Many monks sneaked into Linyuan City at night, Li Xiaobai put on a black suit, and followed the masters into the city.

The lurking skills of the Wu Clan were perfect, and no one noticed the imminent crisis.

The lights of thousands of houses in the city were extinguished in an instant, the cold wind howled, and the doors and windows of every house were closed.

Several big families headed by the Qin family were surrounded by three layers of black shadows.

Qin Tian knew that the Wu Clan was going to kill him, and the news from the clan chief meeting leaked out. There was an informer inside the Wu Clan. The family couldn't sit still, and hoped to catch Qin Tian by surprise.

"Little friend, you are actually here, but the old man and others can easily find you. After leaving that day, I thought you had lost your soul. I didn't expect you to survive in the Qin family. It's really gratifying."

A familiar voice came from behind Li Xiaobai, and the three of Wu Dazhuang came over, patted his shoulder, and expressed admiration.

"The three seniors gathered here, and the kid has a lot of feelings. It seems like it was just yesterday when my four maggot brothers came to the Yuanyu."

Li Xiaobai looked at Wu Dazhuang and the others with half-smiles, and said with a stiff face.

I didn't expect to meet at this time, and I feel a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, it doesn't seem like it was just yesterday, it was indeed yesterday when the four of us met."

Wu Tianchou sneered.

"You saw through Qin Tian's mind, that's why you escaped the catastrophe by exchanging the civet cat for the prince, and took this opportunity to sneak into the Qin family's mansion, right?"

"To be able to predict and predict Qin Tian's movements so accurately, the person who secretly revealed the confidential information must be you, right?"

Wu Tianchou stared at Li Xiaobai, two cold lights shot out of his eyes, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

"Brother Tianchou made such a statement. I have never met that Qin Tian. I even introduced the person who killed the Qin family as a blood relative. It can be said that the city is full of trouble. How can the information be leaked secretly?"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, he also couldn't figure out why the other party learned of the confidential matters conveyed by his family so quickly.

Perhaps there were other eyeliners placed by Linyuanyu at the patriarchal meeting.

"Not much nonsense, the Wu clan has already started to act, and we can't be spectators. We will be rewarded for beheading the masters of the Linyuan domain, so we need to act quickly."

Wu Tianlong said lightly, "This time the Wu Clan has eleven patriarchs, and there are at least seven or eight patriarchs waiting in the dark. It can be said that it is an all-out attack. If you can't take it tonight, the mission will be considered a failure. "

The four of them ignored the shadows in the dark night and sneaked into the Qin family's mansion with their magic skills.

"Has the person from my family ever come here?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Wu Dazhuang and asked.

"Of course, if we want to kill Qin Tian, ​​our family is the main force, and we can assist from the side."

"The excitement this time is huge. It is said that Qin Tian has the support of a certain powerful person."

Wu Dazhuang said leisurely.

Li Xiaobai asked, "Which senior is it? Didn't he join forces with the forbidden zone of mythology?"

"Of course not. After hearing the latest news from my family, I seem to think that the woman in the green dress is proficient in poisonous arts. This is the Southern Region, and there are many poison kings."

Wu Dazhuang said.

"The woman in the green dress is proficient in poison."

Li Xiaobai silently remembered that fortunately, he has a poisonous fairy body and is completely immune to poison.

"I don't have time to explain. The old man will go ahead first. My friend, please pay attention to your own safety. I'll see you at dawn."

Wu Dazhuang used a small stone to swing a formation, and then his figure gradually became unreal in front of Li Xiaobai, and finally merged into nothingness.

Li Xiaobai stretched out his hand and clattered in the void, without any sense of physical body, the Wu Clan's secret techniques to hide their bodies really emerged endlessly.

Picking up a small stone at random, sticking a replacement talisman on it, the body also disappeared in an instant.

He was going to the Sutra Pavilion, and the Wu clan invaded aggressively, so he wanted to ensure that the corridor would not be discovered.

From the outside, there were still many monks left on the first floor, but the sudden extinguishment of the lights made the monks a little confused.

The Great Elder walked out of the Scripture-Depository Pavilion and looked out.

"What's wrong with Made, why is it so dark?"

"Why are the lights of the Qin family turned off?"

"No, it's not just the Qin family, but the lights in the entire Linyuan City have been extinguished."

The Great Elder realized that something was wrong, and just as he wanted the disciples to return to his courtyard quickly, the slight smell of blood permeated the air.

At some point, the heads of all the disciples in the Scripture-Depository Pavilion fell to the ground, blood-stained on the spot.


"There are masters!"


The Great Elder roared loudly, with the momentum of a rainbow, and his angry shouts ran through the entire Linyuan City, wanting to remind many monks of the Qin family.

The visitor was extraordinary, and he killed dozens of disciples under his nose in such a short time of a few breaths when he came out to check, and he didn't realize it.

He can only think of one organization that can do this kind of assassination, the Wu Clan!

Li Xiaobai hid silently in the bushes, his eyes wide open. Originally, he was still waiting for the action of the large army of the Wu clan, but he did not expect that the assassination from the Wu clan had already started.

Attribute points + 2 million...

Suddenly, he felt his head stabbed by a sharp blade, and a mechanical notification sound came from the system in his mind.

Looking back, there was nothing.

Attribute points + 3 million...

When he turned his head, his head was hit again, and his attribute points increased sharply, but he still couldn't see anyone.

"Made, who hit me!"

"The patriarch of the branch of the Wu family, my own!"

Li Xiaobai reached out and took out the patriarch's token, cursing in a low voice.

Sure enough, the token worked well, and no one was attacking him anymore.

Tranquility was restored in the bushes again, but Li Xiaobai became more and more angry as he thought about it, and got hit with two sap sticks for no reason.

"Still shouldn't bear it!"

"100% being caught empty-handed!"

Li Xiaobai grabbed a branch casually and waved it behind him. In an instant, two figures flew back from a distance, and the concealment technique was lifted, revealing their true bodies.

It was two men in black, completely covered up.

"My lord, just now I was so young that I didn't know Taishan, and offended my lord, I hope you will forgive me!"

"How many of you are here this time?

"More than three hundred elites, plus twenty patriarchs."


The extremely evil pure land disappeared in a flash, and the two men in black were taken into the small world.

At the same time, a wave of powerful energy fluctuations spread, and the strong finally met and fought. Everything was still going on silently, except that occasionally the house was destroyed and the void was torn apart, exposing its location.

The Great Elder disappeared in the scripture storage pavilion, where the disciple died cleanly, and the fool also knew that something happened to the Qin family and needed assistance.

With his hands behind his back, Li Xiaobai strolled into the first floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, checked around, and found that the attic was intact.

"Go to Qin Tian's house and hang around, get some oil and water."

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