"Please go to God to move into the inner hall!"

The fat old man on the ground was terrified.

As the lord of the yamen of the underworld, he naturally knew why Baihe boy came here. There is only one reason for this master to appear, to kill ghosts!

They are all bad guys, can they not be afraid?

"Lead the way ahead."

Baihe boy can't speak, Li Xiaobai does the whole process for him.

The yamen was well built, and Li Xiaobai counted them along the way, and among them there were at least 50 underworld servants, all of whom were dormant in the county yamen.

The fat old man was very nervous, and he talked endlessly about how he managed the people's livelihood in Guimenguan, and how there had been no major accidents in the city of Guimenguan under his management over the years.

This old man's name is Liu Dalang, he has been in this yamen for hundreds of years, and he is very familiar with all levels of the underworld.

What Li Xiaobai said to him went in one ear and out the other, and nothing else, the fact that there were no major accidents in the city made his words not convincing at all.

"The yamen is a little deserted, is it always like this?"

The three of them sat down in the inner hall, Li Xiaobai asked after taking a sip of tea.

"Of course, this is because the city is governed in an orderly manner, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the underworld is thriving. Naturally, fewer people come to the yamen."

Liu Dalang said cheerfully.

"But I found more than a dozen missing person revelations in the city, and found that all these missing monks were dead, suspected to be evil spirits. Do you know about this?"

Li Xiaobai also asked with a smile.

"The lower officials have heard about this matter, and they are not hiding it. The lower officials have ordered people to secretly investigate this matter."

"Have you found anything?"

"I only know that this matter is related to the Liu family, but the details are still unclear."

"My God Baihe and I came out of Liu's house just now. To be honest, this great god is very heartbroken. The evil spirits are causing trouble, causing troubles at the gates of hell, but the officials of the underworld do nothing. The Lord Baihe thinks that the underworld does not raise waste. What do you think?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes burst into scarlet, and the air was filled with confusion and killing intent.

Liu Dalang trembled in fright, knelt down again, bowed his hands to beg for forgiveness, "You two great gods, this is none of my business, the daughter-in-law of the Liu family is involved too much, it's not that I don't care, it's that the yamen doesn't have this authority!"

"You are the government of the underworld. It is only natural to catch evil spirits and suppress injustice. Why don't you have this authority?"

Li Xiaobai frowned, although the official knelt down and begged for mercy, but for some reason he always felt that the other party suddenly became less nervous.

"It's a long story. Does your lord know that Liu's daughter-in-law is already ten months pregnant?"

Liu Dalang asked.

"Naturally, I heard that she was pregnant with a ghost, which killed many people."

Li Xiaobai followed Liu Dalang's words.

"That's the problem!"

"If it's a purely evil spirit, the lower officials only need to ask King Shura for instructions to send troops to suppress it. It's even reasonable to kill him first and act later depending on the danger of the situation. However, the situation of the Liu family's daughter-in-law cannot be judged in this way."

Liu Dalang sighed with a bitter face.

"What does this mean?"

"Since it has been confirmed that the daughter-in-law of the Liu family is pregnant with evil spirits, we can just expel her, so why worry?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"My lord, you also said that you are pregnant with a ghost fetus. The evil spirits are in the pregnant woman's belly and have not been born. So strictly speaking, this is under the jurisdiction of family planning, and it is a part of reincarnation and reincarnation. This area is directly under the jurisdiction of King Yama. , even if it is dealt with, it will be dealt with by Yan Luowang's right-hand man, black and white impermanence, if the lower officials rashly intervene, it is tantamount to Lord Shura's contempt for King Yama's authority."

Liu Dalang said.

The hierarchy in the underworld is very strict, and the authority is also very finely divided. The yamen where Liu Dalang is located is under the jurisdiction of King Shura, which means that Liu Dalang belongs to the same faction as King Shura.

This matter involves the fetus in the womb, so it has something to do with the reincarnation and reincarnation that King Yama specializes in, and it should be black and white impermanence.

And Black and White Impermanence is Yama's right-hand man, and he belongs to Yama's faction. Unless there are special circumstances, the two parties must not rashly intervene in each other's jurisdiction.

Liu Dalang's worries stem from this.

"Since you said it so clearly, why didn't black and white impermanence kill demons?"

Li Xiaobai was speechless. The division of powers was so detailed that the execution efficiency was greatly reduced.

"Master Hei Wuchang said that although reincarnation is under the jurisdiction of King Yama's lineage, when the fetus is finally invaded by evil spirits, King Shura should send his troops to eradicate the evil spirits first, and then they will extradite the dead souls to save the fetus in the womb of Liu's daughter-in-law."

"But the lower officials don't know the specific situation of the fetus in the Liu family's womb. If a normal fetus is infested by evil spirits, the evil is still sure that it will not harm the fetus to exorcise the evil spirits, but if the woman is carrying an evil spirit, then the fetus can only be executed. gone."

"Whether it is King Shura or Lord Black and White Wuchang, they have kept secrets about the situation of this fetus. They have never disclosed any information. It is very difficult for the lower officials to do so."

Liu Dalang said with a sad face, this matter is very difficult for him, if it is not handled well, it will not be as simple as throwing a black hat, and his life will be involved.

Li Xiaobai understood that a simple case of evil spirits led to factional disputes.

The matter of the fetus is risky, King Shura and King Yama are not fully sure, neither of them is willing to make a move first, they all want to wait for the other party to make a move, and then follow up by themselves, so that even if something goes wrong, the responsibility can be taken away. Push each other on the head.

In the final analysis, this is just a very common act of evil, there is no reward for doing it right, but if you do it wrong, there will be endless troubles, and naturally no one is willing to take this risk.

"I heard that King Shura and King Yama also went to the Liu Mansion to see the fetus?"

"If the management is here in person, is it really doing nothing?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"My lord, it is clear to me that it was King Shura and King Yama who changed the nature of the case from exorcising evil spirits to family planning. It is said that they had a dispute that day, and finally failed to reach a conclusion, so they left the mess to the people below to clean up. "

Liu Dalang replied.

After being on duty for so long, everyone can see that this is a game between the high-level people. They don't care about the life and death of the fetus at all. They just want to use this opportunity to seize each other's handle and weaken each other's power.

Li Xiaobai touched his chin, thoughtful, "So I froze here."

"Your Excellency is very aware of the details, it is true. No matter whether it is a subordinate official or the two adults of black and white impermanence, they dare not act rashly. No one is willing to take action if they can't think of a perfect plan. But at this moment, the only thing they can do is wait for the ghosts who are not under the jurisdiction of the establishment to patrol the sky." The evil has been eradicated."

Liu Dalang said.

What happened was roughly consistent with Li Xiaobai's previous guess. When he always felt that there was something wrong, it seemed that there was a piece of the puzzle that could not be put together.

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