Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1765 Be Careful I Will Give Her A Painful Abortion

"Yang Chen, I remember your face."

The ghost fetus is eerie and terrifying, and there is no trace of childishness on the small face, full of maturity and vicissitudes.

"Just remember my name, remember what my face is doing, I will change my appearance after I go out."

Li Xiaobai made a thoughtful suggestion.

The ghost fetus didn't respond, and retracted into the woman's belly.

"Junior brother, if I heard correctly, you gave me my name just now?"

Yang Chen's voice came from his mind at the right time.

"Fourth senior brother, you and I are brothers and sisters, reporting your name is equivalent to reporting my name, regardless of each other."

Li Xiaobai perfunctory, his hands groping around the pregnant woman, wanting to see if there is any baby.

Seeing the meaning of this ghost fetus, the birth should be a natural birth, and it is impossible to cut open the woman's belly from the inside and break out. According to his deduction, since the daughter-in-law of the Liu family is a human being and has no advantages, then in order to prevent the ghost fetus from running into the hell, it must be the pregnant woman. Some treasures are set on the body.

Sure enough, after some groping, a jade key was found in the woman's mouth, the whole body was crystal clear, and the ups and downs of the black blood vessels were controlled by it. It will emit a light green soft light to calm it down.

This is a treasure, if it is taken away, it is estimated that the woman's body will explode in the breath.

The woman was speechless, and stared at all this silently. After seeing Li Xiaobai discovering the jade key, instead of fear, her eyes were full of hope.

"Presumably you are also in pain. I heard that in the underworld, all the bad guys with bloodlines have done wrong with you. With such a monster in your body, you must really want to get rid of it?"

"But I, Yang Chen, am a kind person. I can't do this kind of indiscriminate killing of innocent people for my own selfish desire!"

Li Xiaobai silently stared at the woman with a look of pity on his face.

In fact, he really wants to take the key away now, but the battle between Bai He and Yan Wang is not over yet. The woman exploded and died, and the birth of a ghost fetus was even more dangerous.

You still need to be patient, you have to find an opportunity to take the key from the woman's mouth the moment it slips away.

The corners of Liu's daughter-in-law's eyes were glistening, and tears ran across her neck, dripping onto the black juice.

Yang Chen's voice trembled in his mind, "Junior brother, it's over."

"Senior brother, my little brother is trying to restore your image. Look at how sincere this girl's eyes are. If she could speak, she would definitely praise senior brother as a good person."

Li Xiaobai said from the bottom of his heart.

Yang Chen was speechless, thanks to the secret technique he had established in advance with Li Xiaobai in his mind, otherwise he would die of depression when he was chased and killed by a large number of enemies inexplicably in the rivers and lakes.

Junior brother Ma De used his name when he was away from home. Who did he learn this from?

"Boy, what are you trying to do by abducting the old grandson there!"

"Hurry up and return her!"

The mad mother Liu finally discovered Li Xiaobai's hiding place. When she saw a huge stone stuck between the pregnant woman's legs, her eyes turned red. He didn't want his grandson to be born.

"Son, what are you still doing in a daze, why don't you take down the thief quickly!"

"Yan Wangye's order, anyone who trespasses in Liu's restricted area will die!"

Nanny Liu roared sharply, waving the dragon head and crutches in her hands, and behind her stood a golden statue of Buddha.

Yang Chen urged, "Little Junior Brother, run quickly, you can't beat even one of the underworld's evil messengers, and if you are targeted, you will die!"

Li Xiaobai felt bitter in his heart, if he could run, he would have already run away, there are several floors of yamen clerks around the house, if he ran out, he would be dead.

Turning around, he hid behind the daughter-in-law of the Liu family, using his bulging belly as a shield.

The whistling souls of the dead immediately stopped and scattered in the air. The majestic ghost energy poured into the woman's ears, nose and mouth, sending power to the ghost fetus.

More black blood vessels on the woman's body were exposed, and the ghostly aura that was forced away by the boy Baihe earlier was slowly recovering.

"Ignore the warning of the gate of ghosts, even the gods will never be merciless."

"If the grandson of the old man is ill, you don't even think about getting out alive!"

Grandma Liu walked slowly, followed by the four-faced Buddha. This was something she had imagined. The four-faced Buddha can calm down luck.

At this moment, Li Xiaobai really understood the words of the fourth senior brother. The level of the ghost gate is too high, and a random person is enough to beat him.

The dull man at the side also followed, seeing the woman's body trembling all over his body, finally a trace of human expression appeared on his face as stiff as a corpse.

"It's Yuner!"

"It's Yun'er, why did it become like this, didn't you feel fine last time I saw you?"

The man's lips trembled and he kept repeating this sentence.

"Things that are not good enough, see their wives and children being bullied and don't help them, so hurry up and do it, they are not sure when facing the old god!"

Grandma Liu looked at the man with a demented look and a disgusted expression on her face.

Ever since the daughter-in-law of the Daliu family was raped, her son has become a walking corpse, haunted all day long. To prevent accidents from happening, he was only allowed to see a pregnant woman a few months ago. It is a critical period for the hatching of ghost fetuses, and no one can see them except Nanny Liu.

"Yes... you did it!"

"You stole my wife, and you want to persecute my unborn child!"

A hostile look suddenly appeared on the dull man's face, and his face became ferocious. With his hands spread out, a beautiful figure appeared behind him, with delicate features and superb demeanor.

Li Xiaobai squinted his eyes, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became. The object that the eldest son of the Liu family was imagining was actually his wife.

"I didn't expect you to be a lover. You must be in more pain than your wife. On the wedding night, I watched my wife make wedding dresses for others. I would like to call you the king of green hats!"

"If you really have remorse in your heart and you still have a conscience, you should join hands with me to kill this old witch!"

"Don't be fooled by his demonic words. He hasn't made a move until now. Presumably this person's cultivation base is mediocre, and he is not fully sure that he can take me down!"

"Boy Baihe will be dealt with by Yama King, son, take my grandson back with my old age!"

Nanny Liu's eyes were full of viciousness, and she pointed at the four Buddhas behind her, the space around Li Xiaobai collapsed, and the dull man stepped forward and punched him.

The golden talisman in Li Xiaobai's hand flickered, and he moved several feet away in an instant. After the man ran to the woman, he took out another replacement talisman, and the golden light flashed, exchanging positions with the man.

The dull man appeared a few feet away, and Li Xiaobai returned to the woman's side.

"The power of law, the law of space!"

A look of astonishment appeared on Liu Mama's face. This is a legendary law that very few people can comprehend.

"It's good to know, put your head in your hands and squat down on the spot, be careful that I will help your daughter-in-law suffer a painful abortion!"

Li Xiaobai pointed the three-foot green point at the pregnant woman's belly, and said coldly.

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