Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1767 Wang Lai Agrees, Wang Lai Bears, Wang Lai Bears

After several months of ignorance, today is the day when the situation is really clear. He feels that he has been betrayed by the underworld.

In the middle of the battlefield.

Boy Baihe walked towards Li Xiaobai's direction with his feet stepping on his feet, but King Yama kept pestering him and slowing down his steps, which made it impossible for Baihe to reach the ghost body.

"Why is this great god so dawdling?"

Li Xiaobai's back felt cold when he looked at the men who were staring at him all around him. If Baihe boy didn't arrive at the battlefield, both he and the dull man would get cold.

"Junior brother just stay where you are, nothing will happen. You have established a connection with Liu's daughter-in-law's luck, which is equivalent to having a connection with Boy Baihe, and the Baihe effect will work on you."

Yang Chen's voice came from his mind, what he said was mysterious.

What is the white crane effect? ​​Li Xiaobai has not figured it out until now. He always feels that it is not as simple as good luck.

In front of the ruins of the attic, the battle reached an unprecedentedly intense stage.

It's just that this was all Yan Luo Wang's wishful thinking. Bai He never really attacked him from the beginning to the end. It seemed that he was blocked frequently, but in fact the rhythm of his footsteps was never disrupted.

"White Crane's power is given by the Ksitigarbha King. In the final analysis, it is the power of the underworld. There is no possibility of escape. This king is also considered the highest combat power in the underworld. Why do you always feel that you have no chance of winning in front of him?"

King Yan Luo has a hideous face, and his men are merciless. Countless souls of the dead are entwined and condensed into shackles, binding Baihe Boy, but every time he moves, there will be various coincidences to cut off the shackles.

Sometimes it was his own attack that accidentally cut off the shackles, and sometimes it was the collision between shackles that caused a rift. In short, he couldn't trap the man in front of him at all.

Whether it is a strong attack or a lock, there is an invisible force in the dark to resolve it.

"What kind of power is this? The person five hundred years ago gave you the name of the White Crane Effect, but this king doesn't take it seriously. Now it seems that the method is far beyond what can be explained by luck."

Yan Luo Wang gritted his teeth and kept attacking, trying to force Bai He to say something.

"It's just luck."

"When I was a child, because of my father, I stayed in Jiehai for a while. There was a saying there that people who love to laugh will not have bad luck."

"Your expression is too stiff, matching your appearance, you are destined to miss good luck."

Boy Baihe said calmly, expressionless.

He just stood there, motionless, Yama's attack avoided him as if he had eyes.

"When you are about to die, you still have the heart to joke. As long as the ghost king can conceive smoothly, even the crime of killing gods can be written off."

"You can't go out today."

A door appeared behind King Yan Luo, standing up to the sky and lying in front of the white crane boy. The door was open, and the inside was endlessly dark and deep, which was creepy.

This is what he imagined, just like the gate of hell, but the world behind the gate is unknown.

"If you kill me, the ghost fetus will not give birth smoothly. It has been forced to dissipate too much ghost energy by me, and it has already hurt its origin. Even if you force it to pass the level, it will not meet the requirements of the plan, that is, Said, you are finished, you will be regarded as an abandoned child by the underworld, and you will bear the infamy."

Boy Baihe said slowly, he was not in a hurry at all, the longer it dragged on, the less hope the ghost fetus would recover.

"So what, do you know why everyone in the underworld acquiesces in this king's actions?"

"The humiliation of five hundred years ago has been deeply imprinted into our flesh and blood. Even if we survive for a lifetime, it will be difficult for future generations to advance. Only now can we create the strongest combat power and enter the starry sky to defeat those dudes of the past and wash away the shame. Only then can I restore the past glory of my underworld and regain the dignity of the underworld!"

"Didn't you also lose the battle back then? That person mocked you and even jokingly named your power the White Crane Effect. Don't you feel a little bit of shame in your heart?"

"As a member of the underworld, you should fully support this king in everything he does. Baihe, don't obstruct me any longer!"

King Yan Luo refrained from attacking, his words revealed the vicissitudes of life, and his usually thin and sharp voice became a lot rougher.

"That's your business. I just feel that there are evil spirits here. It's my duty to kill them."

The white crane remained indifferent, its body danced, and it jumped forward lightly. A painful and distorted baby's face appeared on the woman's belly. A large amount of ghost energy dissipated, and the ghost fetus fell into collapse again.

"Do you dare to watch them repeat what they just said?"

King Yan Luo roared, and thousands of phantoms of dead souls appeared in the darkness of the gate behind him, with a sad aura lingering. Only those who have experienced it know what these faces mean. They belonged to the victims of five hundred years ago.

It represents the humiliation of the defeat of the underworld.

"Why don't you dare, King of Hades, don't make the same mistakes again and again. It is shameful to be defeated. It is a real demon's act to use the people of the underworld to do such inhumane things. Who will allow you to do such a thing?"

"How do you bear it?"

Looking at the dead souls in the ghost gate, there was a wave of emotion in Bai He's eyes, and then he returned to the eyes of dead fish, and said in a neutral tone.

"The king will allow it!"

"The king will bear it!"

"Wang Lai carries the whole world on his back!"

"Baihe, you are no longer a member of my underworld, you will be exiled forever!"

King Yan Luo roared, and countless giant hands of stars suddenly stretched out from the gate, grabbed Baihe Boy's body and dragged him in. After that, the ghost gate slowly closed and everything returned to peace.

"After the last defeat, this king refined the small world into a tunnel leading to the starry sky. Even this king doesn't know where this door leads. Maybe this king is not your opponent, but he was exiled deep in the starry sky. You have to annihilate yourself."

Yan Luowang panted heavily, and put away the things he visualized.

In a flash, he appeared beside Li Xiaobai.

"The two of you are capable of killing the old lady of the Liu family, but it's a pity that you touched something that shouldn't be touched, and you will die today!"

Yan Luowang's eyes were scarlet, and he killed all those who knew. He and the ghost fetus are safe.

Everything is for the future of the underworld.

"Ah, I was actually kidnapped by Baihe boy. I just listened to Yan Wangye's high-spirited talk. My younger brother's respect for you is like a torrent of river water..."

Li Xiaobai wanted to cry, but he scolded his mother in his heart. Isn't Baihe boy very forceful?

Isn't this rushing to court death?

The hands tucked into the sleeves gently pinched a Thousand Miles Direct Movement Talisman, ready to escape.

Yang Chen's voice came again in his mind, "Little brother, listen to me, don't move, there is a white crane effect, as long as you don't move, he won't be able to hurt you!"

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