"My lord father is clearly aware, the child has no idea what happened!"

"The child was watching the competition in the arena, and then he was plotted by the traitor, and when he woke up, he had already appeared in the Qin family's mansion, and I asked my father to make the decision for me!

Qin Ming said in a panic, he didn't tell lies, he really didn't know anything, when he woke up, he found himself in the Qin family's mansion, and before he could straighten out his thoughts, he was arrested by the elder, full of grievances.

"Patriarch, me too, I really don't know anything!"

Qin Yi was also in a similar situation, with the words "dumb" written all over her face.

Her last memory was of seducing Qin Ming, and she didn't know anything after that. Now that she was brought into the family hall, she panicked a lot, thinking that the fact that she seduced men in the family everywhere had been exposed.

After all, among the three people kneeling in the hall at the moment, two men had affairs with her.


"Is there really nothing to say?"

"Someone impersonated you and caused disputes everywhere in the clan, and the speed was very fast. In one day, they pretended to be four disciples of our clan one after another, and even caused Qin Yu to be killed!"

"In this regard, you really have nothing to say?"

There were flames burning in Qin Tian's eyes, and strands of killing intent shot out, if not for the direct descendants of the Qin family who were kneeling below, he would have slaughtered them all.

"This is someone deliberately framing and framing, and the counterfeit must have a conspiracy."

Qin Ming said.

"I thought what Big Brother said was right. I didn't expect that impostor to move so fast. Qin Yu had an accident during the day, and then it was my turn to wait!"

"Who is next? Are you going to extend your claws to the top of the Qin family?"

Li Xiaobai nodded, and said thoughtfully, as if I was thinking about my family.

"Tell me, have you ever seen the imposter?"

Qin Tian stared at Li Xiaobai and said coldly.

"I haven't seen it, but as long as the Patriarch gives me a day, I will definitely be able to catch that thief!"

"No need, you've already exposed your chicken feet, little blackie."

The Great Elder stood up, took a step forward, and came directly to Li Xiaobai, squinting his eyes and showing a dangerous smile, "You are very calm, even in front of the Patriarch, you have never shown any comfort, it's a pity that you made a mistake, Qin This person, De, is a backward person, and he would never call Qin Yu by his first name in front of others, what you just said is enough to prove that you are a fake."

"The method of respecting the frame is so high, the old man has never seen it in his life. He invaded the Qin family with his own strength and turned the family upside down. Dare I ask your Excellency, what is the purpose of coming to my Qin family?"

"Great elder, farewell for half a day, I miss you very much."

Being recognized, Li Xiaobai simply stopped pretending, a strange arc was formed at the corner of his mouth.

The faces of Qin Ming and Qin Yi turned pale, the counterfeit was beside them, it was this person who knocked them out, and pretended to be the two of them to do whatever he wanted in the Qin family's courtyard!

"Don't think about doing it, the old man has already figured out your path, and you don't even have the slightest idea of ​​running away. The person standing here must be an incarnation outside your body, right?"

"It takes too much painstaking effort to refine the avatar outside the body. If you destroy two avatars in succession, you will surely suffer a lot of backlash."

The Great Elder looked as if he had everything under control.

Qin Tian didn't say anything, and stared at Li Xiaobai coldly. He already knew everything about the basement floor. Stealing is simply a shame.

"The Great Elder is worrying too much. My cultivation is not something you can guess. I have countless clones. Let alone one or two, even if it is a hundred or two hundred, you can kill them at will."

"Let's do it."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"You can't die, I want to know the location of the main body from you, let me see your face first!"

Qin Tian appeared in front of Li Xiaobai in a flash, and stretched out his hand to pull.

A human skin mask fell to the ground.

Below is Qin Yi's face.

Pull again.

The human skin mask fell to the ground, revealing Qin Ming's face.

Pull again, revealing Qin Yu's face.

Qin Tian's forehead was full of black lines, and he stretched out his hand to swipe again, and Li Xiaobai directly became a faceless person, without his original appearance at all.

The young and old of the Qin family watched the cat's bone protrude from the sidelines. Could such a subtle trick really be done by an incarnation outside the body?

"Where is my ghost stone, tell me, I will give you a happy time!"

Qin Tian sternly reprimanded, he was impatient, and urgently needed to call back the stolen things.

"Don't tell me, you hit me."

Li Xiaobai tilted his head and started shouting.

"You want to lie to me. I know all about what you did underground. I won't kill you. I will imprison you until the moment you reveal the whereabouts of the main body!"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Qin Tian's eyes, and he didn't see any movement. Several shackles shot out in all directions, entangled him, and then a gap opened in the void, pulling Li Xiaobai in.

"Today's matter, so far, no one should tell it. It is related to the reputation of my Qin family, so don't make extra troubles."


Everyone dispersed, preoccupied.

It was only at this moment that the whole Qin family realized that the news that someone was going to kill Qin Tian might not be groundless, and the Qin family's internal and external troubles might really have such a possibility.

Now the internal worries have been resolved, but not completely resolved.

The foreign aggression is even more clueless, and no one knows what the Wu clan is going to do and what purpose it is.

The storm is coming.

The outside world, within the Linyuan domain.

Somewhere in the jungle near the border of Outland.

Li Xiaobai controls every move of the avatar.

"Made, this old bastard has actually controlled the avatar and cannot be killed. Doesn't he have to be tied up in the Qin family all the time?"

"Brother, bear with me for a while, Linyuanyu is about to fight."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, looked up to the west, the sky over there was still golden, and Lord Buddha and the sixth senior brother were still fighting.

"Sasha Sasha!"

The sound of whirling leaves sounded, night fell, and black shadows from outside flickered, running towards the direction of Linyuan City.

Everyone is dressed in black, with a bamboo hat on their head, and a black scarf on their face, full of killing intent.

Needless to ask, these are the killers of the Wu Clan, and their body shapes seem to switch back and forth seemingly seamlessly, which is the signature movement of the Wu Clan.

"The speed is so fast, it seems that the Wu Clan is here for real, but it's a pity that Wu Tianlong and the others will get some benefits if they arrive early."

"There may be a big war in the near future, and the extremely evil pure land should be able to accumulate a lot of corpses."

Li Xiaobai's mind sank into the extremely evil pure land, and the giant in the Wraith Lake had been refined until only one head remained.

This lake can even refine existences like giant spirit gods, and there is no fear of any corpses in this southern region.

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