Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1748 Ghost House Patrol, White Crane Boy


Li Xiaobai stopped in his tracks and listened attentively. Although the fourth senior brother was not by his side, he was quite familiar with the underworld.

If there are drums, there must be drums, but the road under your feet is not deep enough. If you want to find out the drums, you have to go inward for a while.



The golden chariot glides under his feet. After a few breaths, there is indeed a faint sound in his ears, which is very dull, and the rhythmic knocking sound is mixed with drama.

"Brother, this thing doesn't look like simple drumming, it looks like someone is singing?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"This is the underworld, a place that controls the life and death of the world. There are no people here, only ghosts and gods. Your cultivation base is weak, and even the guards here are difficult to parry. Find a place to hide first, and wait until the drum team leaves before slipping away." Enter the gate of hell!"

Yang Chen said.

Li Xiaobai followed suit, walking forward cautiously for a while, and found that the sound of drum music in his ears was getting louder and louder. After the singing team slowly approached, they immediately searched for a huge stone to hide.

Walking here is no longer as dark as it was when I first came down, and the ground under my feet is no longer barren soil, but paved with bluestone slabs, faintly forming an official road, dotted with sporadic blue flames on both sides, and the souls of the dead howling mournfully at the wick .

"Didi da, Didi da..."

A huge shadow shrouded, and the neat team stepped forward in an orderly manner, a total of eleven people, all wearing grimace masks, two playing suona, four dancing spears, and three white-faced ghost-face dancers, surrounded the team in a triangular shape , and the remaining two blue-faced grimaces are staying in the middle of the team.

The speed of the team was very busy, obviously there was no audience, but when they performed very hard, especially the ghost dancers and ghost dancers, it seemed that they were really showing their strength like something, but Li Xiaobai couldn't even see a hair.

"Restrain your breath, don't make a sound, this is a ghost mansion patrolling the sky, frightening demons inside and outside the gate of ghosts."

Yang Chen's voice came at the right time, "I know what you are wondering about. Your spirit is not strong enough, and you can't see demons. It is very common for ghosts to visit the sky. They travel the yin and yang realms to suppress all demons. Their duty is to kill ghosts. People will not take the initiative to attack, but here is beyond the gate of hell, there is no guarantee that they will not do anything to you, it is better to be careful."

"What are their cultivation bases?"

Li Xiaobai asked in his heart.

"Yincao Jifu doesn't talk about cultivation. If you are targeted, you will die. In short, it is difficult to deal with."

Yang Chen's answer was ambiguous, and Li Xiaobai guessed that it involved the secret of being banned.

On the official road.

The eleven ghost faces stopped walking and began to walk in place. They didn't target something, but danced on their own, but in the next second, a series of mournful howls came from all directions.

Hearing this, Li Xiaobai's hair stood on end, and goosebumps fell all over the floor.

This is the demon, which was wiped out by the ghost mansion patrol.

After a full quarter of an hour, the howling sound subsided, and the ghost-faced team continued to walk down this road, fiddling with the things in their hands.

"I'm going, brother, the methods of this underworld are so weird, not to mention that I can't see the demons, and I can't understand how these ghost faces subdue demons."

After the team had gone far away, Li Xiaobai jumped out from behind the rock, his eyes full of surprise.

"No one can figure out what's going on in this underworld. Even someone as strong as the Second Senior Sister is trapped here. Don't act without authorization, and follow orders in all actions."

Yang Chen's voice sounded from the bottom of his heart, "All the monsters on this road have been expelled, hurry up while it's safe."

The ghosts in the underworld are full of ghosts, and the demons of the underworld feed on them. Therefore, the gates of ghosts are the most attractive for demons. In order to maintain the order of the underworld without being intruded by monsters, the ghost mansion patrols clean up the demons every moment, like a tireless killing machine.

Li Xiaobai squeezed a talisman in his hand, the ghost-faced team's tactics just now were too weird, if anything goes wrong in the future, run away as soon as possible.

Walking along the Qingshiban Road, there was no abnormality as Yang Chen said.

And the road under the feet became clearer and clearer. Compared with the blurred and illusory bluestone road before, every grain of the bluestone is clearly visible at this moment, and it emits a faint light.


The sound of the river flowing into Li Xiaobai's ears.

The road in front of me is broken.

Instead, it was a river, blocked in front of it.

There are boats floating forward along the river on the left and right, there are quite a few boats, two figures can be vaguely seen on each boat, one is rowing, and the other is sitting cross-legged on the bow, motionless.

Although there were quite a few of them, none of them took a fancy to him, and they all sailed to the other side of the river.

"I'm not counting the shore, why no boats come over."

Li Xiaobai cursed and cursed.

"Here is the ghost mansion patrolling the sky, who dares to come here?"

"There is Wangchuan water in front of me. If you get a drop of it, you will lose your memory. You have to find a boat to row across."

In his mind, Yang Chen began to give pointers.

Li Xiaobai was looking for his favorite target. Although he felt that the Wangchuan water should be ineffective against him, no one knew what was going on in the water, so it was better to find a boat to be safe.

"These small boats capsized in a single wave, and we had to find a bigger boat."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, his eyes unconsciously fixed on a warship.

The rest of the boats are like ants to elephants.

The big boat is good, the big boat has plenty of space, and he won't be noticed even if he hides for a while.

"It's you!"

Regardless of Yang Chen's exclamation in his mind, Li Xiaobai plunged into the water and swam towards the huge warship.

Passing those ships along the way, he found that the figures sitting on the bow all turned their heads to look at him at some point. These were all people, with numb expressions and empty eyes, just looking at him quietly.

These are the souls of the dead, who came to the underworld to be reincarnated.

After a few breaths, Li Xiaobai climbed onto the warship.

As expected, this kind of big boat is the most suitable for hiding. There are not many people in it, and no one will find out if it takes a ride with the wind.

Turned over into a cabin, empty.

Yang Chen's annoyed voice came from his mind, "Junior brother, you are usually very smart, how could you be so reckless, not to mention why Wangchuanshui doesn't work for you, can't you see that there is something wrong with this ship alone?"

Li Xiaobai said, "Didn't senior brother ask you to choose a boat? The younger brother naturally wants to choose a bigger one, mainly for convenience."

Yang Chen, "Among so many flat boats, this one is the only one that is different. You dared to come up without even knowing who was on board. Aren't you afraid of being left here forever?"

Li Xiaobai "Little brother is ready to run away at any time, as soon as the boat approaches the shore, he will flee away immediately."


Before the two could continue their conversation, the hatch opened with a creak.

A figure came in and met Li Xiaobai just in time, neither of them said anything, the figure just glanced at Li Xiaobai, then sat cross-legged in a corner of the room.

Li Xiaobai held the talisman tightly, stared at the man, and would run away at the slightest sign of trouble.

This man was thin, wearing a cassock, golden, with a crown on his head, a grimace painted with black lines on a white background, with his eyes closed to rest his mind.

Li Xiaobai didn't know him.

But Yang Chen's voice trembled.

"This is Boy Baihe!"

"Junior Brother, you are on Lord Yan's boat!"

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