Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1758 There Is No Li Xiaobai In The Book Of Life And Death!

"The old lady's daughter-in-law is not feeling well, so it's inconvenient to see guests today."

Grandma Liu took a sip of her tea, very calm.

"Just take a look, it's okay."

"The daughter-in-law of the Liu family has suffered this calamity. As the official of the underworld, we are also very heartbroken."

"A few words of condolences are also reasonable."

Li Xiaobai acted in a state of compassion.

"I appreciate the kindness of the two gods, but it's really inconvenient for my daughter-in-law to see guests. I will take good care of her today, and I can visit again tomorrow."

Grandma Liu also greeted her with a smile, and said cheerfully.

This guy is a master at pretending to be confused, as long as he doesn't break the window paper, he will keep pretending.

Li Xiaobai's face darkened, "What's the matter, the two of us are here in person, even if I want to see your daughter-in-law?"

"But what's hidden in it, the old man is afraid of being found out, is he guilty of being a thief?"

"What is God saying? The underworld has always been considerate of people's sentiments. How can they ignore other people's lives because of selfishness?"

"I'm so old today that I'm troubled by many things, you two should go back."

Grandma Liu got up to see off the guests, her expression also became stern, she didn't show any reverence for Boy Baihe, this old lady had a lot of confidence, but she didn't know where her confidence came from.

Li Xiaobai glanced at Baihe Boy, turned his wrist over, and drew out his long sword. The invisible sword intent flew in the air, and the table case was chopped into powder.

"Looking at the world of the underworld today, you are the first one who dares to disrespect me Li Xiaobai like this!"

"Even the Great God Baihe dare not issue an order to expel me. A mere woman dares to expel me. Today I want to see if your daughter-in-law is a human or a demon!"

Li Xiaobai remained introverted, the three-foot green blade trembled in his hand, the Demon Sealing Sword intent was raging, and the majestic aura slammed down on Nanny Liu.


"Are you going to take action against the old man?"

"Do you know where this is?"

"Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Grandma Liu was startled, her eyes showed deep fear, she couldn't figure out Li Xiaobai's background, but Baihe boy was sitting here, if she really made a move, she would definitely die.

"I know that the Liu family is not simple. I'm afraid that the difficulties of the Liu family are not caused by ghosts. If you don't tell the truth, your house will be demolished today!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes shot fiercely, and he tried to show the most ferocious appearance. He was very imposing but even if he didn't make a move, he still couldn't figure out the details of Mammy Liu, and he knew that Boy Bai He would not help.

The fourth brother Yang Chen said that a small soldier in the underworld could easily torture him, but facing Liu Nanny at this moment, his heart is still relatively empty.

Just as the two sides were confronting each other, there was an anxious shout from outside the door.

"Mom, are you okay!"

"The child brought the official master here!"

"Don't be afraid, the baby is here to save you!"

A middle-aged man stumbled in from outside the house, he was Madam Liu's son, followed by a group of officers and soldiers, led by Liu Dalang.

It was only an hour apart, and when they met again, Li Xiaobai's eyes were quite playful, and cold sweat dripped down Liu Dalang's forehead uncontrollably.

"Master Liu, these two gods trespassed on my Liu family's mansion, and even threatened to kill my daughter-in-law with evil words, you don't care!"

When Grandma Liu saw the rescuers coming, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, straightened her sleeves, sat in the grand teacher's chair, and regained her former composure.

"Take care of it, where the responsibility lies, the lower officials naturally have to take care of it."

Liu Dalang nodded and bowed, his face full of bitterness.

"Master Liu, we meet again. It's so majestic."

"I usually see you sending troops to follow the snail, but now it's very fast. With so many people, is it to capture this god? Or do you want to kill this god and the white crane god together?"

Li Xiaobai withdrew his sword and asked indifferently.

The son of the Liu family was not at home just now, so he probably went to call for rescuers.

But in this way, it is confirmed that there is something hidden about the Liu family's evil, and it is absolutely inseparable from the officials of the underworld.

"Shangshen was joking, Mr. Liu was in a hurry just now, and the lower official thought that something serious happened to the Liu family, so he came here in a hurry. I didn't expect you two great gods to be in charge, so the lower official is relieved."

"Great God Li also knows that the Liu family is on the cusp of the storm, and there is no room for any mistakes, otherwise, it will be a crime of losing your head. I don't know how the Liu family offended the Lord, and the next official is willing to mediate."

Liu Dalang wiped the cold sweat off his face, and said with a smile.

"I can't tell you, I want to see the daughter-in-law of the Liu family, whoever stops and kills whom."

Li Xiaobai said coldly, his eyes drifted towards Boy Baihe with a vague look, implying clearly that if he dared to stop the Great God Baihe, he would kill him.

"My lord, you must not. The two lords of black and white will arrive later. It is really not easy to cause trouble. The daughter-in-law of the Liu family is indeed suffering from a chronic illness. The official has confirmed it with her own eyes. If she is unwell today, how about another day?"

Liu Dalang looked at Grandma Liu and asked.

"Of course I can. I just said that I can come to visit tomorrow, but the two gods can't listen to what they say. I have no choice but to invite Lord Liu and the two Lord Wuchang to come and uphold justice."

Nanny Liu nodded, emphatically emphasizing the words "Master Wuchang". The threat was obvious. I can't cure you, black and white Wuchang can.

If you dare to force your way today, King Yama will definitely attack you.

"Black and white impermanence also come?"

"This battle is not small. My master Baihe is even more curious. What is hidden in Liu's mansion that can attract such high-ranking and powerful people to scramble for protection?"

"Why don't we just let us meet today, maybe in the future we can also become the strength to protect the Liu family."

Li Xiaobai laughed.

In the underworld, Baihe boy is extremely powerful, even if he is black and white, he has a high position and weight. As long as he hugs his thighs well, he will be safe and sound.

"There is no shelter, it's just for the sake of the common people."

A shrill female voice came from outside the door.

Two figures, one black and one white, floated into the hall and stood with their hands folded.

A man and a woman, one black and one white, are just black and white impermanence, both sides are looking at each other, the two impermanent clothes are the same, only one black and one white, the man is black, the woman is white, with a high hat on his head, pale face, looking at the white crane with fearful eyes The boy glanced back and forth.

Li Xiaobai and the others didn't know each other, but Boy Baihe was the real thing. This god of killing was here, so it's not easy to use force today.

"May I ask who this young master's name is?"

"I don't seem to have seen you before?"

Heiwuchang looked at Li Xiaobai and asked softly.

"My servant, Li Xiaobai, is the right arm of the Great God Baihe. A few days ago, Grandma Liu asked my lord to come to the Liu Manor to eradicate demons. Today I waited here to meet the daughter-in-law of the Liu family. If the lord really cares about the common people, he will let her go." I'll wait to find out."

Li Xiaobai took a sip of tea without changing his expression.

Things are tricky and there are more and more people involved, which is not a good thing.

"It turned out to be Mr. Li, who has long admired his name."

Hei Wuchang nodded, said the words to deal with, and quickly flipped through an ancient book with one hand behind his back, on which three large characters were written, Book of Life and Death!

The origins of everyone in the world are recorded in it, and he can know who Li Xiaobai is in front of him through the book of life and death.

But after tossing and turning, his face slowly changed.

Li Xiaobai's name is not listed in the book of life and death!

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