Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1760 Inserting Three Pillars Of Sun Incense On The Head, Opening The Sky To Dissipate The Fo

"What is this slime? It doesn't look like some kind of living blood."

Li Xiaobai sniffed carefully, frowning.

This smell is very strange, familiar, viscous liquid, transparent in color, and accompanied by a certain fishy smell, I always feel that I have smelled it somewhere.

Boy Baihe didn't respond, and kept staring at the front. This should be the problem.

There was something wrong with the wall, the Liu family left in a hurry, and Mother Liu didn't clean up, leaving clues.

Upon closer inspection, there is no such white powder on this wall, and the four walls are covered with this viscous liquid, which is sticky when rubbed with fingers.


"It smells like heather!"

Li Xiaobai smelled it, his body trembled, and he suddenly thought of what it smelled like.

The smell of heather is very fishy, ​​exactly like some kind of mucus secreted by the human body.

It's some kind of indescribable liquid.

Someone has done something indescribable in this room and sprayed bodily fluids on these walls.

Looking at this amount, it is definitely not something that can be produced by one person. At least dozens of people in this room have sprayed body fluids. This is a group activity that may have lasted for more than a day.

This is too weird and disgusting. It's hard to imagine dozens of men gathering in one room to do indescribable things together. Has there ever been a woman in this room?

If there was a woman, the nature would be quite different. It wasn't that the monks of the Liu family had unknown eccentric hobbies, but a place where filth and dirt were hidden, and it was only for people to do messy things.

Then the question arises again, if there are women present, how many women are there, are they voluntary or forced?

This room is too disgusting, Li Xiaobai is neither standing nor sitting, it feels like nowhere is clean, every place where he stays.

But the mood was very happy, Grandma Liu was careless, and let the two of them enter this room and discovered this ulterior secret.

"Senior Baihe, I reckon that the daughter-in-law of the Liu family has something to do with this matter. A decision must be made tonight to find out the daughter-in-law of the Liu family and find out the truth."

Li Xiaobai looked at Boy Baihe and said.

To attack the Liu family's daughter-in-law at night, Baihe Tongzi needs to do it, otherwise he alone will be like hitting a stone with an egg in the face of the underworld.

But the master was indifferent.

That night, Li Xiaobai lay flat.

The words have been brought, Bai He does not move and he does not move, anyway, this great god wants to investigate the case, and it is impossible to point him to charge.

Liu's house is very peaceful. Since the two of them entered this wing, no one has come to bother them, and the outside world can't even hear footsteps. tight.


Boy Baihe moved, stood up and walked slowly towards the door, when he got to the door he turned his head and stared at Li Xiaobai, which meant to let him follow along.

The corners of Li Xiaobai's mouth twitched slightly, and he followed. It seemed that even a great master couldn't sit still, and finally chose to go out in person.

Boy Baihe walked to the center of the courtyard, and he could faintly see the candlelight flickering in Liu Nanny's room, and she hadn't rested yet, and the figures were swaying, and the people inside were looking outside.

"white crane……"

Li Xiaobai was about to say something when a burst of thick smoke filled the air.


Boy Baihe trembled all over, and walked slowly towards the Liu family's mansion with a mysterious step.

Under the moonlight, the black and white makeup on his face seemed to come alive.

His movements are very light, with both hands pointing at the sword, dancing under the moonlight, turning around, sometimes sideways, sometimes jumping, although he is walking towards the mansion where Madam Liu is, but he takes one step and three steps back, and the progress is very fast. slow.

Li Xiaobai couldn't understand what it was doing, but he noticed that the stick of incense on the official hat on the boy Bai He's head was burning at some point.

And in those sharp eagle eyes, the pupils turned into vertical pupils!

A chill rose from the bottom of his heart, and he remembered the reminder from the fourth senior brother that when the incense on Baihe boy's head was ignited and his eyes turned into vertical pupils, he was about to kill!

"Little brother, stay away from him, and don't be affected by it!"

In the mind, Yang Chen's voice came over after a long absence.

"Fourth senior brother, where have you been for so long, I thought you couldn't be contacted!"

Li Xiaobai backed away slowly, calling out from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm just thinking about something, and the signal on your side is really bad. Junior brother, don't leave the courtyard, just find a corner to observe secretly."

"Brother, what is Boy Baihe doing? Isn't he trying to subdue demons? Why doesn't he go in, instead he dances in the courtyard?"

"This is called Treading Step Fighting. It is the same as the Ghost Mansion Xuntian I saw outside the Ghost Gate earlier. He is attracting the descendants of the gods and is ready to kill ghosts!"

"Is there really a ghost?"

"I don't think the series of clues from the Liu family seem to be caused by demons, but rather man-made."

Li Xiaobai wondered.

"Of course there are ghosts. The underworld is full of ghosts. When you enter the pass, all the creatures you see are ghosts, including King Shura and King Yama. It's the same thing. According to what I saw, this incident is not like a scandal. It's that simple, it's more like some kind of conspiracy vortex, don't get involved in it."

Yang Chen reminded that although Boy Baihe has not shown any malice at present, it does not mean that he is a good person. The reason why he is walking with him is only because he cannot escape, and he must not have the idea of ​​helping him.

This is the underworld, and no one can trust anything, otherwise it will be over if you fall into it.

Li Xiaobai nodded, hiding behind a boulder, silently observing the changes in the field.

The boy Baihe was still dancing, very absorbed in it, as he gradually approached, there was a sudden, shrill howling sound from the lit room, a black smoke flew out, turned into the shape of a woman, and fled away from Baihe quickly .

The Baihe boy ignored it at all, and was still stepping hard, but the woman hadn't gone a few steps before collapsing into a cloud of smoke and burning in the air.

"The evil spirits in the mansion can't hold on any longer. What just came out is ghost energy, very strong. The energy contained in the condensed human form is almost the same as that of a normal person, enough to confuse the evil spirits."

"Being able to release this level of ghost energy at will, the Liu family's evil spirits are not good at it."

Yang Chen said in a deep voice, the quality and quantity of this kind of ghost aura is not something that a mere little ghost can possess, and what stays on the daughter-in-law of the Liu family is probably the evil spirit of the ghost king level.

Li Xiaobai, "The evil spirit can't hold on. If it has an affair with the officials of the underworld, then someone should take action to stop it at this moment."

The voice just fell.

Another black shadow flew out of the house, like a bat evolving a chain of order in mid-air, stabbing at Baihe Boy, trying to pierce it through, it was Heiwuchang, who had been guarding the Liu family's courtyard.

Two figures, one black and one white, confronted each other in the dark night. Hei Wuchang threw countless chains, and each chain shone with a strange brilliance, with a deadly gray breath all over the place. Avoid all gray chains.

At the same time, those gray auras floated, frenzied, and clusters of flames spontaneously ignited, burning out countless frightened faces of dead souls.

"Put three pillars of sun incense on the head, open the sky to disperse the fog and reveal yin and yang!"

"Boy Baihe has launched a murderous plan. Hei Wuchang is probably about to perish today."

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