Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1733 Your Attack Is Useless, I Want To Laugh

The elder Qin's family spoke up and led all the disciples into the hall first.

The fact that the guard's soul lamp did not go out immediately meant that there were no powerful creatures haunting the Temple of God.

The silver-haired elder of the Lei family followed closely behind, and all the families filed in, all wanting to get a share of this treasured land.

Li Xiaobai followed the crowd into it. The structure of the hall is very different. The inner space of the hall is circular.

Surrounded by countless gates, each gate is shining with golden light, and some of the closed gates should be caused by the guards who entered earlier.

"What's in it, there are so many doors, don't you want me to enter them all?"

A family looked at the situation in front of them and asked questions.

"This door is the trial. The guards of the Qin family just entered it to start their own trials. If the soul lamp is not extinguished, it means that the difficulty of the trial should not be high, or the difficulty of the trial will automatically adjust the strength of the tester. Adjustment."

"Seeing that the number of this gate is increasing continuously, the more monks come in, the more the number of gates will be. This Temple of Fighting is adjusting according to the number of us coming in."

The Lei family elder said coldly, among the families present, only the Lei family and the Qin family had some background, and the rest of the families who came in were a bunch of mobs who lost even the most basic judgment when they entered the ancient battlefield.

"That's true. The hall is closed. It seems that I need to pass the trial before I can go out."

The elder Qin's family glanced at the direction of the palace gate and said calmly.

"what happened?"

"How did the door close by itself?"

"Did you, a monk of the Qin family, mess up something!"

"Quickly tell me what the Temple of Dou is for, and where is the treasure hidden!"

Seeing that the gate of the Dou Shen Temple was locked, many monks used their kung fu to try to break the gate, but only a ripple was splashed on the gate, and there was no wave.

"Go to that door and try."

The elder Qin's family ignored the monk's panic, pointed to one of the doors, and said to the two guards.

The guard took the order and walked directly into the door, but the back door was suddenly closed, and the second guard who was about to enter together was thrown away.

"It's confirmed, only one person can enter a door, pick one for each, and try to go in."

The elder Qin's family said calmly, his figure flickered, and he went straight into the front door.

Seeing this, the rest of the tribe also chose a door one after another, and their movements were uniform.

"It's a pity, it's this kind of treasure land, you just saved your life."

Qin Xiufang looked at Li Xiaobai with resentment in her eyes.

Her father didn't know why to please this kid, even he didn't hesitate to let her, the dignified princess of the Qin family, put down her dignity, and she always remembered the hatred of being humiliated and kicked out of the room by him.

She and the monks of the Qin family had already secretly colluded to keep Li Xiaobai in this ancient battlefield forever.

After one breath, the two monks of Qin Lei in the hall all entered the golden trial door.

Only a group of stragglers and other unknown families were left in a daze.

Li Xiaobai entered a door at random, and in front of him was a golden ocean, sparkling.

He was standing on the water, and the touch felt very real, not like an illusion.

This is a vast space with nothing but golden waves, and ripples appear on the surface of the water. Li Xiaobai clearly saw his own reflection making a completely different move from him.

The reflection under the water raised his arm and made a gesture of wiping his neck at him.

Then the golden sea wriggled and churned, and gradually condensed into a human shape, which looked exactly like Li Xiaobai.

"Welcome to the Land of Trials."

The golden Li Xiaobai smiled and opened his arms in welcome.

"Welcome sister, you are so arrogant, you dared to threaten me just now!"

Li Xiaobai went up like a big pussy, smashing the golden Li Xiaobai's head, splashing water wantonly, this counterfeit is just a creature made of sea water.

"Don't get excited, this is the place of trial, I am you, very glad to see you."

The golden water splashes gathered again and condensed into Li Xiaobai's revelation, which he said cheerfully.

In the next second, Li Xiaobai made another big blow with his backhand, smashing more than half of his head.

"You are happy too early."

The water splash condensed again.

This time the counterfeit stopped laughing, and said bluntly, "If you defeat me, you can walk out of the trial ground."

"It's that simple?"

"Where did you hide the baby?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Blood Demon Yuan Hua Tianzun!"

The counterfeit stared, and behind him a huge blood-colored demon phantom manifested, and countless tentacles shot out, swarming towards Li Xiaobai.

"You have the same skills as me, will you?"

Li Xiaobai stared at the tentacles in front of him, he somewhat understood the essence of this trial.

Attribute point +1...

Attribute point +1...

Attribute point +1...

The values ​​on the system panel jumped, and he let these tentacles hit his body without moving.

The attributes of this thing are pitiful.

The counterfeit stopped the offensive, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, and with one hand, the water splashed on the sea level condensed into a golden long sword, which he held in his hand.

"Sword Intent to Seal Demons!"

A jet-black sword glow pierced the sky, split the sea level in two, and struck Li Xiaobai's body.


The sword light turned into a handful of golden seawater in response, splashing Li Xiaobai's face.

Attribute point +2...

The values ​​on the system panel fluttered, and they were still pitifully few. This counterfeit product had a lot of thunder and little rain, and did no harm at all.

"This is impossible!"

The golden Li Xiaobai looked at his hands, with deep doubts in his eyes.

"That's it?"

"Also worthy of trial?"

Li Xiaobai wiped his face, and said disdainfully, "Your swordsmanship is too weak, who did you learn from?"

This trial is to simulate a mirror image that is exactly the same as the tester, with the same appearance, figure, same cultivation base, same skills, and even the same potential and limit.

The Battle God Hall is a place to compete with oneself. The so-called trial is to defeat oneself in this world behind the gate.

The strong who can create this thing can be regarded as a great master. It can be said that no matter who it is, as long as it can come out after going in once, it must have broken through the self and obtained the real biochemistry.

It's just a pity that this trial ran into him Li Xiaobai, a man who never practiced and only relied on the system to become stronger.

This impostor can use all the skills he has learned, but he doesn't have any skills that come with the system.

His attribute point is only one because of the lack of system bonuses. He is an ordinary person without cultivation base. Even if this skill is used in a fancy way, how much damage can it cause without cultivation base?

"I feel a little insulted. Am I so weak without a system?"

Li Xiaobai muttered in his heart, the counterfeit in front of him was still switching various exercises, all of which were the exercises and skills he absorbed in the Fairy Continent in his early years.

Without exception, all are watery.

Against the storm-like offensive, he walked up to the counterfeit step by step, put one hand on his forehead, and showed an innocent smile

"Brother, your attack is useless, I have no waves in my heart, and I even want to laugh."

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