick of incense time.

The main hall was overcrowded, the old and young of the Qin family gathered together, and Qin Tian was occupying the high seat.

Below, Qin Ming, Qin Yi, and Li Xiaobai were suppressed, and the air was filled with a sense of murder. Everyone in the younger generation of the family was in danger, fearing that it would be their turn next.

"I'll give you three sentences, if you can't prove your innocence, die!"

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