Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1753 The White Crane Arrives, Are You Guilty?

"What news does God want?"

Cold sweat broke out on the old man's forehead, and he kept looking at the white crane boy. The shadow of the famous tree, he had never seen or heard of the deity.

The legend of the White Crane Boy is well-known to every household. They have heard about it since they were young, but now it actually appeared before their eyes.

Just now he walked out of Liu's mansion again, needless to say, he must have something to do with Grandma Liu.

"Recently, a lot of portraits of missing people have been found in the city, and I heard that the Liu family is haunted, which has something to do with it. What do you think, old man?"

Li Xiaobai tapped his fingers on the table and said calmly.

"This... this... villain doesn't know!"

"The villain has never been to Liu's house, so the villain has nothing to do with this matter!"

The old man knelt down terrified, and bowed to the boy Baihe.

"So, there is indeed a problem with the Liu family?"

"Do you know what happened to Liu's daughter-in-law?"

Baihe boy didn't respond, Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"The Great God Baihe is here to tell you what happened to keep you safe and sound."

"This... I don't know much about this matter. I only know that the Liu Mansion is haunted by ghosts. It's quite fierce. Many people died. All the monks in the Liu Manor ran away, and almost all the surrounding monks ran away. Only us are left. Help the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled to do a small business to support themselves."

The old man said with a bitter face, how ugly and ugly that look is, talking about the affairs of the Liu family is more uncomfortable than killing him.

"No, I just saw your demeanor. Obviously it's not just as simple as being haunted. Is there something else hidden?"

Li Xiaobai stared at the old man with burning eyes.

"My lord, just let the old man go. The old man really doesn't know much. You really can't mention the matter of the Liu residence, otherwise it will be a crime of losing your head!"

The old man was about to burst into tears, and his voice trembled when he mentioned the Liu Mansion, obviously he was extremely afraid.

Li Xiaobai was very puzzled, no matter how powerful the monster was, it shouldn't have reacted like this. You must know that this is the underworld, the gate of hell, even if there is no one to control this matter for the time being, the ghost will be suppressed in the end, why is this?

"Old man, you see, this great god has made such a trip in person. After all, he has to find out some information to communicate with his superiors. I won't make it difficult for you. It's also convenient for you. How about talking something out?"

Li Xiaobai took a sip of tea and said with a kind smile on his face.

"Sigh, no one can say clearly what exactly happened in Liu's mansion, and everyone who knew the inside story has run away."

"I only know that the young master of the Liu Mansion married a wife a year ago, and then she became pregnant in just two months. It was a good thing, and the neighbors rushed to bless her, but On the day when the Liu Mansion celebrated with a grand banquet, most of the people who went to celebrate died inexplicably, and they were all fine at the time, and they died strangely after returning home, which is said to be very tragic."

"In the future, more and more people will die, and the monks of the Liu family will all run away. Only the old lady and her son are left with the pregnant woman. Rumors say that the daughter-in-law of the Liu family is pregnant with a ghost!"

The old man hesitated for a long time. Seeing that there was no one around, he approached and talked in a low voice.

It can be heard that what he said was very vague, and he still has reservations about many things, and he is unwilling to tell the whole story.

Li Xiaobai said, "Then to celebrate that day, have you gone?"

"Of course not. Everyone who went there is dead. Old man, I have never entered Liu's house. I just watched from afar."

"It's the same for the few houses that were rushing to close just now. It's a loss. Otherwise, I'm afraid they have entered the cycle of reincarnation at this moment."

said the old man.

"Then when such a big event happened and so many people died, no one cares?"

"Why is no one caring, King Shura, Lord Black and White Impermanence, have all been there, and even Lord Yama was alarmed!"

"They all went to Liu's house?"

"Yeah, they've all gone in!"


"It will come out later."

The old man said mysteriously, "Your Excellency should know why this matter cannot be discussed this time, right?"

Li Xiaobai pretended to be puzzled, "Why?"

"My lord, think about it, King Shura, black and white are impermanent, and King Yan Luo has been to the Liu family, but the strange things in the Liu family have not been resolved. Tell me, are there taboos here that ordinary people dare to touch?"

"The old man sees that the great god Baihe is just passing by here, and he can stop after a taste, there is no need to go through this muddy water."

The old man revealed some valuable information, which was quite different from what Liu Nanny said.

Not only did Grandma Liu invite ghost generals to subdue demons, but she also invited the top experts in the underworld, but since these high-level officials of the underworld went to the Liu family, why didn't they do anything, and just pretended nothing happened?

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, looking at Baihe boy, this great god is really a piece of wood, it doesn't matter if he doesn't say a word, he doesn't even move at all, those who don't know think that sitting here is a dead person.

Seeing this, the old man slipped away in a slippery manner. He didn't even want the shop, and quickly packed the bedroll and greased the soles of his feet.

"Senior Baihe, since the King of Ghosts, Impermanence and even King Yama already know about this matter, I think it is inconvenient for us to intervene, and it seems that the Liu family has no intention of asking for help, so why don't we just leave?"

Li Xiaobai asked tentatively, adhering to the principle that more things are worse than less things, he wanted to leave this weird place as soon as possible.

Seeing that Boy Baihe didn't say anything, he stood up and left.

Only this time, the great god did not follow.

"It's just right not to follow, take this opportunity to run quickly and find the second senior sister."

Li Xiaobai quickened his pace and walked towards the depths of the underworld.

But something went wrong when he was walking, and finally returned to the chaotic shop, Baihe boy sat at the table, motionless.

Tried again, no matter how I walked, I would still return to the same place in the end.

He knew that this was because the matter had not been resolved and Boy Baihe refused to let him go.

Immediately put on a smiling face, "Senior Baihe, just now I wandered around the city twice to check on the situation, what should we do next?"

"Why don't we ask a local official? They must know the inside story."

Li Xiaobai walked towards the direction of the government, and this time, Boy Baihe followed.

There are all the institutions that should be in the underworld, even more complete than the fairyland. The yamen is an important place to clear up cases, and there are countless erratic guards.

There are no pedestrians outside the yamen, it is very deserted, only a few errands leaning against the corner, bored.


Seeing Li Xiaobai, one of the servants immediately regained his energy, regained his regretful expression, and sternly reprimanded him.

"Bold, Great God Baihe is driving forward, how can you wait to be presumptuous!"

"Tell your officials to come out and see me!"

Li Xiaobai put his hands behind his back, and said coldly, the invisible aura of dominance unfolded, frightening the ghosts.

There was Baihe boy following him, and he was very confident. The servant in front of the yamen saw Baihe boy and immediately flew out of fright, and ran to Tongbing in the mansion. Baihe's reputation is too great. Don't be afraid of it.

In just a few breaths, a fat-looking voice ran out in a panic, saw Baihe boy and fell to his knees with a plop.

"The Great God White Crane is here, and the lower officials are far away from welcoming you, so please forgive me!"

Boy Baihe was indifferent, Li Xiaobai snorted coldly, and said with force, "God Baihe comes to the door for everything, since he came today, you can be convicted!"

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