Even the disciples of the big clan shouldn't be like this, right?

Watching Li Xiaobai's operation, Wang Ruoying's jaw dropped in shock.

Without any means, without any operation, just walking over with a physical body, exposed to the vision of the poison, and not guarding against the intrusion of the poison, how strong is this physical body.

Or that this person can force out all the toxins just by operating his cultivation base?

"The young master of Linyuanyu, I bet right, following him will definitely find the treasure in the battlefield of the heavens!"

"If we can get the protection of this person, our Celestial Clan will be the leader this year!"

Wang Ruoying looked at Li Xiaobai who was drifting away, her beautiful eyes sparkled, her white teeth bit her red lips lightly, and she followed her with a ruthless heart.

She understands the truth of seeking wealth and danger. Although her strength is good compared to the disciples of other races, it also depends on who she compares with. Compared with the disciple of the rich clan in Linyuanyu in front of her, she is not at the same rank at all.

Even if you can't eat meat with the other party, drinking soup can be of great benefit.

In the depths of the swamp, Li Xiaobai crushed a few poisonous snakes to death casually. Along the way, all the poisons in the past drilled into his body, densely spread all over his body, and Wang Ruoying's scalp felt numb even though he was experienced.

His whole body was covered with poison, as if he was a poisonous person.

"Then what, Mr. Li, are you okay?"

"The one on your head looks like a poison dart frog, and the one on your legs looks like a one-step snake..."

Wang Ruoying didn't dare to breathe out, for fear of disturbing the poison and attracting attention.

Along the way, the poisons were attracted to Li Xiaobai, but she was not in any danger, and she was able to deal with the occasional poisonous attacks that slipped through the net.

I have to say, it feels great to have a boss at the front.

"It's okay, it's just a mere pet."

"By the way, why did you come here? Although these are just reptiles, they are fatal to you. If you are not careful, you will fall here today."

Li Xiaobai glanced at Wang Ruoying, a little surprised, he thought that the swamp could block him behind, but he didn't expect this woman to be so bold that she followed up.

Don't you think he is a gentleman and want to seek his protection?

"I want to share my worries for you, and I hope you don't dislike him."

Wang Ruoying twisted the corners of her clothes, acting like a little girl, combined with her appearance and temperament, this trick is enough to make countless male cultivators fall in love with her.

It's a pity that what she faced was not an ordinary male cultivator, but Li Xiaobai.

What responded to her was not ambiguous words, but words that were so cold that there was no trace of human touch.

"Take care of yourself, don't think that I will save you, don't blame me if you die."

Li Xiaobai dropped the sentence, turned around and walked deeper.

He would not waste his precious time looking for Second Senior Sister on this oil bottle, this woman has only one value, assisting him to enter the battlefield of the heavens, it is no longer useful to him at this moment, just throw it away casually.


Wang Ruoying got angry, stomped her feet secretly, and continued to follow.

Li Xiaobai didn't stop along the way, even if there were exotic flowers and weeds on the roadside, or the smell of treasures, he never stopped. He just kept his head buried and rushed forward, lying on the ground from time to time to smell the fragrance of the soil.

Wang Ruoying's heart ached when she saw it, and she passed by the treasure many times, but this disciple of the big family didn't stop, and she didn't dare to go alone to get the treasure.

What exactly is Mr. Li doing? It doesn't look like he's looking for treasure, but rather looking for something.

Could it be the bigger baby?

About an hour later.

Li Xiaobai stopped suddenly, rubbing the mud on the ground with his fingers, his face showing excitement.


"Found it!"

"Thanks to my ingenuity, otherwise such a large ancient battlefield, no matter how many people there are, it would be difficult to search for such a small piece of land."

Not far ahead was a huge lake, the azure blue lake water was crystal clear, stone pillars and chains were clearly visible at the bottom of the water, it was the place where he saw the sixth senior brother.

"Senior Brother, I found it. It is this lake, where Sixth Senior Brother's avatar was nailed to death."

"Not far to the west from here is the Human Race Emperor City!"

Li Xiaobai called Yang Chen from the bottom of his heart.

"It's so cheap, you fat man, wait until the second senior sister is rescued, and then deal with him properly!"

Yang Chen's voice echoed in his mind, the fourth senior brother had deep resentment towards Liu Jinshui.

"Little brother, go to the imperial city first."

The golden chariot rose up from under Li Xiaobai's feet, turned into a flash of light and disappeared in an instant.

Wang Ruoying was stunned at the back, confused, she said happily that she found it one second ago, why did she run away the next second?

After a quarter of an hour.

Li Xiaobai saw the familiar giant pass again, with ruins and ruins waiting to be built. It was very depressed at the moment, and there were no living beings around. The monks who came in this time did not appear here.

"Why was the Terran Emperor Pass built?"

"Why can only pure human blood be allowed to enter?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"This is the pure land built by the human ancestors to protect the pure-blooded human race from harm."

"The world of Immortals and Gods is not as harmonious as it seems on the surface. Everyone here can be a modest gentleman, but everyone can also be a beast that chooses people and eats them."

"The construction of the Imperial City is enough to leave a mark in the long river of history, but it's a pity that the people inside are all dead."

Yang Chen's voice came, sighing, remembering the past.

The two bronze armors in the imperial city sat there quietly, Li Xiaobai bowed, and took a detour to the cliff, the endless abyss below was the road leading to the underworld.

"Brother, are you sure I can return safely from the underworld?"

Li Xiaobai murmured in his heart, even though his current cultivation in the four god-peeping realms was still not worth mentioning in that unknown and terrifying area.

Yang Chen "I have some advice for my brother, I will keep you safe."

Li Xiaobai, "But my little brother's cultivation base is still shallow, and he is still very weak. Do you want to support me with ten or eight magic weapons?"

"Junior brother, in fact, when I saw you for the first time, I felt that you were a talent to be made. The words loyalty, righteousness and courage are almost written on your face. You look unruly and generous in heart. This is how the second senior sister treats you. evaluation of."

"Senior Sister is so kind to you on weekdays, you must also want to rescue her as soon as possible."

"I'm telling you this because I really treat you as a brother. You will definitely live up to your expectations as a brother, right?"

Yang Chen was persuasive and persuasive.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, and the fourth senior brother put him on the high ground of morality and roasted him repeatedly. This wave of ktv was so smooth that he couldn't refuse it.

Leap forward and jump into the abyss.

Just like last time, it took a quarter of an hour before it hit the ground, and a deep hole was smashed into the ground.

Li Xiaobai patted his buttocks and stood up.

"It's here, it's the breath of the underworld!"

Yang Chen's voice became agitated, "Junior brother, don't act rashly, the section before entering the gate of the underworld is very dangerous, so be careful."

Li Xiaobai lit the torch and walked in. The place where Er Gouzi was buried was under his feet, so there should be no danger.

There was silence all around, only the echo of his footsteps.

When Yang Chen's voice sank.

"Did you hear anything?"

Li Xiaobai wondered, "What noise?"

"Like drums"

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