Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1749 Ksitigarbha Protects, Kills But Not Saves

"Boy Baihe?"

"Lord Yan?"

"What do you mean, this person is under Lord Yan?"

Li Xiaobai's heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked from the bottom of his heart.

Just now he did not hesitate to activate the Thousand Miles Going Amulet, but there was no response, the void was nailed to death, and he could not teleport away.

To say that the culprit is probably only the silent white-faced man in front of him.

"Boy Baihe's identity is very special. He is related to many immortals and gods. For some reason, he came to the underworld to become the right-hand man of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. His presence here means that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is very likely to be on this ship!"

"Ksitigarbha protects you, all evils are not close, the head will open the way, just kill but not save, this is the man who was able to have a 50-50 relationship with the elder sister four hundred years ago!"

"Leave that ship quickly, this is not an existence you can provoke!"

Yang Chen's voice became a little anxious, even if he was here, he was not sure to win this man.

Baihe boy's reputation is only spread among monsters, and he is a bit unfamiliar to humans and even high-ranking gods, but he is clearly aware of this person's strength.

He obviously hasn't entered the gate of hell yet, so why did he encounter such an existence?

Junior brother has opened the hell difficulty before entering the dungeon.

Li Xiaobai's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, "The space is fixed, and I can't get out."

Yang Chen said, "Look for an opportunity to escape, don't attract his attention, my brother will tear apart the battlefield of the heavens now, and come to rescue you!"

"Senior brother, don't worry, this Baihe boy doesn't seem to pay me much attention, my little brother is not in danger for the time being."

Li Xiaobai stared at Bai He Tongzi, who had been sitting cross-legged in a corner since he entered the room, his eyes were dull, as if he hadn't seen him at all.

Maybe he thought he was too weak, so he didn't bother to talk to him?

His footsteps shifted, and he wanted to slip out the door, but he only moved a little bit, and Baihe Boy's eyes immediately fixed on him.

The incomparable murderous aura cleaned the room spotlessly, and the pitch-black pupils shrunk little by little.

Li Xiaobai stopped, not daring to move rashly.

Boy Baihe looked at it for a while, and then regained his sluggish appearance just now.

"How is this going?"

"He didn't kill me, but he didn't let me go?"

Li Xiaobai was a little puzzled.

"Baihe boy specializes in killing ghosts and evil spirits. As for whether he will kill people or not, he is not sure. But you have to pay attention to the crown on his head and his pupils. When this guy has murderous intentions, the incense sticks on his crown will spontaneously ignite , and the pupils will become vertical pupils."

"I can't figure out his intention at this moment, don't provoke him, wait for the ship to dock and leave immediately."

Yang Chen gave some information about Baihe Tongzi, it is not difficult to see that the two parties had contact before, and it is not difficult to judge from the gnashing of teeth of the fourth senior brother that Baihe Tongzi beat him up.

Since he couldn't get away, Li Xiaobai simply pretended to be dead, and sat on the floor imitating the appearance of Baihe Boy, and the room fell into a strange silence.

There was no movement from the outside world, and it seemed that they were the only two living creatures in the whole ship.

Li Xiaobai is very curious about Baihe boy, a man who can be 50/50 with the elder sister, you must know that in the world of immortals and gods, all the strong have an amazingly consistent evaluation of Su Yunbing, invincible.

From various ancient books and records written by ancestors, it is not difficult to see that no matter who the opponent is, the elder sister has always been able to beat her with a hammer, and can fight her 50-50. What level of master is this Baihe boy, and what kind of hell is it? exist?

But right now it is still important to save your life. If you accidentally get on the boat of the true god, you can only keep these doubts in your heart, and you dare not make more troubles.

I do not know how long it has been.

The ship stopped.

Boy Baihe got up and opened the hatch, but he didn't rush out, but turned his head and looked at Li Xiaobai directly.

Li Xiaobai's scalp was numb, he was really being targeted, and his fate was unknown.

The spirit was extremely tense, and he walked carefully past the Baihe boy step by step, and walked out of the cabin door. The boy had a faint fragrance, which was quite pleasant.

All the small boats from the outside world docked on the shore.

At the other end of the Wangchuan River is a huge arch bridge made of bluestone slabs. This bridge leads directly to a huge dark gate, which is the gate of hell.

The figure on the boat was walking towards the bridge stiffly. An old woman held a spoon in her hand and scooped water from a jar beside her for the pedestrians to drink.

"That's Meng Po. She will give you Meng Po soup. Drinking this stuff can reset your soul. Seeing that your memory is cleared, you must not drink it!"

Yang Chen's voice came in a timely manner.

"Boy Baihe also drank Meng Po soup in the past?"

Li Xiaobai asked in his heart.

Yang Chen said, "That's not necessary, Po Meng only targets the dead souls, and the creatures with official positions in the underworld are free to come and go."

That's easy.

Li Xiaobai understood, since Baihe Tongzi didn't need to drink, he just followed him in, anyway, this guy didn't seem to intend to let him go easily.

Turning to look at Baihe boy, as expected, after the great god closed the cabin door, he just stared at him without blinking, which meant to let him go ahead.

Stepping onto the bluestone slab bridge, all the dead souls stopped. They were trembling in fear, their heads buried deeply, and they didn't dare to look at it, even Po Meng.

Li Xiaobai, pretending to be a tiger, just walked past Po Meng, kept her silent, and casually took a bowl of tea and threw it into the extremely evil pure land.

Although he can't use the efficacy of this Mengpo soup, it is still a treasure, and it may be sold at a high price in the future. Rare things are more expensive.

Baihe Tongzi didn't say a word, Li Xiaobai had a feeling that he was a prisoner being escorted.

Bai He Tong Zi would leave if he left, and Bai He Tong Zi's eyes would gradually stand up if he didn't leave, showing a faint murderous intent.

Helpless, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue walking inward.

The scene inside the ghost gate is quite different from the imagined scene. Although it is still barren and dark and permeated with faint purple, it is much more lively.

The houses and streets are row upon row, and the spirits of the dead and monks come and go. If he hadn't experienced the strange horror just now, Li Xiaobai almost thought he had entered a city.

"Everything here is in order, and it has evolved into a city. It is obviously a ghost gate, a place where the dead gather. Why are there still human monks?"

Li Xiaobai was puzzled, except that this place was slightly gloomy, but the rest was almost the same as the outside world.

"It is said that someone strayed into the underworld thousands of years ago. In order to show his profound sense of righteousness, the judge in the underworld pardoned the person's offence. Knowledge and culture were brought into Guanzhong, and it took thousands of years to form the current scene.”

Yang Chen explained that they were all rumors, and the age was too old to be tested.

But what is in front of me is indeed a human city, which gives people a sense of intimacy.

Baihe boy still followed behind, without saying a word, looking very creepy.

"Senior brother, doesn't this Baihe boy have nothing to do, why does he follow me all the time?"

Li Xiaobai felt trembling, such a great god, came to the ghost gate on a warship just to follow him?

But Yang Chen's words made him feel even more creepy.

"Little brother, in fact, Brother Wei has never dared to tell you that even if you walk in front, it doesn't mean that he is following you. On the contrary, it is you who have been following him!"

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