Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1735 The Fourth Senior Brother In The Tree Trunk

The old rules, first let the avatar go down to test.

The mind sank into the system and summoned a clone.

"There is a baby below, go down and have a look."

Li Xiaobai said dryly.

"I'm not going, it's dangerous down there."

The avatar said honestly.

"It is because of the danger that I let you go down. You die first, and I will arrive later."

Li Xiaobai raised his foot and kicked the clone down.

That's what the avatar does, sharing the same system, and sitting on one-tenth of his cultivation, it's not so easy to die.

After a while, the picture seen by the avatar came to my mind.

Below is a swampy area, which is dark green in color, with luxuriant vegetation, and the colorful ones are highly poisonous at first glance, but there is no corpse, and there is a strange aura.

"what's the situation?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"It's safe, come down quickly, good brothers make a fortune together."

Avatar said.

"Good brother, you get rich first, and I will arrive later."

Li Xiaobai nodded, the avatar inherited all his abilities, including the special constitution Poison Immortal Physique, immune to all toxins.

Need to continue to explore.

"It doesn't look like a tomb, but the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the scenery is quite unique."

The doppelganger continued to walk in, murmuring.

After thinking about it, there was no sound.

The system panel shows that the avatar disappears.

This guy was suddenly killed below, sure enough, there is a great horror in this tomb.

"Go down and have a look."

Li Xiaobai jumped into the abyss and fell in the air for several minutes before hitting the ground, a deep hole was smashed out on the ground.

Attribute points + 100,000...

There is a refreshing fragrance in the air.

The scene as seen by the eyes is quite shocking, the vision of the avatar just now is just the tip of the iceberg, the big tomb in front of him is filled with all kinds of colorful flowers and trees, and the emerald green lake is located in front, crystal clear like a lake.

"The most fascinating is often the most dangerous. This place is so weird, but not even a single skeleton has been excavated. There is only one explanation, that is, the toxin here is strong enough to corrode all the corpses, so it presents such a beautiful scenery. "

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself.

With a thought, the extremely evil pure land unfolded and included this emerald green lake.

As long as it is the same level as the extremely evil pure land, all can be included in the bag.


The air fluctuated suddenly, followed by a sharp increase in the value on the system panel.

Attribute points + 1 million...

Attribute points + 1 million...

Attribute points + 1 million...

Li Xiaobai didn't see anything, but felt that after the space in front of him was distorted for a while, he was hit by something.

Cai Cai's avatar should not be here.


The strange fluctuation in the air came again, Li Xiaobai felt something tripped under his feet, his body lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Attribute points + 1 million...

It was still an invisible attack, but it didn't seem to do much damage.

He squinted his eyes and looked around, unable to see where the attack came from.

"That's it?"

"You also want to hinder my progress?"

Li Xiaobai took off his shirt, lay directly on the ground, and crawled forward with his hands and feet in an extremely strange posture.

With the magic skill of bursting clothes and iron mountain support, the defense power is increased by four times, ignoring all attacks. The invisible attack continued, and the frequency became more and more violent. As he traveled deeper and deeper, the damage caused by the attack gradually increased.

After a while, he finally saw the initiator of this invisible offensive.

It was a tree. Walking out of the area of ​​colorful grass and trees, what I saw was a vast and boundless barren area. Only a willow tree was still standing tall and straight in the barren land.

The willow branch swayed with the wind, and every swing would bring up countless wind blades, sweeping in all directions, and the invisible attack he suffered just now was affected by this.

The barren land in this area is probably also formed because of this.

"There is something about this tree, pack it up and take it away."

Li Xiaobai repeated the old trick, and the extremely evil pure land unfolded, trying to take back the tree.

But this time, there was no response, the tree remained motionless, and the extremely evil pure land, which was omnipotent, failed for the first time.

This means that the willow tree is at the same level as the owner of the Lake of Wraiths in the Extremely Evil Pure Land, or even higher.

There are still about 500 steps away from the willow tree. At this moment, the soaring attribute points on the system panel have reached a terrifying 20 million.

It was probably already the limit he could bear, and if he continued to move forward, his physical body would break apart.

"Why is there a shoe behind that tree?"

Li Xiaobai tasted the tree carefully and found a boot in the shade

Black, muddy and dirty, it looks like it has been left here for many years.

"Go and have a look."

Call out a few great resentment species with high cultivation bases, and crawl forward.

When approaching the position of the willow tree two hundred steps away, a wind blade passed by, tearing apart several great resentful species.

"It seems that it is difficult to get close even if you have a high level of cultivation, so you have to use a hard treasure to get over it."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, and took out the old man crystal. This thing was terribly hard, and the several shatterings were caused by the old man inside the crystal, so it was difficult for external pressure to damage the amethyst.

Hiding behind the amethyst, Li Xiaobai walked forward against the old man.

The effect was even better than expected, a wind blade slashed on the amethyst, the old man inside the crystal was repeatedly provoked, the eyes that were originally closed opened again at this moment, and at the same time all the wind blades in the field were wiped out.

At the same time, half of the willow tree's body was also obliterated, and the leafy upper body was wiped off, leaving only the half of the trunk rooted in the ground.

Everything happened in silence.


The spider web on the surface of the amethyst expanded a lot, and every time the old man opened his eyes, the crystal would shatter a little.

Li Xiaobai suspected that if he stimulated the old man a few more times, the crystal would be completely shattered, and then there would be great terror.

"Senior, don't blame me. I've really bothered you a lot lately. I'll ask you to take a bath later."

Li Xiaobai saluted and bowed, and then took the old crystal man into the extremely evil pure land.

When he turned around and looked at the willow tree again, his expression was startled.

In the half of the tree trunk, half of the head was exposed. Although only one forehead was exposed, it was definitely a human head.

There is actually a person hidden in the willow tree!

Li Xiaobai walked slowly to the side of the willow tree, not in a hurry to look at the person, but first walked around the trunk twice, and then stretched his head to look inside the trunk after confirming that there was no danger.

This made his scalp tingle.

The inside of the tree trunk is hollow, and the galaxy flows inside, surrounded by countless stars. Among them stands a person, dressed in white, with a face like a crown of jade, who is also looking up at this moment.

The two looked at each other, and Li Xiaobai felt a chill down his back.

The face was all too familiar.

"You are...fourth senior brother?"

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