Li Xiaobai was speechless, the fourth senior brother was hopeless, and he was looking for an opportunity to escape from the bottom of his heart.

A suona sound suddenly came, resounding through the world.

The high-pitched and loud piercing music stimulated people's sense of hearing, and the body of the nearby Yinmai shook violently amidst the sound, and his physical body was faintly showing a tendency to collapse.

This is a musical instrument that specializes in monks in the underworld. When the suona comes out, ghosts and demons are frightened.

Accompanied by the deafening sound of footsteps, this effect can only be achieved if many people are stepping together. A well-trained team is approaching the Liu family, either from the lineage of King Shura or the lineage of King Yama.

Boy Baihe ignored him, his figure disappeared into the darkness of the house, and with a few more breaths, he was able to enter the wing room where Nanny Liu was.

More black ghostly aura escaped from the flickering window. It was not a cover-up used by the evil spirits to escape, but an evil aura that was forced to disperse by the approaching pressure.

The closer the white crane got, the more the ghost in the daughter-in-law of the Liu family collapsed.

"My lord, save me!"

"The gods of the underworld kill innocent people indiscriminately, and the King of Hades has to make decisions for this old man!"

Mama Liu's mournful howling spread throughout the Liu family's house, the sound of the suona became clearer, and the sound of footsteps approached quickly. Outside the house, the brigade rushed over in a hurry.

Amidst the crowd, a pitch-black sedan chair stands out.

The word "Yan" is written on the top of the sedan chair, and four strong men carry the sedan chair, leading a big man to lead the way, with extraordinary bearing.

Hei Wuchang shrank in the corner and ran towards the team, looking like he saw a savior.

"Yan Jun, Bai He ignored the etiquette and came to kill him!"

"Please Five Emperor Yan Jun to take action and suppress this person!"

Hei Wuchang didn't dare to run to the sedan chair, stopped in front of the five people carrying the sedan chair, and said weakly.

"Master Wuchang is suffering, quickly retreat to the side to rest, and leave the accident of the Liu family to my brothers!"

The head of the big man was flushed, his eyes stared like copper bells, and heiwuchangpa was pulled aside with a palm the size of a cattail fan, and he commanded the large troops to march towards the courtyard of Liu's house!

Li Xiaobai secretly observed that each of the five people carrying the sedan chair had different colors of facial makeup painted on their faces. Face.

As for the Yinchai, they looked no different from those in Liu Dalang's yamen.

Sitting in the sedan chair is Lord Yama. This group of people is King Yama's personal guard. I don't know if Boy Baihe can resist the army.

"Shangshen Baihe, come to my gate of hell to stir up the situation and kill innocent people indiscriminately. What is the purpose?"

The red-faced man roared angrily, and his harsh words sounded like thunder in his ears, making Li Xiaobai's head buzzing.

Boy Baihe turned a deaf ear and continued to approach the daughter-in-law of the Liu family without haste. He had already gone up to the attic, and at this moment there was only a wall separating him from the daughter-in-law of the Liu family.

"Do it!"

The red-faced man roared, his palms turned into flaming knives, and he slashed down towards the attic. The attic was split into two in an instant, precisely separating the Baihe boy from the Liu family's daughter-in-law.


The green-faced man stretched out his arms, turned into a bat and galloped towards the exposed white crane boy.

"I'm sorry, God, you broke the rules of the gate of hell, Lord Yan was furious, I can't keep my hand in this situation!"

The blue-winged bat screamed sharply, curling its wings, and a strong corpse aura swept across.

The Baihe boy fell to the ground, as if he didn't see the attack, he continued to fight on his own, and walked towards the room where the daughter-in-law of the Liu family was again, but the bat that swooped down from the sky was suddenly hit by a jet of black ghost energy, Howling miserably, it rolled tens of meters away.

It was the ghost energy that burst out from the ghost fetus in the daughter-in-law of the Liu family. As soon as the white crane started to fight, the ghost fetus began to collapse.

"Fourth, what's wrong with you, don't you look around?"

"Don't be too hot-headed, Baihe is not a character that can be easily suppressed."

The people who carried the sedan chair looked a little annoyed at Qingmian's distressed appearance.

"Be careful, our brothers take action and take him down together!"

The red-faced man slashed out two flame blades casually, and then approached cautiously, trying to strike when Bai He showed his weakness, but before the two flames could get close to Bai He boy, they were wiped out by a few ghostly auras from the window up.


The five of them were a little puzzled, how could the ghostly aura of the fetus be so overbearing?

And by such a coincidence, their offensive was annihilated.

Is it luck?

"Go on, pay more attention to the ghostly air bursting out of the window."

The five of them spread out and pressed towards Boy Baihe in a semicircle.

Bai He paid no attention to her, and walked towards the Liu family's daughter-in-law's room wholeheartedly, stepping on unique steps.

"Fire Buddha!"

The red face clasped his palms together, and with an angry shout, a pair of huge flaming palms rose from the ground, and Lie Yan flipped his wrists and slapped him suddenly, intending to crush Baihe Boy into a pulp.

At the same time, the big yellow-faced man punched the ground, the soil under the white crane's feet twisted, and a giant rock-earth hand stretched out, grabbing it in the palm of his hand.

Baihe Boy was wrapped in Yantu's big hands, and the flame palms that were slowly clasped together collided with Yantu's big hands, setting off a terrifying huge wave, and the evils receded one after another. They couldn't bear the aftermath of this.

The boulder in front of Li Xiaobai was also reduced to powder by the shock wave at this moment.

"The gods of Ma De fight, and the spectators suffer."

Li Xiaobai ran away and hid in a farther corner. The outside was surrounded by evil spirits, and he could only hope that Baihe boy could suppress everything.


The smoke and dust dissipated, Baihe Boy was unscathed, approaching the ghost tire methodically, more ghost aura rushed out from that window, accompanied by a faint howl.

"Fifth, what are you doing? I was the one who made the move just now. If you don't disturb him, at least he will be seriously injured!"

The red-faced man was furious, his fire Buddha collided with the yellow-faced Iwate, canceling each other out, and the momentum was quite loud, but Baihe Tongzi had nothing to do with it.

"Brother, I didn't know that you would also shoot. This distance from my rock hand is the most suitable. This guy is too insidious!"

The big yellow-faced man had a bitter face, and his sure-kill blow was regarded as an own goal, and he couldn't hold back his face.

"Don't worry about it so much, it's just a small episode, Yan Luo sits in charge, and I wait for brothers to just take action."

The black-faced man was full of ghostly aura, he rushed out in a flash, and slammed his palms on the head of Bai He boy, and the other four followed closely, blocking all the escape routes of Bai He from all directions.

Bai He was unprepared, just when several people were about to touch his body, countless ghostly auras suddenly burst out from the attic room, like a river rushing down, and the five people were knocked out again.

"what happened?"

"Another coincidence?"

"But this coincidence is too much!"

Yan Jun, the Five Emperors, finally realized that something was wrong. It was impossible for ghost fetuses to help Baihe boy deal with them, but why did the ghost energy that shot out stop their actions, and more than once?

"Stand back!"

"You are not opponents."

The sedan chair in front of the courtyard exploded, torn apart, and a beautiful figure walked through the air with no emotion in its eyes.

"I just heard about it, but I didn't expect it to exist. Is this the white crane effect?"

"A brother gave birth to a child yesterday, and I would like to express my blessings. It just so happens that I am also writing a story about the birth of a child recently. Although this child is not that child, it is still a good story."

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