Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1766 On The Battle Between Layer Cakes


"This child is precious, even if you come with Boy Baihe, you can't bear it!"

Grandma Liu was a little flustered, the ghost fetus was her fate, and the life and death of the Liu family depended on this fetus. If the ghost gate plan came to fruition, the Liu family would be prosperous and wealthy from now on, and they would reach the sky in one step. If an accident caused the fetus to die, what awaited her would be It is the trial of the entire underworld.

"You can't afford it. After today, I'll pat my ass and leave. Let's see how your Liu family handles themselves."

"I'm afraid your Liu family will bear an embarrassing reputation in the future."

Li Xiaobai said coldly.

"Son, what are you waiting for, get your grandson back quickly!"

Nanny Liu yelled at the dull man in the distance, and the head of the black Erawan Buddha behind him spun rapidly, and the four different faces gradually merged into one face under the high-speed rotation, which was a strange and kind face , the Buddha's eyes slowly opened, and a faint purple light entered Li Xiaobai's eyebrows.

"It's done, I really don't know if your cultivation base is weak or you are too conceited, and you don't hide from the secret art of old age!"

"You have already been hit by the Four-Faced Buddha's house-grabbing technique, and what just fell into your body was a dead soul. In his lifetime, he was a great cultivator in the fairyland who survived the thunder and calamity. You are not at a loss if you are stolen by him!"

Nanny Liu laughed loudly, pointing at Li Xiaobai's face full of jokes, she didn't expect this god to be so stupid, he would not dodge or dodge in the face of an attack, you must know that everyone in the underworld has different visualizations and more abilities It's all kinds of strange things, although she is not strong in combat, but she can handle the mental offensive with ease.

"One minute, the power of the old body to wrap the soul of the dead will be the first to break through your sea of ​​consciousness!"

"In two minutes, the souls of the dead will enter your upper dantian through the breakthrough of the sea of ​​consciousness!"

"Five minutes later, he will completely take root in your Niwan Palace, and you will no longer be able to expel him!"

"In an hour's time, he can complete the seizure, use your body to regain a new life, and walk in the world!"

Grandma Liu had the winning ticket in her hands, her panic disappeared and she returned to her former calm.

"Son, drag the old daughter-in-law here, be careful, don't hurt her."

Hearing the words, the dull man walked towards the woman, smashed the boulder into powder with one hand, then grabbed the woman's slender ankle and slowly dragged her to Mammy Liu.

"Don't worry, my daughter-in-law, with my old age, my grandson will be able to give birth smoothly!"

Grandma Liu stretched out her skinny fingers, and gently brushed across the woman's swollen belly, with excitement and madness flickering in her eyes.

The light in the woman's eyes gradually dissipated, and the crystal tears fell silently.

Li Xiaobai stood at the same place and looked at the old woman quietly. The system's body protection and mental offensive were ineffective against him.

The power enveloping the dead soul was wiped out by the system the moment it invaded his mind, but what he didn't expect was that the dead soul who wanted to escape was actually eaten by the female drifter.

The fleeting hair in the body wraps around the soul of the dead, and disappears silently after eating and wiping it off.

That hair, that breath of palpitations, is definitely a female drifter.

After a long period of silence, he almost forgot that there was such a ghost in his body. There was a ghost outside and a female ghost living in his body. He felt very tormented inside.

"It's almost time, Brother Feng, have you ever taken over this body?"

Grandma Liu looked at King Yan Luo who was constantly fighting with the white crane in the direction of the attic, and a look of anxiety flashed in her eyes.

Time waits for no one, and the ghost fetus needs the top masters of the underworld to deliver the baby.

Li Xiaobai stretched his waist, walked towards Madam Liu, and said in a low voice as he walked, "It's been so many years, it's finally come out again!"

Grandma Liu greeted her with a smile, "Yes, after all these years, I have found you a good body. How is the power of this God, but is it still a habit?"

"Very good, familiarize yourself with it, it will be a good combat power."

"How to deal with your daughter-in-law here, do you want to help?"

Li Xiaobai kept his composure and approached Madam Liu, holding a golden talisman tightly in his sleeves.

"Give me a hand, and carry it to a secluded and deserted place, and wait for the king of hell to deal with the white crane, and then come over to deliver the baby."

Grandma Liu said.

Li Xiaobai nodded, and bent down to lift the woman. Out of the corner of his eyes, he was watching Nanny Liu, and when she was caught off guard, he went straight to her face with his hands pinching the talisman like electricity.

"Old man, if you want to take me away, I will die to you!"

Li Xiaobai was ruthless, what he had in his hand was a substitution talisman, as long as he pasted it on, he could immediately send Liu Mama into the center of the battlefield between Bai He and Hades.

On Yinren, he is top-notch.

But this time it was a miss, the old lady grabbed Li Xiaobai's wrist like a prophet, and took away the talisman without even looking at it.

"Hehe, kid, you're still too young. It's a good idea to pretend to be robbed, but it's a pity that you showed your feet from the beginning."

"The guy who seized you was not named Feng, but Feng. His cultivation level was mediocre. He died within ten days. He was killed by the old man himself!"

Grandma Liu smiled triumphantly. In such an urgent situation, how could she release a strong man to take away Li Xiaobai? That would be asking for trouble.

It's just a little testing of the person in front of him, and the young man is still inexperienced after all.

However, she couldn't laugh for more than three seconds, a fist pierced through her chest without any warning, and the blood sprayed. Madam Liu looked down at her chest with an expression of disbelief. One hand was pinching her heart.

There was a birthmark on that wrist that she was all too familiar with, it was her son's hand...


Grandma Liu coughed up blood and tried hard to turn around.

The person behind her crushed her heart without delay.


The old lady fell to the ground, lying in a pool of blood, her eyes gradually dimmed, and her eyes became loose. At this moment, she had countless doubts.

Vaguely, she saw her dull son wiping his blood-stained palms, and also saw a young man crawling out of the pothole on the ground that was smashed by the black Buddha.

The corner of Li Xiaobai's mouth was bleeding, he was seriously injured by the black Buddha's blow just now.

"Who said that Jiang is still old and hot? Although you saw that I was not taken away, you didn't know that Mr. Liu had already reached an agreement with me in secret when he moved your daughter-in-law. You can only see one step, and I predicted it in advance." Two steps, old thing, you are too young."

Li Xiaobai spat, said with a sneer, he said it all, Yinren is the top, at this moment of life and death, whoever puts his eggs in one basket will surely die.

Grandma Liu was not reconciled, but she could only slowly close her eyes and passed away angrily.

"Young Master Liu understands righteousness, and you will be recorded in the history of the underworld."

"How does God plan to deal with Yun'er?"

The dull man leaned over to look at the woman, full of remorse.

The beloved woman was insulted like this, and she was treated as a victim of ghosts seeking profit, but he naively thought that it was just a momentary lust of the local government officials. If the attitude was tough and resolute at the beginning, the situation would not have developed to this point.

Li Xiaobai looked at the man's appearance and sighed. This young master of the Liu family was hit hard. He thought he was just being greened, but he didn't expect his wife to be used as a vessel for cultivating ghost kings. deceived him.

But things have already happened, and the most urgent task at the moment is to eliminate the hidden danger of the ghost fetus. Before Baihe solves the trouble, this ghost baby must not be born!

"Young Master Liu, find another boulder to move over and block it for her!"

"With me here today, it would be impossible to be born first!"

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