Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1757 Cut Down The Tree And Demolish The House

The news that Boy Bai He had been to Liu's house spread so quickly.

But what does it mean that the Liu family is stable?

Li Xiaobai grabbed the few people who were talking on the side of the road just now, and asked in a deep voice, "Several, is it not good to talk small things in front of the Great God Baihe?"

"Bai... Great God Baihe!"

"Big God, I'll be worshiped by the little one!"

Those few people saw Baihe Boy behind Li Xiaobai, his legs were weak, and he kowtowed like garlic. In their eyes, Baihe Boy was no different from a killing god.

"Just now you said that the great god Baihe went to the Liu family, and then the Liu family will be stable. What do you mean?"

"How much do you know about the affairs of the Liu family, you have to drag it all out, and don't hide anything, otherwise, you will be punished!"

Li Xiaobai snapped.

"Don't blame me, my lord, I just told you the rumors I heard, and I don't know anything about the Liu family!"

The leading middle-aged man broke out in cold sweat.

Those who can follow the Great God Baihe must not be common people. Today, if he slipped a word, it is very likely that he will be silenced if he is targeted.

Li Xiaobai doesn't like this, "Then tell me the rumors you know. If it's true, I'll forgive you once."

"It's all rumors, without verification, and the villain doesn't know whether it's true or not."

"It's just that there are monsters in the Liu family, and the officials of the underworld went to investigate, but when they came out, they all kept silent, didn't mention a word, and didn't deal with it. Over time, some rumors spread."

The middle-aged man didn't dare to look at Li Xiaobai, and said with his head down.

"What rumor?"

"It is said that the daughter-in-law of the Liu family is not pregnant with the flesh and blood of the son of the Liu family, but a certain high-ranking existence in the underworld."

"The villain is also hearsay, but this statement really makes sense, and only in this way can it explain why the evil spirits are close at hand, but the officials of the underworld do nothing."

"Then why did you say just now that the Great God Bai He went to the Liu family, the Liu family will be stable? Which aspect is stable?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"Think about it, my lord. If what the villain said just now is true, then the Liu family must need the help of many dignitaries if they want to retreat from the crisis. They know that there are evil spirits in the Liu family, but the great god Baihe is just like all the gods in the underworld. Choose to put it on hold for the time being and exit cautiously, which is enough to explain a lot of problems."

The middle-aged man is a chatterbox by nature. Although he is frightened, he can be said to be eloquent when talking about this lace and gossip.

Only the initial rumors had some value, but the more they went on, the more outrageous they became. This guy even speculated whether the daughter-in-law of the Liu family was pregnant with the flesh and blood of King Shura or King Yama, which made Li Xiaobai's eyelids twitch.

Bringing the white crane boy Zhou Zhou back to the front of Liu's mansion.

Along the way, he found a lot of passers-by to inquire about the news, and planned to sort out the opinions of these people, which can be roughly divided into two factions.

One faction is that, as the middle-aged man said, what the daughter-in-law of the Liu family is pregnant with is not a ghost at all, but the flesh and blood of a highly respected person, so the monks in the underworld just turn a blind eye to it, no matter how fierce the trouble is and how many people are silenced, they will do nothing .

The rhetoric of the other faction is very similar to that of Nanny Liu. They all think that the bureaucratic system of the underworld today makes it difficult to complete many things that need to be implemented in the exact place. In addition, this time both parties want to take the opportunity to weaken each other's power. It is naturally even more difficult to faintly involve in the dispute of power and conspiracy.

However, according to the errand of the Department of Reincarnation, these missing persons were killed by Impermanence of Black and White, which made the rumors more credible.

If it is really just waiting for the other party to make a mistake first to impeach, there is no need to abolish Zhou Zhang to kill people to silence them.

But what is the truth, we need to visit the Liu family mansion again to know.

"Senior Baihe, let's go meet Liumama again, this time we must meet Liu's daughter-in-law."

Li Xiaobai looked at Baihe Boy, but what he got was still a dead face.

This master doesn't speak or move, his only function is to deter the opponent so that he can pretend.

The door of Liu's house was wide open, but there was no one inside, and it was still so bleak and lonely.

Not even a caregiver.

The two walked into it casually, but they didn't rush to find Nanny Liu first, but wandered around the courtyard on their own. If something happened in Liu's house, there must be some clues left somewhere.

Baihe Boy remained motionless, facing the wall of the house. The house was made of wood. Li Xiaobai had also seen it last time. Except for some white powder stained on the wood, there was no other abnormality.

But this time his heart tightened, because he found the same white powder on the ancient wood in the courtyard.

Although sporadic, the distribution is very concentrated. Only the lower half of the ancient wood has it, and no trace of white powder has been found in the upper half.

Li Xiaobai moved closer to Baihe Boy, and together they stared at the white powder on the wall of the house, it was indeed the same substance.

The powder seeps out from the inside of the wood. It doesn't look like there is such a thing growing in the wood, but if you want to find out what this thing is, I'm afraid you have to cut the wood open.

If you demolish someone's house without knowing anything, it may be very troublesome afterwards.

"Isn't this the Great God Li and the Great God Bai He? Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came to the humble house? I couldn't welcome you from afar, so I hope you will forgive me."

An old woman's voice came from behind, at some point Liu Mama walked around behind the two of them, and was looking at them with a smile.

"Hahaha, Grandma Liu doesn't have to be like this. As the saying goes, those who don't know are innocent. Today, the Great God Baihe and I made an abrupt visit. Please don't take offense at Grandma Liu."

Li Xiaobai laughed out loud, without any embarrassment, walked to the hall with a smile and sat down, familiar with the road, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

"Grandma Liu, the wood in your house is pretty good, which tree did it come from?"

"The Great God is joking, but they are just some dead wood. They are all transported from the underworld. The ancient trees in the underworld are too dark, and the human body will be disturbed by them if they live in them for a long time."

Grandma Liu served tea and poured water with a pleasant face, and she didn't intend to make trouble for the matter just now.

"Too modest, I think the ancient trees in the courtyard are pretty good, what kind of tree is that?"

Li Xiaobai never left the wood in his words, and he felt that there must be something wrong with the white powder on the wood.

Grandma Liu's smile remained undiminished, but her eyes gradually darkened.

"That's Mrs. Willow. The willow branches have been cut off, leaving only this thick trunk, which has survived the years. Counting its age, it has been nearly a hundred years."

"That is a sacred tree."

Li Xiaobai nodded, thinking about how to cut down the tree to see its structure, and then dismantled the Liu family's house to see what the white powder inside was.

Grandma Liu asked, "I don't know if the two Gods are here today, but what's the matter?"

"Lao Shen's son has gone out, if you look for him, you can come back tomorrow."

"Grandma Liu, it's just right that he's not here. We're here to find your daughter-in-law."

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