No name in the book of life and death!

There are only two situations, either the other party's birthplace is not under the jurisdiction of the underworld, or the other party's level is so high that even King Yama has no authority to check it.

But no matter what it is, it is impossible. You must know that everything in the world needs reincarnation, and reincarnation is governed by the underworld. You must know that a monkey jumped out of a stone thousands of years ago. Name in the book of life and death.

But it is even more impossible to say that this guy named Li Xiaobai has high authority and extraordinary background. Who can be higher than Lord Yama?

Besides, this thing doesn't look like it!

"Now that you recognize it, you two can go back and report to King Yan Luo, and God Baihe should bear the responsibility for this matter."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

Inadvertently glanced at Baihe boy, there was no reaction, if he didn't refuse, he agreed, and this wave of responsibility could be perfectly pushed to him.

"Both of you are subordinates, so please don't embarrass me. Let me tell you the truth. It's not that the daughter-in-law of the Liu family is inconvenient to see guests, but that King Shura and King Yama have issued orders early in the morning. No one is allowed to Visit Liu's daughter-in-law."

"If you two want to see him in person, you need the consent of the two princes."

Hei Wuchang quietly put away the book of life and death, and said quietly.

Li Xiaobai "Then I will trouble you two adults to explain it for me."

"Impossible, this is not in accordance with the procedures, the underworld is strictly guarded, and no one can cross the boundary, even if the Great God Baihe is here, he must follow the rules."

Bai Wuchang pinched the orchid finger, nodded Baihe boy and said.

"Then what is a program?"

"The procedure is that you have to get the approval of King Yan Luo first. You need to sign a letter of intent, a letter of responsibility, and an exemption agreement from Liu Dalang, and then stamp the seal of the yamen. After Liu Dalang submits the documents to our company, I and Bai The Wuchang two convened the high-level members of the Department of Reincarnation to discuss the decision collectively, and only after more than half of the staff voted through it can it be submitted to King Yama."

"The same is true for King Shura's side. The two can only enter if both sides get approval."

Hei Wuchang said seriously.

"Rules are dead, but people are alive. Right now, Black and White Impermanence and Liu Dalang are here. You just need to nod your head. God Baihe won't give you face."

Li Xiaobai took a deep breath, his scalp was numb just listening to this procedure.

"Great God Baihe naturally has to give face, but this place is wrong, Liu Dalang is not in the Yamen, and the two of us are not in the Department of Reincarnation, so how about this, the two adults will first go with Liu Dalang to the Yamen to go through the formalities, and then come to the Department of Reincarnation. After I have dealt with Yan Luo Wang, how about I decide Tong Bing with you?"

Hei Wuchang said that it sounds reasonable, but in fact every sentence is nonsense.

Doesn't this still require people to go through the procedure? After such a set, let alone King Shura's side, King Yama's side alone may not be able to do it within a month or two, and there is a high probability that they will still refuse.

Li Xiaobai wandered around the house, his teeth itching with hatred, his cultivation was too low, if he had the strength of the fairyland, he would have to meet these bureaucrats.

Boy Baihe didn't intend to get up and go with him, it seems that today he has to die here.

He pulled a chair and sat down carelessly, picked up a bowl of tea and drank it down in one gulp.

"Today, the horses and horses are exhausted and exhausted. The Great God Baihe and I will rest here at Liu's house and will not leave."

"Grandma Liu, is there any problem?"

"My lord, what is the meaning of this? Even if you stay at the mansion, you won't be able to see anyone."

Liu Nanny's face was very ugly, she didn't expect the other party to be so difficult, and she didn't even give face to black and white impermanence.

However, the gods proposed that the people staying overnight should not argue, this is a rule, otherwise it would be a crime of disrespect.

Black and white impermanence and Liu Dalang's complexion is also not good-looking, who knows what will happen if they stay here for one night, they immediately said enthusiastically, "You two have traveled a long way, how can you rest in this deserted village when you are tired and tired, or move to our house to rest .”

"I can't walk anymore. It's very good here. My master Baihe likes to be quiet, so let's stay here today."

"I'll leave early tomorrow morning without disturbing you."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, and led Baihe boy casually into a wing.

The rest of Liu Nanny and the others looked at each other, staring at each other with wide eyes. They were too thick-skinned. One second they were screaming for beating and killing, but the next second they actually said that they like to live in a clean place, and even chose a room for themselves. Wing room, I have seen shameless ones, but I have never seen such shameless ones.

"Master Wuchang, this matter must be reported to Hades as soon as possible. This person is too arrogant, and his behavior is unreasonable. I don't know the purpose of coming here. Boy Baihe has been wandering outside all year round, and no one knows who he is getting close to. , but he can’t let him notice the clues.”

"Tonight, please, my lords, send more people to help the old man keep an eye on this guy."

Grandma Liu said.

"Don't worry, it's about the face of the underworld. No one dares to touch the taboo here. Today, the deity will personally guard this place. You should go and report to King Shura and King Yama. You must invite Boy Baihe out of the gate of hell tomorrow!"

Hei Wuchang looked at Bai Wuchang and Liu Dalang and said.


"How is Yuner?"

After the people in the waiting room left, Hei Wuchang looked at Grandma Liu and asked.

"The situation is much better. The fetus should be born in a few days. After all, the plan of the underworld is completed by my Liu family!"

A look of joy appeared on Liu Mama's face.

"Be careful with your words. It's not the plan of the underworld, but the plan of the gate of hell. In addition, I didn't expect you to be so stupid as to let Boy Baihe come to the door. You are asking for trouble."

Hei Wuchang said coldly.

"I didn't consider this matter carefully, but now the rumors are not bad. Boy Baihe entered Liu's house twice to find Yun'er. The news will soon reach the ears of the upper echelons, and the fetus will be more valuable by then!"

Grandma Liu said with a sinister smile.

"Stop arbitrarily advocating. From now on, you should stay in the mansion honestly and don't leave even a single step. I will deal with Boy Baihe later."

Hei Wuchang glanced at Grandma Liu and ignored her.

the other side.

Among the wing rooms of the Liu family courtyard, Li Xiaobai and Bai He Tongzi lived in the same room, and there was a strong stench in the room, and Grandma Liu didn't clean it up after the man from the mansion escaped.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. Mother Liu didn't clean the houses of these runaways. It's a failure."

"Great God, don't think this room is stinky. Among all the wing rooms, this one is the most hidden. Besides the ancient tree in the courtyard, only this wing room has the same shrubs in front of the door. If there is any clue, it must be in it. "

Li Xiaobai rummaged through boxes and cabinets, the stench was nothing, he wanted to find out the source of this smell.

However, I searched around and found nothing suspicious. The house is quite tidy.

Baihe Boy kept staring at a wall, Li Xiaobai leaned closer, his face changed instantly, the front was painted with white paint, so he didn't notice it just now, the wall was still stained with this milky white viscous liquid, that stench The taste is emitted from these mucus.

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