Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1755 I Was Handsome To Death By Myself


"The evil spirit kills people, of course it uses evil techniques."

Liu Dalang didn't expect that Li Xiaobai would ask such a question, and he stammered for a while.

"What is that demonic technique?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"What a ghost..."

"It's evil, it just kills people randomly..."

Liu Dalang's thoughts were very confused, he never thought that he would be asked this question.

"Then can it kill people in the pregnant woman's stomach, or will it come out and kill by itself?"

"Why does it kill people, and what are the characteristics of the people it kills?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Liu Dalang, and it wasn't until just now that he realized what the missing piece of the puzzle was. From the beginning to the end, no one talked about why and how ghost fetuses kill people.

No one even talked about those monks who were killed. This is very abnormal, which shows that everyone is deliberately hiding something.

"This... let the officials check the files."

Liu Dalang stuttered, slightly flustered.

"This is the underworld. You are a ghost messenger. In terms of essence, you are no different from that ghost fetus. And you just said that you have a thorough understanding of the case. How can you not even know the ghost fetus's method of killing?"

"Whether there is any hidden secret in it, tell us together, the Great God Baihe is here, and will definitely decide for you!"

Li Xiaobai said with a gloomy face.

"This matter is indeed as the following official said. It is an indisputable fact that ghosts kill people. Therefore, there is no need to investigate, and it is meaningless to investigate. This matter is untouchable, even if the Great God Baihe is here."

"Shangshen is not a ghost messenger in the establishment. If he rashly intervenes in the case of the underworld, I'm afraid it will displease King Shura and King Yama."

"Besides, I see that the two Shangshen are just passing by here, so let's continue on our way. When the next round of ghost mansion survey arrives, all problems will be solved."

Liu Dalang's words were very polite, but the order to expel the guests was obvious.

You are not in the system, so don't take care of things in the system.

Li Xiaobai has gained knowledge, and the ghost messengers in the Underworld are divided into those inside and outside the establishment. This white crane boy is extremely powerful, but he did not hold an official position in the Underworld, but was directly ordered by the Ksitigarbha King to travel to the Three Realms to kill ghosts.

This kind of power struggle is indeed not easy to intervene.

But Liu Dalang concealed a lot. Is it really just a power dispute behind this matter?

Seeing that Liu Dalang didn't intend to continue to cooperate with the investigation, Li Xiaobai got up, "Since that's the case, I'm bothering you today. If you think of anything, you can come to me at any time. If God Baihe finds out that you are deeply involved in this matter, don't let me go forever." Want to enter reincarnation."

After all, get up and leave.

Outside the yamen, boy Baihe followed.

"Senior Baihe, we are not in the system, why don't we just meddle in other people's business?"

Li Xiaobai asked tentatively.

This great god didn't have a valid reason to wade into the muddy water. If he really offended the higher-ups of the underworld and Boy Baihe patted his ass and left, he would be miserable.


Another stack of papers was blown by the wind, it was still a missing person notice, and it fell into Li Xiaobai's hands impartially.

That means letting him start with the victim.

Li Xiaobai sighed, he couldn't escape if he wanted to hide, but fortunately this master followed him all the time and didn't let him investigate the case alone, otherwise it would be really dangerous.

But since Boy Baihe had unfathomable luck, he should be able to figure out the ins and outs of the matter very easily, just like the mother Liu who offered to send to the door before, all kinds of clues rushed to appear.

Read the Missing Person Notice.

The list of missing persons is different from what I have seen before. These people have just disappeared not long ago, some have been confirmed dead, and some are still missing.

The previous victims were all men, ranging in age from young adults to old men, and their status and status were also different. There were beggars and clan leaders.

This new stack of lists has men and women, and they are basically family members of the previous batch of victims.

This was silenced!

Someone knew that Boy Baihe was at Chaliu's house, and he was beheading those who knew about it!

To be able to do whatever you want in the underworld, there must be someone in power behind it, and the position is not low. To control all this, you have to be at the level of black and white impermanence.

"To investigate the dead in the underworld, you have to go to the reincarnation place and ask about the situation."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart and went to the family planning institution.

He has almost figured out the rules, as long as Boy Baihe can follow behind, it means that there is no problem with his investigation direction.

After a cup of tea.

The two came to a wasteland in the north of the city, and there was only a thatched hut sitting alone. There was a long queue of dead souls in front of the door, and the queue was neat, and they entered the thatched hut one by one.

The souls of the dead who rowed on the Wangchuan water and entered the ghost gate before gathered here.

Li Xiaobai and Bai He Tongzi stood silently at the back of the queue and followed the queue.

The souls of the dead drank Mengpo soup on the bridge, and became muddled and unable to communicate.

I thought the waiting process would be very long, but the efficiency in the thatched hut was astonishing. It took only half an hour to queue up to Li Xiaobai.

Follow the dead souls in front of you into the thatched cottage, there is a cavern inside, the space is infinite, and a small world is opened up.

A huge spiritual vortex floats in the void, and a table is placed at the entrance of the hut.

A errand was scribbling, without raising his head, he mechanically asked, "Age, name, how did he die."

The dead soul was in a daze and couldn't answer.

Yin Er was impatient, threw out a piece of paper, and said coldly, "Fill in the form and go through the process."

The soul of the dead was confused, and he wrote and drew on the paper. The preface did not match the postscript, and the errands ignored it. After filling it out, he pointed to the whirlpool.

"Go in, the reincarnation object will be determined according to your form."

The dead soul nodded, drifted into the vortex and disappeared.

"You, name and age, how did you die?"

Yin Cha pointed to Li Xiaobai, and continued to bury his head in writing.

"My name is Li Xiaobai, I am twenty-eight years old, and I am so handsome."

Li Xiaobai answered seriously.


"Being handsome to death by yourself?"

"Tell me specifically!"

Yin Cha was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect that there were dead souls who could still retain his sanity, and the impatience on his face intensified.

He is in charge of the reincarnation registration of the dead, and there are performance indicators every month. The rule of the underworld is that the dead are randomly dealt with if they are unconscious, but if they can answer, they need to be interrogated in detail to grasp the situation.

The Mengpo soup on the Naihe Bridge is prepared for this purpose. Only by making all the dead souls lose their memory, lose their minds, and perform poorly, can they exceed the quota, and the year-end bonus will be quite generous.

Therefore, what he hates the most is this kind of dead soul who can answer fluently, which will delay him a lot of time and affect his performance.

"One morning when I woke up and looked in the mirror, I was so handsome. In my next life, I will still be so handsome. Losing my handsome face is a loss to the world."

Li Xiaobai said seriously.

"You almost heard your request."

"Fill in the form first and follow the process."

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