Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1732 The Ancient Battlefield Opens

Qin Tian opened his mouth and said that he hoped that Li Xiaobai could go to the ancient battlefield with the junior of the Qin family, so that his life as a junior of the Qin family would be safe.

He has a very close relationship with Ye Wushuang, and has stirred up the situation in the Qin family's mansion several times, playing around with them. Even the elders have not been able to see through his disguise, which is enough to show that this young monk is not a simple person. Because I'm afraid it's unfathomable.

"What secrets are hidden in the ancient battlefield? Rumors say that it involves the ancient road in the starry sky. Is it possible that the Patriarch wants to use my hands to dig out the secrets of this ancient road?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes sparkled, this time the ancient battlefield actually appeared in Qin Tian's newly discovered secret realm.

Even giant spirits and gods appeared at the entrance of the ancient battlefield. It is hard to imagine what kind of secrets are hidden inside.

"What's the matter, I just hope that the younger generation of the family can gain experience from it. If there is a little friend to help me, my life will be safe. If this matter happens, I will also prepare a small gift to express my gratitude."

"Besides, I don't want to make a hard trip to Yuan Yu, and end up being used by the Wu clan and get nothing, right?"

Qin Tian said slowly.

"Since the Patriarch is so sincere, it's hard for me to refuse. The lives of the juniors of the Qin family are on my shoulders, and I will let them come out alive."

Li Xiaobai nodded, showing a smile unconsciously on his face. With Qin Tian's help, he could get first-hand information about the ancient battlefield.

However, he seemed to have been manipulated by the other party, knowing that he loves money, and offered an olive branch that he could not refuse.

Since Qin Tian is the first monk who discovered the secret place and explored it, he probably already knew that there is a dangerous area in the ancient battlefield that is hard to defend against. Letting him accompany the younger generation of the family this time is probably because he wants to use him as cannon fodder. explore the way.

Looking back, thinking that even the corpse of the Giant Spirit God was not taken away, it is very likely that it was a preparation for the subsequent opening of the ancient battlefield to attract monks.

"In this way, there will be trouble, little friend. The battlefield will start in three days, and some servants will prepare the resources needed for the battlefield later."

Qin Tian gave Li Xiaobai a token and a set of other courtyards, allowing him to travel freely within the Qin family.


After a quarter of an hour.

Li Xiaobai moved into the largest mansion of the Qin family in a second.

Qin Tian is very good at dealing with affairs, and after knowing that his relationship with Ye Wushuang is extraordinary, treat him with courtesy in all matters.

It's a pity that Li Xiaobai couldn't catch this mere apartment.

Linyuan City and even the entire Linyuan Domain have nothing to fish for. He has already controlled the entrance of the tunnel, and Qin Tian doesn't know enough about Ye Wushuang.

Something happened here, maybe I have to go back to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss to find the sixth senior brother to help, I don't know why this person and a dog fought the Buddha Lord for so long like a chicken blood.

"Boom boom."

There was a knock on the door of the house, and it was the servants ordered by Qin Tian to deliver the resources.

In name, it is the materials needed for the ancient battlefield, but it is actually a benefit fee.

Li Xiaobai opened the door, but he was stunned by the people who came in. These were not servants, but the three young ladies of the Qin family.

Qin Xiufang, Qin Yi, Qin Xue.

"Senior brother Li, my father specially sent me here to offer resources to the young master."

"The young master can put aside the previous suspicions and is willing to help my sister in the ancient battlefield. My daughter is very grateful."

Qin Xiufang bowed slightly, uncharacteristically, said respectfully and politely.

"It's easy to say, as long as the younger sisters are obedient and obedient, Big Brother will not treat you badly."

Li Xiaobai put away the resources, glanced slightly, and said with a smile.

Qin Tian wanted to use beauty tricks, and even sold his own daughter in order to win him over, but the resources given by this were rich enough, and he couldn't help but be tempted.

"You can go out, I have something to call you."

Li Xiaobai threw the three girls out of the house and closed the door. He didn't want to waste time with these young people.

The three women outside the house were angry, they were forced to succumb to Qin Tian's power, and it was definitely the first time in their life that they were treated like this.

"This guy surnamed Li really doesn't know good from bad, and he's putting on airs!"

"Isn't it just to enter the ancient battlefield? As a master of the younger generation, I don't believe that my Qin family monks can't protect us?"

"I really don't understand what Patriarch thinks, why does he have to let this guy go with him!"

"Let's go to Senior Brother Qin Ming. Let's take care of this brat surnamed Li on the ancient battlefield in three days' time!"

inside the house.

Li Xiaobai counted the resources sent by Qin Tian. There are a lot of rare earth resources, a total of 10 million, and the rest are all kinds of strange magic weapons.

There are hooks, shovels, oddballs, and a map.

The map recorded the general direction of the interior of the ancient battlefield, and marked two treasure locations. One was a large tomb, and it was necessary to use a reincarnation hook to open the door of the tomb, and then use a shovel to dig the corridor.

As for the other place, it is only known to be a treasure hall, and there is no detailed information record.

Just as he thought, this Qin Tian really went in once, and also found out the location of the two treasure houses, and the resources given were also set for these two treasure places.

"Let the monks of the Qin family explore the way first in three days. If you want me to be cannon fodder, it will be impossible."

"However, this map looks a little familiar."


Three days passed in a flash.

Outside Linyuan City.

Secret place.

Overcrowded, the news that the new battlefield is about to open has spread throughout the Linyuan domain, and monks from almost all sects have sharpened their heads and want to enter it to get a share.

But entering the battlefield requires tokens, and those who can finally enter it are only a small number of forces.

Li Xiaobai and the younger generations of the Qin family were waiting outside. Four elders of the Qin family led the team, and the Qin family had hundreds of guards. No one dared to mess with this lineup.

"I heard that the Patriarch has entrusted the actions of the Qin family to Mr. Li. The old man and others are only assisting from the side. If necessary, just give orders."

"Yes, yes, the ladies have already given orders, and I will definitely listen to the young master's words."

The elders looked at Li Xiaobai and said, with a deep sinister look in their eyes.

It's this little thing that makes the Qin family restless. The Qin family can't trust this junior. When he enters the battlefield, he will kill him immediately.

"That's the way to go. Don't hold Li back when you go in later."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said it as a matter of course.

The angry Qin Ming and the others turned pale.

"Open it, Patriarch Qin has made a move!"

The monks around looked at the sky and shouted.

Qin Tian hangs in the sky, his hands evolve special symbols in the void, like a pair of eyes, the space in the secret realm suddenly fluctuates, tearing out a huge abyss, which is the entrance to the battlefield.

"The time limit is only ten days. After the ten days pass, the entrance to this battlefield will be opened again. If you fail to come out in time, it will be difficult to get out again."

"There will be many opportunities to open the battlefield in the future, so don't be greedy for a while!"

"Let's go, everyone."

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