Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1764 I Won't Let You Be Born

Qianying was shrouded in black air, but it was not difficult to see from the outline that it was a little loli.

The figure is very petite, walking towards the white crane boy.

"My lord, we are ashamed of the underworld."

The faces of the five big men were ashamed. They had sworn earlier that they would take Baihe Boy down, but in the end they couldn't even touch him with a single finger.

Although they have admired their great names for a long time, but they are both masters of the underworld, the gap can be so large that they can't understand what happened at all.

"A group of dry food."

"If you keep you, you can only bully and bully the weak."

Little Lolita's tone was cold, and she stretched out a small hand in the black mist, picked up several people and threw them out.

"Bai He, the matter here has nothing to do with you. If you step back at this moment, I will pretend that you have never seen it."

Little Lolita looked at Baihe Boy, pointed at the orchid flower and said softly.

Boy Baihe turned a deaf ear and approached the attic with all his heart.

Li Xiaobai was terrified watching from a distance, the worst happened, Lord Yama finally came, but he didn't expect that the King of Hell was actually a little lolita.

Petite body, the front and back are generally flat, long hair reaches the waist, and a pair of sapphire blue eyes bloom with ice-cold air.

If it is placed in ordinary people's homes, it will only make people think it is a doll, but if it is really deceived by its appearance, it may die a miserable death.

Yan Luowang's meddling with Liu's daughter-in-law is enough to prove that he is a proper and real man, a pure man, and he is dressed like this at the moment, probably because he has some strange special quirk.

This fucking is a human monster!

And it's a dead ladyboy with a height of 1.5 meters.

"You really want to fight against this king. The king's strength is not something you can compete with."

"You and I are old acquaintances, what is the purpose of coming here today, you might as well just say it, the king knows that you are not someone who will meddle in such nosy things."

Yan Luowang's voice was mixed with anger, and it made him very unhappy to be ignored by Baihe Boy.

Boy Baihe stood in front of the attic, stopped for the rare first time, and quietly turned his back to everyone.

"When I was young, because of my father, I stayed in Jiehai for a while."

King Yan Luo was taken aback when he heard the words, "So what?"

"There is a proverb there that people can't eat too much, and they will have nothing to do when they are full."

"so what?"

"Seeing that you are in a panic when you are idle, come up with these fancy things and come to accompany you for a couple of laps."

Baihe Tongzi's voice was surprisingly gentle, completely different from the impression given by the hideous and terrifying facial makeup.

"What this king does is all hell. You and other non-staff personnel just watch from the sidelines as usual, and if you intervene rashly, aren't you afraid of causing karma?"

Yan Luo Wang pinched the orchid finger, pointing at the white crane's yin and yang strange air.

"Slaying demons and eliminating demons is the responsibility. If Guimenguan acts like this, isn't it afraid of being punished?"

"As long as you get involved, who will know, and as long as this king produces results, who will make irresponsible remarks!"

Bai He's body trembled, and he began to fight again, "It's okay, I'll make a move!"

"Liu's house has been included in the forbidden area of ​​Ghost Gate. Boy Baihe trespassed and acted recklessly, hurting me hundreds of times. Today, the king beheaded him here to warn the world!"

Yan Luo Wang sternly reprimanded, his voice was sharp and piercing.

Li Xiaobai covered his ears, complaining from the bottom of his heart, he is worthy of being an official, and he had to justify himself before making a move, making up a set of rhetoric to be famous as a teacher.

All the people present are your subordinates, so who are you going to listen to these official words?

"Removed from the book of life and death, the ninth generation will not be able to be a human being."

King Yan Luo took out a small booklet and wrote three large characters on the cover, Book of Life and Death.

This book of life and death is much larger than the one in Hei Wuchang's hands, and the jurisdiction involved in it is also very different.

After flipping through it casually, I found the name of Boy Baihe.

"The king gave you a chance."

The corners of Yan Luowang's mouth curled up slightly, and with a stroke of pen and ink in his hand, he directly ticked off the words "Baihe Boy".

The King of Hades controls the cycle of life and death. Although the cultivation level is not the strongest among the ten halls of Yama, he must have the greatest power. As long as you are removed from the book of life and death, even if you have great abilities, you will die.

However, after a few breaths, nothing happened, the Liu family house was quiet, Bai He boy walked into the attic in an orderly manner, a large amount of ghost energy was forced out, and he fled wantonly.

"What's going on, why isn't it dead after crossing out the name?"

Yan Luowang was slightly stunned, and took out the book of life and death again and quickly flipped through it. It was indeed Baihe boy's name, but the other party was intact at the moment, so there was only one explanation.

"Who is it that removed your name from the book of life and death!"

"Who is in charge of your life and death now?"

Bai He didn't respond, and Mama Liu screamed in the attic, "My lord, save me quickly, the fetus in my daughter-in-law will be lost!"

"It's okay, I'll do it!"

King Yama rushed into the attic, and the sound of thunder rolled. In the blink of an eye, the attic was covered with cobwebs, and the dust shattered into pieces and collapsed.

The house where Nanny Liu lived was also turned into dust, a large number of ruins collapsed, and an old woman rolled out with a wooden bed in her arms.

The impact on the wooden bed was too great, and the moment it hit the ground, it shattered, and a black figure on it slid out along the ground.

It happened to slide to Li Xiaobai's feet.

This is a young woman with a beautiful and amazing appearance. Her face is pale and sweaty, but her beauty is not concealed. But what is worth paying attention to is not these, but the black stripes all over her body.

Upon closer inspection, these black stripes are composed of bulging veins, and the blood vessels of Liu's daughter-in-law are filled with black matter.

A large amount of black juice seeped out from it.

Especially the belly, Li Xiaobai's scalp felt numb when he saw it. This belly is too big, taller than him standing up. Is this really a fetus that humans can conceive?

The black blood vessels twisted, forming a baby's face on the stomach as if it had come alive, and a pair of black pupils stared at Li Xiaobai firmly.

"What do you look at, be careful that I will stuff it back for you when you were born."

Li Xiaobai acted like a terror, frightening the baby face.

As soon as the fetus heard it, it immediately dissipated the human face and turned it into black blood vessels densely covered with spider webs.

This threat is quite useful.

In the smoke and dust, Baihe Boy and Yan Luowang hadn't come out yet, when Nanny Liu found that the woman was missing, she frantically searched around.

Li Xiaobai thought for a while, grabbed the pregnant woman's legs, dragged them lightly, and turned the direction so that the legs spread slightly to withstand the huge stone.

"Boy, dare to stare at me, this is the end."

"Your god is not a vegetarian."

Li Xiaobai giggled strangely, the huge rock perfectly blocked the birth route of the ghost fetus.

You force you to be strong, and I won't let you be born, even if you have great abilities, you still can't use them.

The black blood vessels twisted again to form the baby's face. It was very angry, and its vicious roar exploded in Li Xiaobai's ears, "Who are you, why are you dealing with me!"

"Yo, seek revenge in the future?"

"Grandpa, I'm not a person who is afraid of things!"

"Remember, my name is Yang Chen, the right and left hand of Boy Baihe!"

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