Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1762 The Vessel For Cultivating The Ghost King (Dirty)

"Don't, don't, I say I say!"

Seeing the murderous intent in Li Xiaobai's eyes, Hei Wuchang trembled in fright, the power of hellfire made his hair stand on end, and he was burned again, and he might not be able to recover in a hundred or eighty years.

"It's lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. It's the same when Lord Yan comes."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

Hei Wuchang dawdled for a while, "It is true that King Yama made a mistake just now, but this is not a misunderstanding, it is deliberate."

"How do you say, why do you want to attack an ordinary bride?"

"Because the day of great joy is on the first day of the first lunar month, which is the time when ghosts and spirits in the underworld are most abundant."

"There have been too many powerful people in the world in these years. Master Li must also know how miserable the people who were born in the sky five hundred years ago suppressed the underworld. Therefore, there has been a plan in the ghost gate all these years, hoping to cultivate Produce the strongest ghost king."

Li Xiaobai's expression changed when he heard the words, "Five hundred years ago, you were talking about Su Yunbing Ye Wushuang and his like?"

"My lord, it is precisely those few people. The underworld hopes to cultivate strong people to compete with them. It is difficult to do it step by step, and it may not be possible to find a genius for thousands of years. Therefore, King Shura and Lord Yan Luo prepared to fight against them. artificial breeding."

"And the daughter-in-law of the Liu family is the vessel for cultivating the strongest ghost king."

Hei Wuchang said cautiously, and secretly glanced at Li Xiaobai, for fear of offending the other party by saying the wrong thing.

"Cultivate a ghost king?"


"How to do it?"

"Could it be that the king of Yan Luo did that mediocre thing?"

Li Xiaobai was startled when he heard the words, and said.

"Of course not. Although Lord Yan Luo Wang's blood genes are strong, there is no guarantee that the child born will be the opponent of those people in the future, so some special methods are needed."

"What's the meaning?"

The more Hei Wuchang said, the more timid he became, and the more cautious he became, some dared not look at Li Xiaobai, "Does your lord know how to raise Gu?"

"Naturally, what does this have to do with raising Gu? Could it be that Liu's daughter-in-law is not the only one who suffers? How many more children do you want to compete with?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a frown.

Hei Wuchang said, "Lord Li actually understands the same thing, except that there are no other women, and the only utensil is Liu's daughter-in-law, and the higher-ups of the underworld are raising Gu in her stomach."

Gu is raised in the stomach.

Li Xiaobai didn't understand what he meant at once, but he quickly realized it.

If the fetus is compared to a Gu worm, then the daughter-in-law of the Liu family has more than one fetus in her stomach at this moment. Thinking of the topic about King Yama's bloodline just now, an extremely terrifying conjecture arose in his mind.

"Could it be that King Yan Luo is not the only one who does things like this, but all the high-level officials of the underworld have entered the bridal chamber of the daughter-in-law of the Liu family!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief.

If this is the case, the underworld is too crazy, and this group of people should be killed.

"Indeed, this matter is the decision of Shura and Yan Luo. We are just following orders, not just the high-level officials of the underworld, but all ghosts with some cultivation level have participated in the plan of cultivating utensils. Because of this, all talents They're all tight-lipped."

"The villain doesn't want to do this either, it's all because of the pressure from above."

Hei Wuchang squeezed out a smile, which was uglier than crying. He also knew that this was a matter of God's punishment, and he would never confide in it unless his life was in danger.

"No wonder, no wonder." Li Xiaobai murmured, he thought of the walls in the attic wing, covered with sticky liquid, and finally understood what happened when he got connected at this moment, it's no wonder that Liu's daughter-in-law suffered such inhuman treatment The son of the Liu family looked dull, like a walking dead.

He couldn't imagine what the Liu family's daughter-in-law was like now, and how many fetuses there were in her belly.

The plan of the underworld is too cruel, so that countless fetuses compete and fight in the womb of the mother's womb. In the end, only one was born successfully and became the strongest ghost king.

"You guys are really damned. If you behave like this, no one will come forward to control you?"

"The upper echelon of the underworld is well aware of the matter of the gate of ghosts. The reason why they didn't reveal it is just pretending not to know. If the ghost king's plan succeeds, then it will be the first contribution. If it fails, it will be accountability and destruction."

Hei Wuchang said, this is the cruelty of officialdom.

"How is the daughter-in-law of the Liu family now? When will the ghost king be born in the tenth month of pregnancy?"

Li Xiaobai said in a deep voice.

"Counting the days, it's only a few days, and the fetus in the womb will decide the winner."

Hei Wuchang trembled when he heard the words. In fact, he didn't know what kind of monster he would give birth to, but after calculating the time, the Liu family's daughter-in-law could successfully give birth to a child in just a few days. No wonder Bai He boy was so anxious, he must have felt that The power of the fetus.

"You are dismissed."

"Don't appear in front of this god in the future."

Li Xiaobai kicked Heiwuchang, he is just pretend, not really awesome, although the hellfire can burn infinitely, but the flame in his hand is still weak after all, the real skyrocketing is the chance to recover the flame in the hands of the boss .

Hei Wuchang scrambled away and Li Xiaobai looked at Baihe Boy again.

At this moment, more black smoke rushed out of the flickering candlelight room, turned into countless black shadow clones and fled in all directions, trying to confuse Baihe Boy, but unfortunately, before the methodical stepping, they were burned by the invisible flames one by one do.

"The underworld is also degenerate. They actually came up with such a vicious trick. The Second Senior Sister is imprisoned in their hands. I am afraid that it will be more or less ominous."

In his mind, Yang Chen faintly sighed, he heard what Hei Wuchang said just now.

Such acts are outrageous.

"Yan Wang is insane. When the ghost king comes out, he will have cholera in the underworld. I have nothing to do with it. However, I just encountered this level of disaster when I first entered the pass. If I go deeper, I don't know what else I will encounter."

"Fourth senior brother, why don't you tear the battlefield apart forcefully and come here, you're not here, I don't know what to do!"

Li Xiaobai murmured in his heart, a little retreated, not because he didn't love his senior sister, but because he lacked ability.

As the old saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to save someone.

"Little brother, your ability is obvious to all along the way. You are able to deal with Baihe boy and many evil forces with ease. This composure is beyond my reach!"

"Brother Wei, I believe you will be able to find the second senior sister and help her escape from the sea of ​​suffering!"

Yang Chen said seriously, his tone full of praise and recognition for Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai would have believed it if he had just debuted.

Ma De, now that he is already in the gate of hell, and he is still being watched by Baihe boy, it can be said that the deal is done, so he can only bite the bullet and go down. The fourth senior brother retreated after seeing the horror of the underworld.

Sure enough, the one who can trick him will always be his brother.

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