Qin Tian said lightly, the huge tunnel torn apart in the secret space made many monks fascinated.

A brand new and undeveloped ancient battlefield is an absolute treasure for practitioners. As long as even a little old object is excavated, it will be worthwhile.

After all, the ancient battlefields were fought by peerless powerhouses, and the treasures that survived in it, even the most dilapidated objects, far exceeded the value of ordinary treasures.

Everyone filed in and entered the space crack.

"Let's go in."

Li Xiaobai said, leading the monks of the Qin family into the crack.

The surrounding scenery is changing and the stars are changing, and it seems to step into a new world with one step.

As far as the eye can see, it is a verdant and green scene, and the scenery of singing birds and flowers all over the mountains is in stark contrast to the barrenness of the outside world.

The forces of the major families stayed where they were very cautiously, and did not act recklessly.

When the last person enters the arena, the huge spatial crack behind him slowly heals, and it will not open again until ten days later.

"The Qin family must be sure to win this time. As the first person to discover the ancient battlefield, the head of the Qin family must have already figured out the inside of the battlefield, right?"

It was Lei's family who spoke, and a silver-haired young monk said pointedly.

He is the leader of the Lei family this time.

The scene above Linyuan City a few days ago was too horrifying. Afterwards, they learned that the Patriarch of the Qin family had made good friends with creatures from outside the territory and had close contacts.

I'm afraid this ancient battlefield has long been in the opponent's pocket.

"Where does it come from, it is the first time to enter the ancient battlefield, and I hope that you can cooperate sincerely and put aside the past."

The old Qin family clasped their fists together and said with a cheerful smile.

After the incident of those two pairs of big hands outside the domain a few days ago, now Linyuan City, and even the entire Linyuan Domain has been completely reduced to Qin Tian's monopoly, and his Qin family has no fear of anyone.

"It must be. If this is the case, why don't we and the family go together?"

"My Lei family is willing to follow behind the Qin family, as long as I can have a sip of soup."

Elder Lei's family laughed loudly, as if I would follow your example.

Everyone knows what the various clans are thinking. There are many crises in the ancient battlefield, so they only bring in a few elites to explore the way first to avoid heavy losses. This is the normal routine for families to explore the secret realm.

But this Qin family was different. They brought in hundreds of people at one go, and even had more than a hundred guards as cannon fodder. It was obvious that they had come prepared, and it was the best choice for the Qin family to take the lead.

"No, no, the ancient battlefield is so big that it's hard to think about it. Just the secret place outside is full of treasures, and the treasures in this ancient battlefield are probably even more numerous."

"The purpose of the various tribes coming here today is to explore resources. Naturally, they should spread out. It would be better if each of them does not interfere with each other's treasure hunting. Otherwise, once the ancient ruins are discovered, the uneven distribution of resources will easily lead to misunderstanding."

The elders of Qin's family had a pleasant face and said loudly.

Entering the ancient battlefield, it is his Qin family's world, directly occupying the initiative.

Qin Tian had handed over the treasure map to several elders, and it was more detailed than the one in Li Xiaobai's hand. The treasure map in Li Xiaobai's hand only marked two ruins, while the treasure map in their hands was almost full.

"When I first entered the battlefield, the power of the rules at the core of the battlefield is not yet clear. Be careful in everything. I, the Qin family, saw that there is a destiny ahead, so I chose this path."

The elders of the Qin family led the team and headed for the depths of the mountain forest. Li Xiaobai was automatically squeezed into the back row to stay with the younger generation of the family.

Seeing this, the rest of the family looked at each other and immediately followed.

"It's a coincidence, isn't it, my family also thinks this road is very eye-catching."


A quarter of an hour later, the monks marched in a long queue.

The Qin family took the lead, the Lei family was second, and the rest of the families were in the rear.

Li Xiaobai recalled the route on the treasure map in his mind, and not only asked, "This road does not seem to be the route on the treasure map, is it wrong?"

"Junior, your task is just to protect the heirs of my clan, you don't need to worry about other things, just follow along honestly."

The elders of Qin's family said coldly, their attitude was completely different from that of the outside world.

You have to give Qin Tian face outside, but when you go inside, whoever will let a mere junior lead the team, this guy is better at changing appearances and fighting fires, young people who haven't grown their hair yet, what real skills can they have? ?

I really don't know what the head of the family thinks, but actually wants to hand over the team to a junior monk.

"That's right, it would be nice if I could let you follow. You won't forget that you killed Brother Yu, right?"

"I said, this account will be settled with you sooner or later."

"Be honest and stay quietly, and when I get to the place in a while, I will see how I can concoct you!"

Qin Ming and others whispered in Li Xiaobai's ear.

Li Xiaobai kept silent, he was not in the mood to argue with these juniors, the Qin family's route was very clear, indicating that there was a treasure land ahead.

Qin Tian didn't tell him the truth, the treasure map that he gave him was really just the tip of the iceberg, with some other purpose.

The team marched like this, without any danger along the way, except for a faint sense of crisis from the vegetation in the forest, there was no problem.

After half an hour.

Everyone came to a magnificent palace.

This palace is different, the walls are covered with various mirrors, and their figures are reflected in it from afar.

A huge plaque on the top of the temple reads three big characters Fighting Temple!

"This world was originally the dojo of a certain shocking power, but because it was invaded by alien races, it eventually became a place of decisive battle."

"This palace is a place for cultivating monks. Entering it will give you great benefits."

The elder Qin's family stopped and said lightly.

In the rear, monks of all ethnic groups gathered in the dojo and gathered around the palace.

"Go in and have a look!"

The Lei family monk said.

"The treasure is right in front of my eyes, sons and daughters rush for me!"

The enthusiasm of all ethnic groups is high, and they wish they could charge into battle immediately.

The words were beautiful and full of momentum, but no one moved.

Everyone tacitly wanted to usurp others first, and it was not embarrassing to see their little tricks being seen through, but they pointed the finger at each other.

"What about going together?"

"The Qin family takes the lead, and my Lei family follows closely behind."

"Don't smudge, you have to go in anyway, you will die sooner or later."

"Then why don't you die first?"

The monks were arguing like hell.

The elder Qin's family waved their hands and let a few guards enter it first to explore the way.

They just know where the treasure land is, as for the danger in this treasure land, they still need to find out by themselves.

The various clans immediately stopped their disputes and all stared at the hall.

When the guards stepped into it, the whole hall buzzed continuously, several golden rays of light flashed away, and then disappeared.

After waiting for a while, the elders of the Qin family took out something and looked at it for a while, "Their soul lamps are still alive, and they are still alive."

"This interior is probably some kind of difficult test, let's go in!"

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