"what happened to you?"

"Why didn't my offensive work?"

"It shouldn't be, I have everything you have!"

The impostor screamed sharply, his face twisted a little, and he waved his hand indiscriminately to beat Li Xiaobai's chest, but it still had no effect.

"Little Heizi, you're showing your dick feet, I won't make such a hysterical expression."

"Do you know what idol baggage is? You must always manage your expressions well, control your emotions, and be your own director!"

Li Xiaobai ignited a Huazi, and said in a breath of smoke.

"Do you have this stuff, order one and try?"

There was a wave of waves on the sea level, and an identical golden flower condensed out, but the counterfeit Li Xiaobai couldn't be ignited no matter what.

"Your fire point is not sea water, no, you don't have fire at all."

Li Xiaobai taunted him ruthlessly, and said bluntly that he doesn't know the flame skill at all.

Although it's not a glorious thing, but at this moment, I feel inexplicably happy. I just don't know anything, why don't you make a copy for me?


"Why can't your kung fu ignite a fire?"

The counterfeit Li Xiaobai was completely confused and didn't understand what was going on.

"Because I'm a waste and can't do anything, so you can't do anything either."

"It's impossible. I am you, and you are me. We have no distinction between each other. How can you enter here and know nothing?"

"Your skills are obviously there, but why can't you perform your cultivation?"

The counterfeit Li Xiaobai stared at Li Xiaobai with disbelief on his face.

"Since you are me, have you heard of the Hand of God?"

Li Xiaobai showed a harmless smile.

"Hand of God?"

"what is that?"

The counterfeit is puzzled, no one can copy the skills given by the system.

"That's it."

Li Xiaobai exerted force with one hand, and the majestic force surged out like a river bursting a bank, instantly crushing the head of the impostor in front of him, and then his strength continued unabated, shattering his body inch by inch.

At this moment, the sea level evaporated a lot, the golden world shattered, and an object similar to a water pipe slowly floated in front of Li Xiaobai.

This is an "L"-shaped steel pipe, which is very cold to the touch, and there is nothing special about it.

But when his hand touched the water pipe, he clearly felt an inexplicable throbbing from the extremely evil pure land, and the terrifying aura was fleeting.

This feeling is very familiar to him. It is the old man Crystal. Since the last time the Emperor City passed, this guy has not responded. He did not expect that this water pipe could arouse his reaction and resonate again.

With a thought, the extremely evil pure land unfolded, Li Xiaobai appeared in front of the crystal old man, in the amethyst, the old man's eyes opened again at some point, staring at him firmly.

Gently tap the amethyst with a water hose, and the crystal clear surface is instantly covered with cobwebs, with layers of cracks appearing, and wisps of ominous aura escape.

At this moment, he felt as if the old man Crystal was about to come back to life, and he was so frightened that he immediately put away the extremely evil pure land, and the terrifying throbbing weakened by most of it.

"This water pipe is definitely related to the old man Crystal!"

"Hide it first, and study it later."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, holding the water pipe in his hand, it felt good, it was very convenient, and it was very suitable for hitting the black stick.

The door behind him opened again, and the trial ground passed easily.

There are still many monks waiting hesitantly in the hall, hoping to have the opportunity to pick up ready-made ones.

After seeing Li Xiaobai coming out, they all came forward to ask for his health.

"Brother, just now it seems that you appeared in the Qin family's team, how about the intensity of the trial behind that door?"

Some monks asked the most concerned question.

"The intensity is mediocre, this trial is very watery, it splashed water all over my face."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said casually.

He was the first to come out, and the rest of them were still fighting fiercely with themselves in the world behind the door, trying to break through themselves.

"You guys are playing, I will withdraw."

Ignoring the astonished eyes around him, Li Xiaobai turned around and walked towards the outside world. The door of the hall was still closed, but when he passed by, there was a ripple, and he passed through.

This is the authority of those who have passed the trial.

outside world.

Looking at this huge building, Li Xiaobai released the extremely evil pure land with a thought, and the surrounding environment was turned upside down in an instant, and the stars changed.

In the next second, everything returned to normal, but the Temple of Dou, which was located in this land of singing birds and fragrant flowers, disappeared without a trace.

These families wanted a piece of the ancient battlefield, but they didn't know that they were already in Li Xiaobai's pocket from the moment they entered this hall.

"You still want to deal with me?"

"I even packed the main hall and took it away, so I didn't have to deal with the various races at all."

Li Xiaobai hummed a little tune, took out Qin Tian's treasure map, and headed for the next treasure.

When the monks of all races exhausted their efforts to complete the trial and walk out of the Battle God Temple, they will know what a real nightmare is.

However, his move can be considered as a disguised form of helping monks of all races. This trial in the Battle God Hall completely simulates all the characteristics of the monks, even the potential can be simulated. This means that when the monks break through, the shadow will also break through. He couldn't get out of this trial in just ten days.

At that time, Qin Tian will open the battlefield again, and I am afraid that no one will survive.

At this moment, he is being included in the extremely evil pure land, and he can go out to the outside world anyway. Speaking of which, these people have to thank him, and collect some protection fees later.

The location of the next treasure site is a large tomb. The resources Qin Tian gave were aimed at this large tomb. He had reason to believe that it was because the tomb was too dangerous, so Qin Tian gave him such a treasure map alone. , so that he can explore the way.

"It's a pity that the elders of the Qin family have too low IQ and took the initiative to expose the existence of another treasure map. I'm afraid Qin Tian's words didn't attract their attention."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, the pure land of extreme evil unfolded again.

The surrounding green water and green mountains turned into a gray and ruined world, with corpses everywhere. All the corpses in the Lake of Wraiths had been refined, and the overwhelming vengeance came out, infiltrating every corner of this ancient battlefield.

"Go find all the treasure house resources in this battlefield."

"The old rule is to dig a grave when it comes across a grave, and pack up a corpse and take it away."

I am afraid that no one knows better than him what it is like to have a small world with complete facilities.

Still did not encounter any birds and beasts along the way, but the surrounding vegetation swaying in the wind always permeated with a trace of danger.

After a few minutes.

He came to the big tomb outlined on the map.

This is a broken valley with a very flat section, almost vertical 90-degree cliff, and the inside is a bottomless black abyss.

There is a big tomb inside, and the way to enter the tomb is clear at a glance. It seems that there is no other way out except to jump down.

Li Xiaobai's head was full of black lines, "Made, the map given to the elders of the Qin family is a trial place that can sharpen the family's disciples, and this is the proposition given to me."

Qin Tian was dishonest, and if he contacted the second senior sister later, he would have to give him a copy, which would kill him.

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